Global Warming?...LOLOL...NOAA: 2185 cold records broken or tied in past week


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
1913 Low Min Records Broken in Last 7 Days (272 tied) according to the NOAA.

NOAA 1913 Low Min Records Broken 272 tied From 2015-02-19 to 2015-02-25 sunshine hours

Yo, "Man-made global warming" isn't science. Did your indoctrination in government-run schools distort your understanding of what science is? It's a socialist/liberal/progressive vehicle for wealth redistribution, pure and simple. Follow-the-money. It's a crisis for them to use. They won't tolerate people who are just "deniers." It's a CRISIS!!!! .....and only they can save us from ourselves.

Remember "Democrat"Daniel Patrick Moynihan?

Daniel Patrick Moynihan Warned Nixon To Act On Global Warming

"Documents released by the Nixon Presidential Library show members of President Richard Nixon's inner circle discussing the possibilities of global warming more than 30 years ago.

There is widespread agreement that carbon dioxide content will rise 25 percent by 2000, Moynihan wrote in a September 1969 memo.

"This could increase the average temperature near the earth's surface by 7 degrees Fahrenheit," he wrote. "This in turn could raise the level of the sea by 10 feet. Goodbye New York. Goodbye Washington, for that matter."

Daniel Patrick Moynihan Warned Nixon To Act On Global Warming New Documents Show

"raise the level of the sea by 10 feet" "by 2000"

Here's an article from Newsweek:

The Cooling World
Newsweek, April 28, 1975

"The drop in food output could begin quite soon, perhaps only 10 years from now. The regions destined to feel its impact are the great wheat-producing lands of Canada and the U.S.S.R. in the North, along with a number of marginally self-sufficient tropical areas -- parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indochina and Indonesia -- where the growing season is dependent upon the rains brought by the monsoon."

Newsweek on the cooling world

Scary, huh? Only ten years 'til we're frozen.Hey, it's anemergency!

Here's another 10-year deadline:

Warming expert: Only decade left to act in time

"A leading U.S. climate researcher says the world has a 10-year window of opportunity to take decisive action on global warming and avert catastrophe." "more prolonged droughts and heat waves, powerful hurricanes in new areas and the likely extinction of 50 percent of species."

Warming expert sees 10-year window - US news - Environment NBC News

Don't Believe The Global Warmists, Major Hurricanes Are Less Frequent

Incredibly, not a single decade during the past 50 years saw an above-average number of major hurricanes -- not a single decade!

Don t Believe The Global Warmists Major Hurricanes Are Less Frequent - Forbes

Myth of arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore's prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now

Seven years after former US Vice-President Al Gore's warning, Arctic ice cap has expanded for second year in row
An area twice the size of Alaska - America's biggest state - was open water two years ago and is now covered in ice
These satellite images taken from University of Illinois's Cryosphere project show ice has become more concentrated

The speech by former US Vice-President Al Gore was apocalyptic.'The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff,' he said. 'It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now.'

Those comments came in 2007 as Mr Goreaccepted the Nobel Peace Prize for his campaigning on climate change.

But seven years after his warning, The Mail on Sunday can reveal that, far from vanishing, the Arctic ice cap has expanded for the second year in succession -- with a surge, depending on how you measure it, of between 43 and 63 per cent since 2012.

Mr Gore -- whose office yesterday failed to respond to a request for comment -- insisted then: 'There is a 75 per cent chance that the entire polar ice cap during some of the summer monthscould be completely ice-free within five to seven years.'

Misleading as such forecasts are, some people continue to make them. Only last month, while giving evidence to a House of Lords Select Committee inquiry on the Arctic, Cambridge University's Professor Peter Wadhams claimed that although the Arctic is not ice-free this year, it will be by September 2015.

Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore s prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now Daily Mail Online

Have you heard of the Medieval Warm Period? (between about 800 and 1300 AD) During the MWP, farmers grew crops on Greenland for a couple of centuries. Newfoundland was so warm in the Medieval Warm Period that when the Vikings landed they called it Vineland and brought boatloads of grapes back to Europe. Around 1000 AD, people grew vines in London. There are today streets called Vine Street, but (sadly) no vines.

"The Romans wrote about growing wine grapes in Britain in the first century," says Avery, "and then it got too cold during the Dark Ages. Ancient tax records show the Britons grew their own wine grapes in the 11th century, during the Medieval Warming, and then it got too cold during the Little Ice Age. It isn't yet warm enough for wine grapes in today's Britain. Wine grapes are among the most accurate and sensitive indicators of temperature and they are telling us about a cycle. They also indicate that today's warming is not unprecedented."

During the Medieval Warm Period, humans prospered from the vegetative bounty.

CO2 didn't cause the Medieval Warm Period and CO2 from fossil fuels, (That's called Capitalism), isn't the issue today. As I've pointed out several times before, we're still in the Ice Age that started 2.6 million years ago.

Why are things always an emergency to the power-hungry?

Rahm Emanuel: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

Yeah, but would a scientist go along with a hoax?

Newsweek reporter Eve Conant was given the documentation showing that proponents of man-made global warming have beenfunded to the tune of$50 BILLION in the last decade or so.

You probably heard about the emails between so-called scientists at the University of East Anglia. They had to "HIDE THE DECLINE."

From: Phil Jones. To: Many. Nov 16, 1999
"I've just completed Mike's Nature [the science journal] trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie, from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline."

University of East Anglia emails the most contentious quotes - Telegraph

"THE LEFT" alerts us to CRISES. But, they are only a "political vehicle" to increase power and control. Liberals will use anything they can, including the crisis of sexist wage discrimination - that doesn't exist, or the crisis of a rise in sea-level that will flood all the coastal cities. Save us, liberals!

For some reason, only non-liberals naturally wonder why the Guru of Global Warming and preacher of the impending rise in sea-level, millionaire Al Gore, spent $8.875 million on a California beach-front home. After preaching that the sea-level is rising, Al Gore doesn't seem worried about the ocean in "HIS" home.

PHOTOS: Al Gore's New $8.875 Million Montecito Villa

Check out the slideshow and see what you think.

PHOTOS Al Gore s New 8.875 Million Montecito Villa

It's snowing here in Colorado as I type. It's beautiful, big soft flakes and about 18" accumulation since Saturday morning. We need this precipitation badly, and so does the rest of the West. The weather office says it's going to snow through Thursday. Bad news for warmies. Good news for normal people.
Has nothing to do with climate. We already know the eastern part of the country is far below avg, but the rest of the world isn't...The US makes up a small fraction of the worlds surface area.

Then the warmth in other parts of the world has nothing to do with climate!

The monthly means is the avg of the entire world...The US only makes up a tiny little piece of the worlds land area. It is called global warming for a reason. ;) One month doesn't = climate but dozens of them start to matter.
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Has nothing to do with climate. We already know the eastern part of the country is far below avg, but the rest of the world isn't...The US makes up a small fraction of the worlds surface area.

Then the warmth in other parts of the world has nothing to do with climate!

The monthly means is the avg of the entire world...The US only makes up a tiny little piece of the worlds land area. It is called global warming for a reason. ;) One month doesn't = climate but dozens of them start to matter.

OK professor, how much HEAT has been added to our CLIMATE over the last 100 years...I know you have this info at your fingertips!
1913 Low Min Records Broken in Last 7 Days (272 tied) according to the NOAA.

NOAA 1913 Low Min Records Broken 272 tied From 2015-02-19 to 2015-02-25 sunshine hours


Yo, you might not get no replies now, but hey, better to shut them up right?


The logic of these people escapes many of us....They complain like fools over CO2, BUT all ANIMALS EXHALE CO2! Perhaps these climate fools should BUY SOUTH AMERICA and just plant TREES everywhere to soak up all the CO2... Make them banana's and cherries, I like banana's and cherries! :badgrin::badgrin:
Has nothing to do with climate. We already know the eastern part of the country is far below avg, but the rest of the world isn't...The US makes up a small fraction of the worlds surface area.

Then the warmth in other parts of the world has nothing to do with climate!

The monthly means is the avg of the entire world...The US only makes up a tiny little piece of the worlds land area. It is called global warming for a reason. ;) One month doesn't = climate but dozens of them start to matter.

OK professor, how much HEAT has been added to our CLIMATE over the last 100 years...I know you have this info at your fingertips!

Yo, its fixed, Mother Nature takes care of everything!!!


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