Glenn Beck; Would You Just Shut The Fuck Up??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Yesterday Glenn Beck spent the entire program talking about how progressive Newt Gingrich was. The way he was talking about him it was like he was actually Barrack Obama. Beck almost sounded like he has lost his mind.

Glenn Beck supports Christian fundamentalists like Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum. He feels that Bachmann is his choice for President. Beck doesn't think that now is the time to compromise on our principles. Well, from what I can see, religion is the number one principle that Glenn Beck needs from his candidate.

If any of you don't know, Glenn Beck is a Mormon, or more accurately a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or LDS. I am currently an inactive member of this same church. I have some disagreements with the church. Some would say it is a cult. Harry Reid and Mitt Romney are two prominent members btw. From what I've seen it is a cult, a cult that Beck is a member of. He is a prime example of why Barrack Obama is currently our President. Folks that refused to accept anything other than their idea of a perfect candidate. Someone who has all of the right beliefs and says all of the right things.

I've talked to these types. The type of Christian that doesn't like anyone of other faiths. Christians that have forgotten the teachings of Christ or never learned them. Love thy brother as you would love yourself...regardless of his beliefs or his race.

Glenn Beck doesn't support Newt because he thinks his immigration policies are too progressive. He accuses Newt of being too progressive when it comes to health care. He's also another one of these nut cases that mistook what Newt said about Paul Ryan's plan claiming he actually wants GOP social-engineering, which is far from the truth. Newt merely said he would not exchange Democrat social-engineering for Republican social-engineering.

Glenn Beck has already made up his mind. He supports Bachmann, and he supports Santorum, but now he even says he'd rather vote for Ron Paul over Newt Gingrich. This is insane. Glenn Beck would rather lose another Presidential election then compromise on his crazy principles. After listening to him yesterday I got the impression that Beck is slowly losing his fricken mind. The way he was talking about Gingrich it sounded like he was describing one of the most evil politicians ever to walk the face of the Earth.

I believe Beck doesn't understand the way Newt thinks. He's totally misinterpreting his beliefs and thus doing a disservice to his candidacy and doing his best to usher in another 4 years of Barrack Obama. I don't think Beck really cares right now if this happens and that he may be one of the primary reasons it does. I'm not gonna voice my thoughts on what exactly is causing Glenn Beck to be so vocal about Newt or George W. Bush in the past. However I can say that it seems like he's doing more damage to his own professed cause than good.

[ame=]Glenn Beck says Tea Party is Racist for Backing Newt Gingrich - YouTube[/ame]

Beck Interviews Gingrich | Video |
glen Beck is insane.

Like most of the fervent tea party people lies will do in the place of facts if it means he can pretend hes got it all figured out.

There is a segment of this country who have a life narrative that doesnt fit the facts so they live in a made up world and attack like sharks if anyone dares to give them facts that dont fit into their preconcieved notions of what the world is.
glen Beck is insane.

Like most of the fervent tea party people lies will do in the place of facts if it means he can pretend hes got it all figured out.

There is a segment of this country who have a life narrative that doesnt fit the facts so they live in a made up world and attack like sharks if anyone dares to give them facts that dont fit into their preconcieved notions of what the world is.


I'm sorry......everyone on this site must see the irony here.
Since I don't pay any attention to Beck, I have no idea who he supports or why. Nor do I care. What I can tell you, hand on heart.... Hell will freeze over before I'd vote for Gingrich. Romney, I could grit my teeth, hold my nose, and vote for - purely for his economic experience. We need smart businessmen, not career politicians.
glen Beck is insane.

Like most of the fervent tea party people lies will do in the place of facts if it means he can pretend hes got it all figured out.

There is a segment of this country who have a life narrative that doesnt fit the facts so they live in a made up world and attack like sharks if anyone dares to give them facts that dont fit into their preconcieved notions of what the world is.


I'm sorry......everyone on this site must see the irony here.

Everyone except TruthMocker. :lol:
and there you have idiots pretending Im not right because they can not face the real truth.

You think your all clever because you can insult.

You were the ones who picked the worst president in history.

Your opinions are pretty meaningless to anyone who cares about real facts.
Since I don't pay any attention to Beck, I have no idea who he supports or why. Nor do I care. What I can tell you, hand on heart.... Hell will freeze over before I'd vote for Gingrich. Romney, I could grit my teeth, hold my nose, and vote for - purely for his economic experience. We need smart businessmen, not career politicians.

I'll vote for almost anyone over Obama. All of the Repugs would be an improvement over Barrack Obama.....including Ron Paul.

Btw, Newt hasn't been a politician for almost a couple of he's not a career politician anymore. However, when he was he's the only one I can remember that actually got things done. After all, he is responsible for balancing the budget and actually giving us a surplus.

When it comes to Romney, he's a businessman but he would have been a Senator if he could have beat Kennedy. Newt pointed that fact out the other day.

What we need is new ideas and someone who can't be bought. I don't give a shit whether they used to be a politician or not.
and there you have idiots pretending Im not right because they can not face the real truth.

You think your all clever because you can insult.

You were the ones who picked the worst president in history.

Your opinions are pretty meaningless to anyone who cares about real facts.

In what way did I insult you?

Yesterday Glenn Beck spent the entire program talking about how progressive Newt Gingrich was. The way he was talking about him it was like he was actually Barrack Obama. Beck almost sounded like he has lost his mind.

Glenn Beck supports Christian fundamentalists like Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum. He feels that Bachmann is his choice for President. Beck doesn't think that now is the time to compromise on our principles. Well, from what I can see, religion is the number one principle that Glenn Beck needs from his candidate.

If any of you don't know, Glenn Beck is a Mormon, or more accurately a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or LDS. I am currently an inactive member of this same church. I have some disagreements with the church. Some would say it is a cult. Harry Reid and Mitt Romney are two prominent members btw. From what I've seen it is a cult, a cult that Beck is a member of. He is a prime example of why Barrack Obama is currently our President. Folks that refused to accept anything other than their idea of a perfect candidate. Someone who has all of the right beliefs and says all of the right things.

I've talked to these types. The type of Christian that doesn't like anyone of other faiths. Christians that have forgotten the teachings of Christ or never learned them. Love thy brother as you would love yourself...regardless of his beliefs or his race.

Glenn Beck doesn't support Newt because he thinks his immigration policies are too progressive. He accuses Newt of being too progressive when it comes to health care. He's also another one of these nut cases that mistook what Newt said about Paul Ryan's plan claiming he actually wants GOP social-engineering, which is far from the truth. Newt merely said he would not exchange Democrat social-engineering for Republican social-engineering.

Glenn Beck has already made up his mind. He supports Bachmann, and he supports Santorum, but now he even says he'd rather vote for Ron Paul over Newt Gingrich. This is insane. Glenn Beck would rather lose another Presidential election then compromise on his crazy principles. After listening to him yesterday I got the impression that Beck is slowly losing his fricken mind. The way he was talking about Gingrich it sounded like he was describing one of the most evil politicians ever to walk the face of the Earth.

I believe Beck doesn't understand the way Newt thinks. He's totally misinterpreting his beliefs and thus doing a disservice to his candidacy and doing his best to usher in another 4 years of Barrack Obama. I don't think Beck really cares right now if this happens and that he may be one of the primary reasons it does. I'm not gonna voice my thoughts on what exactly is causing Glenn Beck to be so vocal about Newt or George W. Bush in the past. However I can say that it seems like he's doing more damage to his own professed cause than good.

Glenn Beck says Tea Party is Racist for Backing Newt Gingrich - YouTube

Beck Interviews Gingrich | Video |

We should care what Glenn Beck and Dick Cheney think at this point? The GOP seems to be grasping at straws these days not to mention the value they place on irrelevant commentary from both of them.
the country is getting tired of you manufactured war between the American people
Your party has been found out.

Your bullshit of hating on half of the American people is getting your failed party no where.

That is why no decent republican candidate ( the very few there are) would run this go arround.

Yesterday Glenn Beck spent the entire program talking about how progressive Newt Gingrich was. The way he was talking about him it was like he was actually Barrack Obama. Beck almost sounded like he has lost his mind.

Glenn Beck supports Christian fundamentalists like Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum. He feels that Bachmann is his choice for President. Beck doesn't think that now is the time to compromise on our principles. Well, from what I can see, religion is the number one principle that Glenn Beck needs from his candidate.

If any of you don't know, Glenn Beck is a Mormon, or more accurately a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or LDS. I am currently an inactive member of this same church. I have some disagreements with the church. Some would say it is a cult. Harry Reid and Mitt Romney are two prominent members btw. From what I've seen it is a cult, a cult that Beck is a member of. He is a prime example of why Barrack Obama is currently our President. Folks that refused to accept anything other than their idea of a perfect candidate. Someone who has all of the right beliefs and says all of the right things.

I've talked to these types. The type of Christian that doesn't like anyone of other faiths. Christians that have forgotten the teachings of Christ or never learned them. Love thy brother as you would love yourself...regardless of his beliefs or his race.

Glenn Beck doesn't support Newt because he thinks his immigration policies are too progressive. He accuses Newt of being too progressive when it comes to health care. He's also another one of these nut cases that mistook what Newt said about Paul Ryan's plan claiming he actually wants GOP social-engineering, which is far from the truth. Newt merely said he would not exchange Democrat social-engineering for Republican social-engineering.

Glenn Beck has already made up his mind. He supports Bachmann, and he supports Santorum, but now he even says he'd rather vote for Ron Paul over Newt Gingrich. This is insane. Glenn Beck would rather lose another Presidential election then compromise on his crazy principles. After listening to him yesterday I got the impression that Beck is slowly losing his fricken mind. The way he was talking about Gingrich it sounded like he was describing one of the most evil politicians ever to walk the face of the Earth.

I believe Beck doesn't understand the way Newt thinks. He's totally misinterpreting his beliefs and thus doing a disservice to his candidacy and doing his best to usher in another 4 years of Barrack Obama. I don't think Beck really cares right now if this happens and that he may be one of the primary reasons it does. I'm not gonna voice my thoughts on what exactly is causing Glenn Beck to be so vocal about Newt or George W. Bush in the past. However I can say that it seems like he's doing more damage to his own professed cause than good.

Glenn Beck says Tea Party is Racist for Backing Newt Gingrich - YouTube

Beck Interviews Gingrich | Video |

We should care what Glenn Beck and Dick Cheney think at this point? The GOP seems to be grasping at straws these days not to mention the value they place on irrelevant commentary from both of them.

The GOP can suck my sack.

I don't care what they want. They sold us down the river when they pitched in with the Dems and took our Social Security and used it to run up the debt.

I support workable solutions rather than ideologies.

I'm willing to overlook a lot just to get Obama out of there.

Anybody would give this government legitimacy again. Right now we're a world-wide laughing-stock.
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Yesterday Glenn Beck spent the entire program talking about how progressive Newt Gingrich was. The way he was talking about him it was like he was actually Barrack Obama. Beck almost sounded like he has lost his mind.

Glenn Beck supports Christian fundamentalists like Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum. He feels that Bachmann is his choice for President. Beck doesn't think that now is the time to compromise on our principles. Well, from what I can see, religion is the number one principle that Glenn Beck needs from his candidate.

If any of you don't know, Glenn Beck is a Mormon, or more accurately a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or LDS. I am currently an inactive member of this same church. I have some disagreements with the church. Some would say it is a cult. Harry Reid and Mitt Romney are two prominent members btw. From what I've seen it is a cult, a cult that Beck is a member of. He is a prime example of why Barrack Obama is currently our President. Folks that refused to accept anything other than their idea of a perfect candidate. Someone who has all of the right beliefs and says all of the right things.

I've talked to these types. The type of Christian that doesn't like anyone of other faiths. Christians that have forgotten the teachings of Christ or never learned them. Love thy brother as you would love yourself...regardless of his beliefs or his race.

Glenn Beck doesn't support Newt because he thinks his immigration policies are too progressive. He accuses Newt of being too progressive when it comes to health care. He's also another one of these nut cases that mistook what Newt said about Paul Ryan's plan claiming he actually wants GOP social-engineering, which is far from the truth. Newt merely said he would not exchange Democrat social-engineering for Republican social-engineering.

Glenn Beck has already made up his mind. He supports Bachmann, and he supports Santorum, but now he even says he'd rather vote for Ron Paul over Newt Gingrich. This is insane. Glenn Beck would rather lose another Presidential election then compromise on his crazy principles. After listening to him yesterday I got the impression that Beck is slowly losing his fricken mind. The way he was talking about Gingrich it sounded like he was describing one of the most evil politicians ever to walk the face of the Earth.

I believe Beck doesn't understand the way Newt thinks. He's totally misinterpreting his beliefs and thus doing a disservice to his candidacy and doing his best to usher in another 4 years of Barrack Obama. I don't think Beck really cares right now if this happens and that he may be one of the primary reasons it does. I'm not gonna voice my thoughts on what exactly is causing Glenn Beck to be so vocal about Newt or George W. Bush in the past. However I can say that it seems like he's doing more damage to his own professed cause than good.

Glenn Beck says Tea Party is Racist for Backing Newt Gingrich - YouTube

Beck Interviews Gingrich | Video |

Newt is a progressive. He has said as much himself. You also left out Rush, Hannity and Lavin. This is also a primary not a general election. This is the part where all the candidates get trashed. Are all the talkers supposed to love thees guys up or air out there dirty laundry ? As for the Mormon crap, Beck and the others are not thrilled about Romney. I fail to see the conspiracy.

Yesterday Glenn Beck spent the entire program talking about how progressive Newt Gingrich was. The way he was talking about him it was like he was actually Barrack Obama. Beck almost sounded like he has lost his mind.

Glenn Beck supports Christian fundamentalists like Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum. He feels that Bachmann is his choice for President. Beck doesn't think that now is the time to compromise on our principles. Well, from what I can see, religion is the number one principle that Glenn Beck needs from his candidate.

If any of you don't know, Glenn Beck is a Mormon, or more accurately a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or LDS. I am currently an inactive member of this same church. I have some disagreements with the church. Some would say it is a cult. Harry Reid and Mitt Romney are two prominent members btw. From what I've seen it is a cult, a cult that Beck is a member of. He is a prime example of why Barrack Obama is currently our President. Folks that refused to accept anything other than their idea of a perfect candidate. Someone who has all of the right beliefs and says all of the right things.

I've talked to these types. The type of Christian that doesn't like anyone of other faiths. Christians that have forgotten the teachings of Christ or never learned them. Love thy brother as you would love yourself...regardless of his beliefs or his race.

Glenn Beck doesn't support Newt because he thinks his immigration policies are too progressive. He accuses Newt of being too progressive when it comes to health care. He's also another one of these nut cases that mistook what Newt said about Paul Ryan's plan claiming he actually wants GOP social-engineering, which is far from the truth. Newt merely said he would not exchange Democrat social-engineering for Republican social-engineering.

Glenn Beck has already made up his mind. He supports Bachmann, and he supports Santorum, but now he even says he'd rather vote for Ron Paul over Newt Gingrich. This is insane. Glenn Beck would rather lose another Presidential election then compromise on his crazy principles. After listening to him yesterday I got the impression that Beck is slowly losing his fricken mind. The way he was talking about Gingrich it sounded like he was describing one of the most evil politicians ever to walk the face of the Earth.

I believe Beck doesn't understand the way Newt thinks. He's totally misinterpreting his beliefs and thus doing a disservice to his candidacy and doing his best to usher in another 4 years of Barrack Obama. I don't think Beck really cares right now if this happens and that he may be one of the primary reasons it does. I'm not gonna voice my thoughts on what exactly is causing Glenn Beck to be so vocal about Newt or George W. Bush in the past. However I can say that it seems like he's doing more damage to his own professed cause than good.

Glenn Beck says Tea Party is Racist for Backing Newt Gingrich - YouTube

Beck Interviews Gingrich | Video |

Hmmmm... I LIKE Glenn Beck. I had always thought he was one of the better looking men in broadcasting... :D I do NOT always agree with what he says or his angles, but he seems to break things down on his show in such a way that the least informed can potentially better understand... :dunno: There are times he's been laughable... but it is so with most any politically based show, I suppose. Even the Washington Journal has some callers.... :D
Since I don't pay any attention to Beck, I have no idea who he supports or why. Nor do I care. What I can tell you, hand on heart.... Hell will freeze over before I'd vote for Gingrich. Romney, I could grit my teeth, hold my nose, and vote for - purely for his economic experience. We need smart businessmen, not career politicians.
So that wasn't you posting in the other Beck thread yesterday?
Every time the GOP has to pick a candidate to run for POTUS we see the same thing happening.

They use the same sleazy character assassinating techniqes on their fellow Republicans that they use against the Dems.

Really, folks, the GOP is a party with a servere character disordered problem in that respect.

Remember when the big lies propagandists turned on one of their own who also happened to be a US Military triple amputee to accuse HIM of being a terrorist sympathizer?

I mean vile is THAT?

The GOP is the party of character asssassination, big lies and big propaganda.

The Dems have their own underhanded techiques for internacine wars, of course, but the GOP really has the emotional and ethical IQs of a school yeard filled with 8 year bullies.
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