global warming: "if what we think we can understand is correct"

is global warming a key political issue is to you in this next election ??

  • yes

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • no

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
i just heard a JPL scientist say we are able to study and see "if what we think we can understand is correct"
and that will help develop models for the future. Home Page - Deep Space Network
and this is fine, i am really glad they are studying and playing with computer models. i don't want this to replace the space program.

however, when they start pushing global warming as a liberal agenda, that where i step off the train.
if people like al gore use junk science and cooked data to the ends of wealth and power, i have a political problem with that. and i have also rebelled against the using of taxpayer money to use the corporation for public broadcasting to sell this story, especially to our children,

global warming is not a consensus, it's new science, the data is either wrong or inconclusive.
this is going to be a big political football, it's time to look at this objectively. the summit in france coming up will be a whirlwind of political posturing. carbon credits are a joke. they are a vehicle to controlling industry and the economy. let's stay focused on the environment polution and population, and not one more red cent to that fear monger hypocrite al gore.

if what we think we can understand is correct... that will be five billion dollars please.

The Alarming Cost Of Climate Change Hysteria

According to the GAO, annual federal climate spending has increased from $4.6 billion in 2003 to $8.8 billion in 2010, amounting to $106.7 billion over that period. The money was spent in four general categories: technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, science to understand climate changes, international assistance for developing countries, and wildlife adaptation to respond to actual or expected changes. Technology spending, the largest category, grew from $2.56 billion to $5.5 billion over this period, increasingly advancing over others in total share. Data compiled by Joanne Novaat the Science and Policy Institute indicates that the U.S. Government spent more than $32.5 billion on climate studies between 1989 and 2009. This doesn’t count about $79 billion more spent for climate change technology research, foreign aid and tax breaks for “green energy.”

'Dark Money' Funds To Promote Global Warming Alarmism Dwarf Warming 'Denier' Research

money spent studying global warming - Google Search

with all the problems in the world, they are bilking people so we can control the weather ?
what about all the weather people, won't they lose their jobs ?

incidentally, the poll question doesn't ask if you believe in the "science" only if it's a political issue this election for you, it is for me, thanks to people like gore and obama.

i don't think it's a priority or a bigger threat than isis for example, which is far less nebulous and obscure, and politically obfuscated for $$ and political control.
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Here’s What REAL Climate Experts Say About Global Warming… This Is Bad News For Obama’s Agenda

Global Warming, more and more scientists are coming out against the White House’s agenda and exposing the truth.

A group of eminent climate scientists spoke at length at a recent forum about Obama’s climate scam and how his policies have devastated real progress — and what it could mean if he were allowed to implement them further.

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A few quotes from the top scientists in the field were reported by Climate Depot and included one from MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen, who stated:

“Demonization of CO2 is irrational at best and even modest warming is mostly beneficial. When someone says this is the warmest temperature on record. What are they talking about? It’s just nonsense. This is a very tiny change period.”

“Policies to slow CO2 emissions are really based on nonsense,” added Princeton physicist Dr. Will Happer. “We are being led down a false path. To call carbon dioxide a pollutant is really Orwellian. You are calling something a pollutant that we all produce. Where does that lead us eventually?”

“We are dealing with pure political propaganda that has nothing to do with science,” Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore added.

Read more: Here's What REAL Climate Experts Say About Global Warming... This Is Bad News For Obama's Agenda
You people are the ignorants of the population and reality scares you. Nothing new, conservative minded people throughout history are the slowest to accept a new reality. It matters not.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The science was settled 15 years ago. The evidence is mountainous now.

A mass extinction is under way. The rate of living organisms going extinct right now has not been seen since the last major mass extinction event 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs and 75% of all species on Earth went extinct.

The denier cult is living on borrowed time. Even the dimwits that have been saying its a hoax for years are finally getting it through their heads that you cannot deny reality.

You people that are too scared to accept what is happening are only delaying required action. I feel sorry for you and your mental demons but your worst nightmare is true.

Get your blanky and hide under the bed.
You people are the ignorants of the population and reality scares you. Nothing new, conservative minded people throughout history are the slowest to accept a new reality. It matters not.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The science was settled 15 years ago. The evidence is mountainous now.

A mass extinction is under way. The rate of living organisms going extinct right now has not been seen since the last major mass extinction event 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs and 75% of all species on Earth went extinct.

The denier cult is living on borrowed time. Even the dimwits that have been saying its a hoax for years are finally getting it through their heads that you cannot deny reality.

You people that are too scared to accept what is happening are only delaying required action. I feel sorry for you and your mental demons but your worst nightmare is true.

Get your blanky and hide under the bed.
Now that is some kind of ignorant!
i just heard a JPL scientist say we are able to study and see "if what we think we can understand is correct"
and that will help develop models for the future. Home Page - Deep Space Network
and this is fine, i am really glad they are studying and playing with computer models. i don't want this to replace the space program.

however, when they start pushing global warming as a liberal agenda, that where i step off the train.
if people like al gore use junk science and cooked data to the ends of wealth and power, i have a political problem with that. and i have also rebelled against the using of taxpayer money to use the corporation for public broadcasting to sell this story, especially to our children,

global warming is not a consensus, it's new science, the data is either wrong or inconclusive.
this is going to be a big political football, it's time to look at this objectively. the summit in france coming up will be a whirlwind of political posturing. carbon credits are a joke. they are a vehicle to controlling industry and the economy. let's stay focused on the environment polution and population, and not one more red cent to that fear monger hypocrite al gore.

if what we think we can understand is correct... that will be five billion dollars please.

The Alarming Cost Of Climate Change Hysteria

According to the GAO, annual federal climate spending has increased from $4.6 billion in 2003 to $8.8 billion in 2010, amounting to $106.7 billion over that period. The money was spent in four general categories: technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, science to understand climate changes, international assistance for developing countries, and wildlife adaptation to respond to actual or expected changes. Technology spending, the largest category, grew from $2.56 billion to $5.5 billion over this period, increasingly advancing over others in total share. Data compiled by Joanne Novaat the Science and Policy Institute indicates that the U.S. Government spent more than $32.5 billion on climate studies between 1989 and 2009. This doesn’t count about $79 billion more spent for climate change technology research, foreign aid and tax breaks for “green energy.”

'Dark Money' Funds To Promote Global Warming Alarmism Dwarf Warming 'Denier' Research

money spent studying global warming - Google Search

with all the problems in the world, they are bilking people so we can control the weather ?
what about all the weather people, won't they lose their jobs ?

incidentally, the poll question doesn't ask if you believe in the "science" only if it's a political issue this election for you, it is for me, thanks to people like gore and obama.

i don't think it's a priority or a bigger threat than isis for example, which is far less nebulous and obscure, and politically obfuscated for $$ and political control.

Planetary security is a thing with me, but I'm more concerned about asteroids hitting the planet than gradual climate changes where you have more than enough time to adapt to the changes.
i just heard a JPL scientist say we are able to study and see "if what we think we can understand is correct"
and that will help develop models for the future. Home Page - Deep Space Network
and this is fine, i am really glad they are studying and playing with computer models. i don't want this to replace the space program.

however, when they start pushing global warming as a liberal agenda, that where i step off the train.
if people like al gore use junk science and cooked data to the ends of wealth and power, i have a political problem with that. and i have also rebelled against the using of taxpayer money to use the corporation for public broadcasting to sell this story, especially to our children,

global warming is not a consensus, it's new science, the data is either wrong or inconclusive.
this is going to be a big political football, it's time to look at this objectively. the summit in france coming up will be a whirlwind of political posturing. carbon credits are a joke. they are a vehicle to controlling industry and the economy. let's stay focused on the environment polution and population, and not one more red cent to that fear monger hypocrite al gore.

if what we think we can understand is correct... that will be five billion dollars please.

The Alarming Cost Of Climate Change Hysteria

According to the GAO, annual federal climate spending has increased from $4.6 billion in 2003 to $8.8 billion in 2010, amounting to $106.7 billion over that period. The money was spent in four general categories: technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, science to understand climate changes, international assistance for developing countries, and wildlife adaptation to respond to actual or expected changes. Technology spending, the largest category, grew from $2.56 billion to $5.5 billion over this period, increasingly advancing over others in total share. Data compiled by Joanne Novaat the Science and Policy Institute indicates that the U.S. Government spent more than $32.5 billion on climate studies between 1989 and 2009. This doesn’t count about $79 billion more spent for climate change technology research, foreign aid and tax breaks for “green energy.”

'Dark Money' Funds To Promote Global Warming Alarmism Dwarf Warming 'Denier' Research

money spent studying global warming - Google Search

with all the problems in the world, they are bilking people so we can control the weather ?
what about all the weather people, won't they lose their jobs ?

incidentally, the poll question doesn't ask if you believe in the "science" only if it's a political issue this election for you, it is for me, thanks to people like gore and obama.

i don't think it's a priority or a bigger threat than isis for example, which is far less nebulous and obscure, and politically obfuscated for $$ and political control.

Planetary security is a thing with me, but I'm more concerned about asteroids hitting the planet than gradual climate changes where you have more than enough time to adapt to the changes.

Well then, we need an asteroid tax. I'm sure they would embrace that. Just create a big pot of money and I'm sure they will keep us all safe and secure.
You people are the ignorants of the population and reality scares you. Nothing new, conservative minded people throughout history are the slowest to accept a new reality. It matters not.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The science was settled 15 years ago. The evidence is mountainous now.

A mass extinction is under way. The rate of living organisms going extinct right now has not been seen since the last major mass extinction event 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs and 75% of all species on Earth went extinct.

The denier cult is living on borrowed time. Even the dimwits that have been saying its a hoax for years are finally getting it through their heads that you cannot deny reality.

You people that are too scared to accept what is happening are only delaying required action. I feel sorry for you and your mental demons but your worst nightmare is true.

Get your blanky and hide under the bed.

So far the left has been wrong on pretty much everything under the sun...I doubt this is any different

You portray the real problem with the denier cult.

You don't understand the science and don't want to. Your entire worldview is what do your political masters tell you. You and the other scared dopes here don't have an argument, you rely on sound bites, clichés, and ignorance to support your denial of reality.

No matter, reality is on its way.
You people are the ignorants of the population and reality scares you. Nothing new, conservative minded people throughout history are the slowest to accept a new reality. It matters not.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The science was settled 15 years ago. The evidence is mountainous now.

A mass extinction is under way. The rate of living organisms going extinct right now has not been seen since the last major mass extinction event 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs and 75% of all species on Earth went extinct.

The denier cult is living on borrowed time. Even the dimwits that have been saying its a hoax for years are finally getting it through their heads that you cannot deny reality.

You people that are too scared to accept what is happening are only delaying required action. I feel sorry for you and your mental demons but your worst nightmare is true.

Get your blanky and hide under the bed.

Could you please provide some information on what appears to be your opinion.

Without looking hard I found this graph, which feel free to tear up all you want I didn't make it. Whether or not this supports your post it sure shows that extinctions are part of life and if anything not much of a proof to Darwinism.

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You people post up the same old tired nonsense over and over and over. The Flat Earth Society also has many charts to defend their position.

They also are to be ignored.
You people are the ignorants of the population and reality scares you. Nothing new, conservative minded people throughout history are the slowest to accept a new reality. It matters not.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The science was settled 15 years ago. The evidence is mountainous now.

A mass extinction is under way. The rate of living organisms going extinct right now has not been seen since the last major mass extinction event 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs and 75% of all species on Earth went extinct.

The denier cult is living on borrowed time. Even the dimwits that have been saying its a hoax for years are finally getting it through their heads that you cannot deny reality.

You people that are too scared to accept what is happening are only delaying required action. I feel sorry for you and your mental demons but your worst nightmare is true.

Get your blanky and hide under the bed.
Take your Ponzi scheme, and go hide under your bed...
So far the left has been wrong on pretty much everything under the sun...I doubt this is any different

You portray the real problem with the denier cult.

You don't understand the science and don't want to. Your entire worldview is what do your political masters tell you. You and the other scared dopes here don't have an argument, you rely on sound bites, clichés, and ignorance to support your denial of reality.

No matter, reality is on its way.

I understand your "scientists" keep getting caught fudging the numbers. That's enough for me to discount this scam
To accept the GW hysteria takes no brains at all. It is easy. It is
You people are the ignorants of the population and reality scares you. Nothing new, conservative minded people throughout history are the slowest to accept a new reality. It matters not.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The science was settled 15 years ago. The evidence is mountainous now.

A mass extinction is under way. The rate of living organisms going extinct right now has not been seen since the last major mass extinction event 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs and 75% of all species on Earth went extinct.

The denier cult is living on borrowed time. Even the dimwits that have been saying its a hoax for years are finally getting it through their heads that you cannot deny reality.

You people that are too scared to accept what is happening are only delaying required action. I feel sorry for you and your mental demons but your worst nightmare is true.

Get your blanky and hide under the bed.

Could you please provide some information on what appears to be your opinion.

Without looking hard I found this graph, which feel free to tear up all you want I didn't make it. Whether or not this supports your post it sure shows that extinctions are part of life and if anything not much of a proof to Darwinism.


Only the enlightened Progs can save the earth from the next mass extinction.

Obama said so. "If you like your species, you can keep your species"
You people are the ignorants of the population and reality scares you. Nothing new, conservative minded people throughout history are the slowest to accept a new reality. It matters not.

Global Warming is real and accelerating. The science was settled 15 years ago. The evidence is mountainous now.

A mass extinction is under way. The rate of living organisms going extinct right now has not been seen since the last major mass extinction event 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs and 75% of all species on Earth went extinct.

The denier cult is living on borrowed time. Even the dimwits that have been saying its a hoax for years are finally getting it through their heads that you cannot deny reality.

You people that are too scared to accept what is happening are only delaying required action. I feel sorry for you and your mental demons but your worst nightmare is true.

Get your blanky and hide under the bed.
Take your Ponzi scheme, and go hide under your bed...

Do you blame them? I say get rich and enjoy yourselves before the mass extinction.

Humans are stupid for the most part, I'm sure they won't even notice.

I'm sure IsaacNewton is positioned to make some money off all this. It's not like he can go out and get a job in this economy.

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