Glide slope to nowhere


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
An outside look at the real state of education in America provided by foreign students who go thru it. We dont have the "world class" system they tout nor are in transit to that destination. We are in fact on a glide slope to educated ignorance with no intention of ever fixing it, Perhaps Devos can make a start. Excuse making, coddling, and outright deception has to stop. Guy at work married full Chinese woman told me joke one day....know what an Asian F is......a B.....we need some of that type of standard setting.

Foreign Students Say U.S. High School Classes Are Absurdly Easy
When the Brookings Institution’s Brown Center on Education Policy surveyed foreign exchange students studying in the U.S. in 2001, it found that they thought that American education was a cake walk compared to secondary education in their home countries. And when it conducted the survey again in 2016, it found that exchange students thought that U.S. education was even less challenging than before.
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Clearly we need to hand the education and socialization of "the people" over to concentrated corporate power and wealth too.
An outside look at the real state of education in America provided by foreign students who go thru it. We dont have the "world class" system they tout nor are in transit to that destination. We are in fact on a glide slope to educated ignorance with no intention of ever fixing it, Perhaps Devos can make a start. Excuse making, coddling, and outright deception has to stop. Guy at work married full Chinese woman told me joke one day....know what an Asian F is......a B.....we need some of that type of standard setting.

Foreign Students Say U.S. High School Classes Are Absurdly Easy
When the Brookings Institution’s Brown Center on Education Policy surveyed foreign exchange students studying in the U.S. in 2001, it found that they thought that American education was a cake walk compared to secondary education in their home countries. And when it conducted the survey again in 2016, it found that exchange students thought that U.S. education was even less challenging than before.

The students are treated like impersonal objects, so whatever would motivate them naturally is dismissed as "kids' stuff."

Divide the class into teams, with a parity of IQ. Quiz frequently. The team that gets the highest score will get Friday off, the team with the lowest has to come in on Saturday. Individually high-scoring students from four grades older will be paid to tutor the Saturday classes.
First things first...pry it from the unions greedy grasp.....
Buttboys for the Bosses want to blame unions for everything. This has to do with management, the class you worship everywhere else.
fact is unions wouldnt give your idea one thought..........try to dismiss them from equation all you want they support what their dues have created.
An outside look at the real state of education in America provided by foreign students who go thru it. We dont have the "world class" system they tout nor are in transit to that destination. We are in fact on a glide slope to educated ignorance with no intention of ever fixing it, Perhaps Devos can make a start. Excuse making, coddling, and outright deception has to stop. Guy at work married full Chinese woman told me joke one day....know what an Asian F is......a B.....we need some of that type of standard setting.

Foreign Students Say U.S. High School Classes Are Absurdly Easy
When the Brookings Institution’s Brown Center on Education Policy surveyed foreign exchange students studying in the U.S. in 2001, it found that they thought that American education was a cake walk compared to secondary education in their home countries. And when it conducted the survey again in 2016, it found that exchange students thought that U.S. education was even less challenging than before.

The students are treated like impersonal objects, so whatever would motivate them naturally is dismissed as "kids' stuff."

Divide the class into teams, with a parity of IQ. Quiz frequently. The team that gets the highest score will get Friday off, the team with the lowest has to come in on Saturday. Individually high-scoring students from four grades older will be paid to tutor the Saturday classes.

Who is going to pay those tutors? Who is going to supervise them?

What will you do with the class time you lose for these quizzes? How will you account for the day off on Friday?

That is why we leave education to the professionals instead of rubes.
First things first...pry it from the unions greedy grasp.....
Buttboys for the Bosses want to blame unions for everything. This has to do with management, the class you worship everywhere else.
fact is unions wouldnt give your idea one thought..........try to dismiss them from equation all you want they support what their dues have created.

Word salad? Come up with an intelligent response because that was an epic failure. What impact do unions have on education?

If what you claim is true, what about states where there are no unions? Shouldn't they be blowing the rest right out of the water? Hint: They aren't. In fact, they are some of the worst.
All that Union money flowing to Dems at state local and national level has no effect? Really.......
Talk to any teacher and the true culprit will be identified immediately: Parents. Not ALL parents, but enough of them so that teachers have to kowtow to the 20% who raise the most hell.

They demand that their children not be overburdened with homework, they challenge every grade, they insist that their kids be placed in advanced placement classes, they fight any attempt to discipline their child.

And the kids, raised by these empty-headed coddlers, do minimal work and expect high grades and accolades at every turn.

The most obvious manifestation of the dilution of Education is in the grading. Average work gets at least a 'B' and sometimes an 'A'. Any good student can EXCEED a 4.0 GPA, in a four-point scale! Think about that. Schools have a dozen or more "valedictorians," mainly because Administrators have given up having to beg parents to accept the fact that their spoilt little bastard is not "The Best Student That Ever Was." Up to a third of the entire senior class can graduate "With Honors."

And in this system, how are we to produce truly outstanding scholars? Well, the good thing is that a lot of kids are truly self motivated, truly brilliant, and teachers enjoy working with such kids, so that the kids who are truly at the top can get a very good education in even a mediocre public school. No thanks to the school system.

But for the average kid, they can go through 13 years of "education" WITHOUT EVER HAVING BEEN INTELLECTUALLY CHALLENGED to do something that was a little bit beyond their reach. They "graduate" from high school without ever having written a research paper of any merit, solved a complex math problem, learnt even a smidgeon of a foreign language, or having understood anything significant about American history or government.

And 18-year-olds can VOTE in national elections! It is to wonder.
Leaders lead. By your own admission you have majority of parents support but don't use it...Honor it ....Instead you spit on them and say not my fault. Get out . Retire . We don't need whiners like you.
Talk to any teacher and the true culprit will be identified immediately: Parents. Not ALL parents, but enough of them so that teachers have to kowtow to the 20% who raise the most hell.

They demand that their children not be overburdened with homework, they challenge every grade, they insist that their kids be placed in advanced placement classes, they fight any attempt to discipline their child.

And the kids, raised by these empty-headed coddlers, do minimal work and expect high grades and accolades at every turn.

The Preppy Republic

In a democracy, 20% has no power at all. So get rid of the oligarchy that promotes this veto on the majority.
Leaders lead. By your own admission you have majority of parents support but don't use it...Honor it ....Instead you spit on them and say not my fault. Get out . Retire . We don't need whiners like you.

You are the whiner! You bitch and complain about things that teachers cannot control, yet you blame us.
They blamed the parents to excuse their poor job..........quit whining over the truth

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