Glenn Beck Tanks

but am I partisan?

From your posts....I would say most definately, you are partisan.

Ohh so using that logic one who is registered as a libertarian can also be partisan? Judging from their posts and such of course.

Are you for real? What's your point? Everyone has ideals, and that makes them partisan to their ideals. I think a few more years in school will help you with your dilemma. sheeesh...
From your posts....I would say most definately, you are partisan.

Ohh so using that logic one who is registered as a libertarian can also be partisan? Judging from their posts and such of course.

Are you for real? What's your point? Everyone has ideals, and that makes them partisan to their ideals. I think a few more years in school will help you with your dilemma. sheeesh...
Been there done that.
I am no youngin.

My point is that just because someone is registered as a libertarian does not mean that they are non partisan.
I think you helped me prove that pooint.
Ohh so using that logic one who is registered as a libertarian can also be partisan? Judging from their posts and such of course.

Are you for real? What's your point? Everyone has ideals, and that makes them partisan to their ideals. I think a few more years in school will help you with your dilemma. sheeesh...
Been there done that.
I am no youngin.

My point is that just because someone is registered as a libertarian does not mean that they are non partisan.
I think you helped me prove that pooint.

Glad I was there for you.
If Beck has such a huge following, why did his movie SO tank?

I mean, it wasn't merely not doing well, it died.


Serious question.

I'd have thought it would have done at least a little better than it did.

Anybody here who is a Beck fan actually see it?

If not, why not?
If Beck has such a huge following, why did his movie SO tank?

I mean, it wasn't merely not doing well, it died.


Serious question.

I'd have thought it would have done at least a little better than it did.

Anybody here who is a Beck fan actually see it?

If not, why not?

Have you ever seen a movie director have a top rasted movie one year and a bomb the next?
A top actor draw a big crowd for one movie and a small crowd for another?
A top writer make the NYT BS list with one book and not with another?

Having a following does not mean that everything you touch is going to strike an interest in your fans.

I do not see this as rocket science. The man has great ratings. Not sure why, but he does. How his little event panned out does not change this nor does it question it.
ah look.....people taking joy in the misery of tollerant and accepting.....

You mean like several people here take joy in the bad economy because it means bad numbers for Obama?

Yeah, keep up that double standard. :thup:
ah look.....people taking joy in the misery of tollerant and accepting.....

You mean like several people here take joy in the bad economy because it means bad numbers for Obama?

Yeah, keep up that double standard. :thup:

Actually...seeing as you simply regurgitated what they say on MSNBC....let me clarify the truth....

We do not take joy in the bad economy becuase it means bad numbers for Obama. That is just plain foolish thinking as Obama has the world convinced that any bad economic numbers are his predecssors fault.

Now, putting aside the reality that the bad economy has absolutely NOTHING to do with EITHER president....

We conservatives wish the economy to be better...but we do not want to see things like "larger government" to be the catalyst as that will result in a snowball affect that will not be in line with how our country was designed.

So we simply wanted to see exactly what we are seeing.....little to no change despite billions of dollars spent.....We simply assumed the country will respond after 200 billion spent with...."OK, that did not work so lets try the tax cut idea"....

But alas, instead, supporters are ignoring reality and actually think they see it working....very slowly.

Of course, nowhere are they saying..."if we did nothing at all, we would be getting out of it slowly as well"

But no...we do not enjoy a bad economy.

Nice try however.
Actually...seeing as you simply regurgitated what they say on MSNBC....let me clarify the truth....

We do not take joy in the bad economy becuase it means bad numbers for Obama. That is just plain foolish thinking as Obama has the world convinced that any bad economic numbers are his predecssors fault.

Now, putting aside the reality that the bad economy has absolutely NOTHING to do with EITHER president....

We conservatives wish the economy to be better...but we do not want to see things like "larger government" to be the catalyst as that will result in a snowball affect that will not be in line with how our country was designed.

So we simply wanted to see exactly what we are seeing.....little to no change despite billions of dollars spent.....We simply assumed the country will respond after 200 billion spent with...."OK, that did not work so lets try the tax cut idea"....

But alas, instead, supporters are ignoring reality and actually think they see it working....very slowly.

Of course, nowhere are they saying..."if we did nothing at all, we would be getting out of it slowly as well"

But no...we do not enjoy a bad economy.

Nice try however.

I don't watch MSNBC. Don't have the time even if I wanted to.

Notice I didn't say all people, however if you have a guilty conscience, let me know. Hell, I have never even mentioned Conservatives.

So quite the fail on your part.
If Beck was only on pay per view how many would watch him?
Cons are cheap bastiges :D

If ANYTHING were only on pay per view, what would happen to viewership?
COns are cheap?
LMAO...then why is it the liberals who want all the free stuff?

You mean like cons/libs who want free infrastructure and such without paying taxes for it?

Dont know any con against taxes for infrastructure and defense. Not a one.
You see......taxes for that are what cons fight is taxces for special interest payments and entitlement progrmas cons are against.

How do I know? I am one of them.
If ANYTHING were only on pay per view, what would happen to viewership?
COns are cheap?
LMAO...then why is it the liberals who want all the free stuff?

You mean like cons/libs who want free infrastructure and such without paying taxes for it?

Dont know any con against taxes for infrastructure and defense. Not a one.
You see......taxes for that are what cons fight is taxces for special interest payments and entitlement progrmas cons are against.

How do I know? I am one of them.

I used to chat with a libertarian on another board who thought cops should be privately paid for. Not with taxes.
Actually...seeing as you simply regurgitated what they say on MSNBC....let me clarify the truth....

We do not take joy in the bad economy becuase it means bad numbers for Obama. That is just plain foolish thinking as Obama has the world convinced that any bad economic numbers are his predecssors fault.

Now, putting aside the reality that the bad economy has absolutely NOTHING to do with EITHER president....

We conservatives wish the economy to be better...but we do not want to see things like "larger government" to be the catalyst as that will result in a snowball affect that will not be in line with how our country was designed.

So we simply wanted to see exactly what we are seeing.....little to no change despite billions of dollars spent.....We simply assumed the country will respond after 200 billion spent with...."OK, that did not work so lets try the tax cut idea"....

But alas, instead, supporters are ignoring reality and actually think they see it working....very slowly.

Of course, nowhere are they saying..."if we did nothing at all, we would be getting out of it slowly as well"

But no...we do not enjoy a bad economy.

Nice try however.

I don't watch MSNBC. Don't have the time even if I wanted to.

Notice I didn't say all people, however if you have a guilty conscience, let me know. Hell, I have never even mentioned Conservatives.

So quite the fail on your part. fail on my part. You did not need to mention conservatives. I did however, to explain why people such as yourself accuse others of wanting to see the economy fail.
You mean like cons/libs who want free infrastructure and such without paying taxes for it?

Dont know any con against taxes for infrastructure and defense. Not a one.
You see......taxes for that are what cons fight is taxces for special interest payments and entitlement progrmas cons are against.

How do I know? I am one of them.

I used to chat with a libertarian on another board who thought cops should be privately paid for. Not with taxes.

That is a libertarian...not a conservative.
You DO know the
If ANYTHING were only on pay per view, what would happen to viewership?
COns are cheap?
LMAO...then why is it the liberals who want all the free stuff?

You mean like cons/libs who want free infrastructure and such without paying taxes for it?

Dont know any con against taxes for infrastructure and defense. Not a one.
You see......taxes for that are what cons fight is taxces for special interest payments and entitlement progrmas cons are against.

How do I know? I am one of them.

When you say "infrastructure" you are only referring to physical objects such as roads, dams and Parks, am I right?

When I say "Infrastructure" I also include the people that make use of these objects. Do you understand our differences?

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