Glenn Beck on Scott Brown: "This one could end with a Dead Intern"


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Glenn Beck got really seemingly angry at Scott Brown.

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck: What was Scott Brown thinking with the daughters thing?[/ame]

BECK: I want a chastity belt on this man, I want his every move watched in Washington. I don’t trust this guy. No, I’m just telling you. … This one could end with a dead intern. This one could end with a dead intern.

COHOST: Dead intern? I’m not sure I’d go that far.

BECK: I’m just saying it could end with a dead intern. … I’m just saying: Congratulations, now let’s monitor him. Let’s put an ankle bracelet on him. Let’s just know where he is at all times.

COHOST: You’re raining on the parade. We needed 10 minutes of celebration and you are a non-stop rain cloud.

BECK: Okay, we’ll get to the celebration now — if that’s what you think is appropriate.

Massachusetts Senate Race Marks Battle for Soul of Democratic Party - Glenn Beck -

I mean, I don't trust Scott Brown yet. Americans don't know him. He posed naked in Cosmopolitan magazine back in 1982. I mean — really? I question the judgment of man who thinks anyone wants to see the male body naked: 100 percent of Americans agree naked males should never, ever be seen — ever. We aren't pretty.

The point is we used to rush and blindly support someone like Brown. Republicans have been burned. So now we've taken the partisan lens off. It's like suddenly, we realized Senator Palpatine was the evil emperor.
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glenn beck remains an idiot.


When I first read this, I was like "Oh this is just TP taking a Glenn Beck joke out of context." But if you listen, he is visibly angry and yes, an idiot. :lol:
He must have burned Beck in some way?

I wonder what the hell this is about.
Beck is all about the Buck.

I bet there is some kind of money thing between them Or he dissed on Beck in the campaign.
Damn... well, at least Beck is an equal opportunity nutbar.

I saw that during his acceptance speech, and was immediately embarassed for his daughters. It was inappropriate, but I think Brown was carried away with the moment.

I think that Beck is giving him a heads-up to watch his public statements more carefully.

I also saw Beck's comments on on Fox, about the Cosmo semi-nude photos of Brown, and I heard that as mocking those who made too much of it.

I think this is well timed. The MSM gives a lot of heads-up to the other side; what seems like mild criticism, is really a warning... saying, 'hey! "don't go there" '
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I think this is well timed. The MSM gives a lot of heads-up ot the other side, what seem like mild criticism, is really a warning saying "don't go there"

Yes, well timed indeed to say the guy's going to end up with a "dead intern" on his hands. The mind boggles at what a mastermind Beck must be with some sort of plan for saying that. :lol:
Sounds like Beck completely. He isnt going to blindly think Brown is a fabulous guy. Why should he? What has any politician ever done to show they are trustworthy in office?

I am going to keep my eyes on Brown too. Im tired of people saying they are going to govern one way and then do something completely different.
Damn... well, at least Beck is an equal opportunity nutbar.

I saw that during his acceptance speech, and was immediately embarassed for his daughters. It was inappropriate, but I think Brown was carried away with the moment.

I think that Beck is giving him a heads-up to watch his public statements more carefully.

I also saw Beck's comments on on Fox, about the Cosmo semi-nude photos of Brown, and I heard that as mocking those who made too much of it.

I think this is well timed. The MSM gives a lot of heads-up to the other side; what seems like mild criticism, is really a warning... saying, 'hey! "don't go there" '

The thing that I think we tend to forget is that no one is perfect - Obama has had his 'open mouth, insert foot' moments.... Everyone who deals with the media has them. The problem is that idiots tend to pick over each word, take things out of context and twist words and sentences to mean something different or to deliberately remove the actual context from the words. It is a dangerous game to play - for anyone - because things tend to come back to bite your ass.

If any of you were ever in the position of being interviewed live on radio or tv, you would find it far harder to 'think on your feet' than you ordinarily do. Even the most well trained, media savvy, celebrity struggles at time.

Personally, to anyone looking to beat Beck up (assuming it is him) with this should be careful they don't pull a muscle when reaching that far.

it's very simple people.....Beck was handed his talking points from Fox that identified Brown as a Democrat should he lose the election and Beck just naturally thought he was when he won

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