Global warming linked to increase in rapes

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
There are people who wonder why I sneer at global warming alarmists.

The best part is that it comes from Mother Jones.

Global warming isn't just going to melt the Arctic and flood our cities—it's also going to make Americans more likely to kill each other.
That's the conclusion of a controversial new study that uses historic crime and temperature data to show that hotter weather leads to more murders, more rapes, more robberies, more assaults, and more property crimes.
"Looking at the past, we see a strong relationship between temperature and crime," says study author Matthew Ranson, an economist with the policy consulting firm Abt Associates. "We think that is likely to continue in the future."
Just how much more crime can we expect? Using the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's warming projections, Ranson calculated that from 2010 to 2099, climate change will "cause" an additional "22,000 murders, 180,000 cases of rape, 1.2 million aggravated assaults, 2.3 million simple assaults, 260,000 robberies, 1.3 million burglaries, 2.2 million cases of larceny, and 580,000 cases of vehicle theft" in the United States.
Study: Global Warming Will Cause 180,000 More Rapes by 2099 | Mother Jones
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There are people who wonder why I sneer at global warming alarmists.

We don't wonder. We know you're a loyal partisan fanatic who wouldn't dare bleat out of sync with his herd. Your cult requires you to chant various mantras, and global warming denial is one of those mantras.

What, you didn't think you were actually fooling anyone with your "I'm an independent" charade, did you?

Now, if you'd like to discuss the science, we could do that. In this case, it comes down to whether you believe increasing temperature results in increasing crime. If that is the case, then the study is accurate. While crime is correlated with rising temperature, there's still a question as to the degree, and whether causation exists.
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So the looming ice age oughta reduce crimes.

Makes sense it might reduce outdoor rapes.


Maybe not so much.

Were their a looming ice age, the results of this study indicate that it would. Why do you find it so difficult to believe that historical data show a direct correlation between temperature and crime when the data indicate precisely such a relationship?
This is why I support Federal funding to deprogram members of the AGWCult

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China
Were their a looming ice age, the results of this study indicate that it would. Why do you find it so difficult to believe that historical data show a direct correlation between temperature and crime when the data indicate precisely such a relationship?


I only reflect that it's tougher to commit rape when it's cold outside and everybody's wearing multiple layers of difficult to remove clothing.

Nothing in The Algore Gospels about that?
Were their a looming ice age, the results of this study indicate that it would. Why do you find it so difficult to believe that historical data show a direct correlation between temperature and crime when the data indicate precisely such a relationship?


I only reflect that it's tougher to commit rape when it's cold outside and everybody's wearing multiple layers of difficult to remove clothing.

Nothing in The Algore Gospels about that?

Also, the multiple layers of clothing increase the likelihood of what's known in law enforcement as "False Penetration."
[ame=]Sly and the Family Stone - Hot Fun in the Summertime - YouTube[/ame]
The paper did not link modern, anthropogenic global warming to rapes. It found a historical correlation between temperature and crime. I've got to say that the denier take on this point doesn't look to me like a group with a high level of compassion or concern about rape victims.
The paper did not link modern, anthropogenic global warming to rapes. It found a historical correlation between temperature and crime. I've got to say that the denier take on this point doesn't look to me like a group with a high level of compassion or concern about rape victims.

See the AGW cultists will make up what they need to defend their religion.
The paper did not link modern, anthropogenic global warming to rapes. It found a historical correlation between temperature and crime. I've got to say that the denier take on this point doesn't look to me like a group with a high level of compassion or concern about rape victims.

And predicted an increase in the crime rates in 100 years because of global warming.

By the way, he who always defends warming alarmists, according to all the experts the US has been getting warmer for the last 20 years, but crime rates are actually going down.
The paper did not link modern, anthropogenic global warming to rapes. It found a historical correlation between temperature and crime. I've got to say that the denier take on this point doesn't look to me like a group with a high level of compassion or concern about rape victims.

And predicted an increase in the crime rates in 100 years because of global warming.

By the way, he who always defends warming alarmists, according to all the experts the US has been getting warmer for the last 20 years, but crime rates are actually going down.

Wonderful. I don't have anything invested in this idea. It's simply a story someone found interesting and posted.
The paper did not link modern, anthropogenic global warming to rapes. It found a historical correlation between temperature and crime. I've got to say that the denier take on this point doesn't look to me like a group with a high level of compassion or concern about rape victims.

And predicted an increase in the crime rates in 100 years because of global warming.

By the way, he who always defends warming alarmists, according to all the experts the US has been getting warmer for the last 20 years, but crime rates are actually going down.

Wonderful. I don't have anything invested in this idea. It's simply a story someone found interesting and posted.

I posted it to make the point that alarmists are idiots., and you helped me by reflexively defending it.
I have a strong tendency to defend peer reviewed science against Luddite Flat-Earthers like you and I have no plan to change my ways.

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