Glenn Beck: ‘Liberals, you were right’ on the war in Iraq

I am very happy with Cruz at the moment. I am happy that some are beginning to fight. I am annoyed with the leadership that keeps selling us out though. I am happy that there are some who are willing to fight for what's right despite the other half of the party selling us out.

I don't think it's extreme to uphold and defend the Constitution. I don't think it's extreme to expect our government to curb it's spending and to stop burdening the people with extremely high taxes. I don't think it's extreme to expect people to be honest and decent in government. Or to admit mistakes and correct them.

If you think it is, than I would argue that you are the extremist.

It's people like Cruz that are destroying this country... it's people like you that enable and encourage people like Cruz.
Adhering to the Constitution and the rule of LAW (and NOT selectively like Obama/Holder that took an OATH to defend ALL of it), is dangerous to this Republic? YOU are deranged.:cuckoo:

Regretfully, that is not what Cruz the canadian and his teapers are about. Adhering to the Constitution is the teaper code word for revolution, because if there is something they don't like...they can always claim it is unconstitutional.
Has everyone lost track of the fact that Iraq is being attacked by a terrorist force? ISIS is beheading their captives they are mass killing their captives. Do we no longer give a crap about atrocities? Are we really that impotent?

BTW, I would have voted against both wars.
Has everyone lost track of the fact that Iraq is being attacked by a terrorist force? ISIS is beheading their captives they are mass killing their captives. Do we no longer give a crap about atrocities? Are we really that impotent?

BTW, I would have voted against both wars.

I think we really are that impotent. At least, that's what it looks like. Which is scary in and of itself.
It's people like Cruz that are destroying this country... it's people like you that enable and encourage people like Cruz.
Adhering to the Constitution and the rule of LAW (and NOT selectively like Obama/Holder that took an OATH to defend ALL of it), is dangerous to this Republic? YOU are deranged.:cuckoo:

Regretfully, that is not what Cruz the canadian and his teapers are about. Adhering to the Constitution is the teaper code word for revolution, because if there is something they don't like...they can always claim it is unconstitutional.

And as an added BONUS? YOU have NO CLUE as to what YOU address.:eusa_hand:
Has everyone lost track of the fact that Iraq is being attacked by a terrorist force? ISIS is beheading their captives they are mass killing their captives. Do we no longer give a crap about atrocities? Are we really that impotent?

BTW, I would have voted against both wars.

So, despite the fact you would have voted against both wars, now you want us to do something?
Maybe Glenn Beck is not so crazy after all. :smiliehug:

Glenn Beck: ?Liberals, you were right? on the war in Iraq | MSNBC

No, you’re not dreaming.

Conservative radio pundit Glenn Beck—the man who famously said “The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be president would be ‘What the hell you mean we’re out of missiles?’” — is siding with liberals on the war in Iraq.

“Now, in spite of the things I felt at the time when we went into war, liberals said: We shouldn’t get involved. We shouldn’t nation-build. And there was no indication the people of Iraq had the will to be free. I thought that was insulting at the time. Everybody wants to be free. They said we couldn’t force freedom on people. Let me lead with my mistakes,” Beck said on his radio program, according to a transcript on his site. “You are right. Liberals, you were right. We shouldn’t have.”

Thanks Glenn. Appreciate it. A friend of mine died over there. Its OK now, though, because you admited you were wrong. You fucking asshole
Adhering to the Constitution and the rule of LAW (and NOT selectively like Obama/Holder that took an OATH to defend ALL of it), is dangerous to this Republic? YOU are deranged.:cuckoo:

Regretfully, that is not what Cruz the canadian and his teapers are about. Adhering to the Constitution is the teaper code word for revolution, because if there is something they don't like...they can always claim it is unconstitutional.

And as an added BONUS? YOU have NO CLUE as to what YOU address.:eusa_hand:

Teaper is a nonsense supporter of the Tea Party.

And what do I have no clue about?

My question again, besides empty rhetoric...supporting Cliven Bundy and a desire for an armed insurrection...what is it that the teapers have accomplished?

Tell me again, what is unconstitutional about the American government. Tell me again, how the rule of law, that should be enforced, doesn't apply to Bundy?

No, Obama doesn't own it - yet. The Bushes own it - Bush 41 and Bush 43.

1st Gulf War - Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait. April Glaspie, U.S. Ambassador To Iraq

2nd Gulf War - Bush 43 conjured up lies for second Bush invasion.

Clinton owns 9/11.

did you bump your fucking head?

Poor Barb,

Do you need me to connect the dots?


Sorry, but I just don't have the patience with your level of stupid.
Regretfully, that is not what Cruz the canadian and his teapers are about. Adhering to the Constitution is the teaper code word for revolution, because if there is something they don't like...they can always claim it is unconstitutional.

And as an added BONUS? YOU have NO CLUE as to what YOU address.:eusa_hand:

Teaper is a nonsense supporter of the Tea Party.

And what do I have no clue about?

My question again, besides empty rhetoric...supporting Cliven Bundy and a desire for an armed insurrection...what is it that the teapers have accomplished?

Tell me again, what is unconstitutional about the American government. Tell me again, how the rule of law, that should be enforced, doesn't apply to Bundy?

I see. a CITIZEN who is fed up with Government stealing Liberty and not adhering the Constitution.

Did YOU have a point otherwise rather than put citizens down?

Has everyone lost track of the fact that Iraq is being attacked by a terrorist force? ISIS is beheading their captives they are mass killing their captives. Do we no longer give a crap about atrocities? Are we really that impotent?

BTW, I would have voted against both wars.

So, despite the fact you would have voted against both wars, now you want us to do something?

I never said I wouldn't have done something about Saddam.

Either we think democracy is worth defending or we shrink in fear and hide, besides the atrocities.

And as an added BONUS? YOU have NO CLUE as to what YOU address.:eusa_hand:

Teaper is a nonsense supporter of the Tea Party.

And what do I have no clue about?

My question again, besides empty rhetoric...supporting Cliven Bundy and a desire for an armed insurrection...what is it that the teapers have accomplished?

Tell me again, what is unconstitutional about the American government. Tell me again, how the rule of law, that should be enforced, doesn't apply to Bundy?

I see. a CITIZEN who is fed up with Government stealing Liberty and not adhering the Constitution.

Did YOU have a point otherwise rather than put citizens down?


Yeah...I am putting the citizens down. Typical teaper nonsense when anyone disagrees with them :cuckoo:


Explain to me how the Government is stealing your liberty and not adhering to the Constitution. Can you even do that? Do you need to call the teaper grand wizard to get your wording right? Can you do it and attribute all of your stolen liberty to Obama and Holder?

Like I said, teapers are destroying the GOP and only spew empty rhetoric in their pursuit of a revolution.

Teaper is a nonsense supporter of the Tea Party.

And what do I have no clue about?

My question again, besides empty rhetoric...supporting Cliven Bundy and a desire for an armed insurrection...what is it that the teapers have accomplished?

Tell me again, what is unconstitutional about the American government. Tell me again, how the rule of law, that should be enforced, doesn't apply to Bundy?

I see. a CITIZEN who is fed up with Government stealing Liberty and not adhering the Constitution.

Did YOU have a point otherwise rather than put citizens down?


Yeah...I am putting the citizens down. Typical teaper nonsense when anyone disagrees with them :cuckoo:


Explain to me how the Government is stealing your liberty and not adhering to the Constitution. Can you even do that? Do you need to call the teaper grand wizard to get your wording right? Can you do it and attribute all of your stolen liberty to Obama and Holder?

Like I said, teapers are destroying the GOP and only spew empty rhetoric in their pursuit of a revolution.

Then YOU should read your posts before YOU hit submit.
This is really simple. Simple enough for Glen Beck to understand, so why can't his FOX viewers grasp it? The Iraq war was wrong from the start and now even a deranged monkey like Glen Beck is saying so.

Because reality has a well-known liberal bias.

Iraq: The Media War Plan
U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD
Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein
Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction
The Record on CURVEBALL
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate[/QUOTE]
Has everyone lost track of the fact that Iraq is being attacked by a terrorist force? ISIS is beheading their captives they are mass killing their captives. Do we no longer give a crap about atrocities? Are we really that impotent?

BTW, I would have voted against both wars.

So, despite the fact you would have voted against both wars, now you want us to do something?

I never said I wouldn't have done something about Saddam.

Either we think democracy is worth defending or we shrink in fear and hide, besides the atrocities.
Okay...are you saying we have a moral responsibility to do something about ISIS because of our role in the ME? Nothing the matter with that, I just think we need to let them fight it out for a while.

What should we have done about Saddam? In your opinion.
Oh, so that's why 30 Democrats in the Senate voted to go to war in Iraq!

Including all the ones that ran for party nomination in 2004...and Hillary. For the record I was opposed to the war from beginning for exact reason of whats happening now in Iraq. Afghanistan was fine, a terrorist attack was launched from there...but Iraq was a war of choice and a poorly thought out plan.

do I need to post once again that the resolution did not permit immediate war but, instead, said the president had to pursue diplomatic ends and await the final report of the UN inspectors?

or do we need to talk about yellow cake?
So, despite the fact you would have voted against both wars, now you want us to do something?

I never said I wouldn't have done something about Saddam.

Either we think democracy is worth defending or we shrink in fear and hide, besides the atrocities.
Okay...are you saying we have a moral responsibility to do something about ISIS because of our role in the ME? Nothing the matter with that, I just think we need to let them fight it out for a while.

What should we have done about Saddam? In your opinion.

I don't know what he thinks but what congress INTENDED in the resolution that the threat of war be used to force cooperation with the inspections... and it did.

of course, baby bush, pushed by cheney and the rest of the PNAC crowd didn't much care about that.
I see. a CITIZEN who is fed up with Government stealing Liberty and not adhering the Constitution.

Did YOU have a point otherwise rather than put citizens down?


Yeah...I am putting the citizens down. Typical teaper nonsense when anyone disagrees with them :cuckoo:


Explain to me how the Government is stealing your liberty and not adhering to the Constitution. Can you even do that? Do you need to call the teaper grand wizard to get your wording right? Can you do it and attribute all of your stolen liberty to Obama and Holder?

Like I said, teapers are destroying the GOP and only spew empty rhetoric in their pursuit of a revolution.

Then YOU should read your posts before YOU hit submit.

Huh? LMAO...typical teaper response...Like I said, all empty rhetoric...they have no point, they have nothing except a problem with a black President.

Has anyone ever had a teaper actually address and answer a direct question? Is there some sort of secret they are holding? Do I need to learn a secret handshake to get an honest response from these buffoons? :lmao:


Will you answer my questions now?
God won't override Obama's will. If he doesn't want the wisdom God can give him, he won't get it.

Then why are you praying for him?

Nonetheless, your assertion is can you say man's will is stronger than God's will?

Because the Lord has told us to pray for our leaders and I have hope that maybe someday he will open himself up.

I didn't say a man's will is stronger than God's. I said God won't do anything contrary to a person's will. God doesn't compel people to listen to Him. He gave us our agency to act or not to act. His desire is that we come to Him with a willing heart and a contrite Spirit.

It's quite possible that Obama will be humbled before the end of his term. Then the Spirit can influence him. Unfortunately, the President has alot of hubris at the moment and humbling him may be painful for all of us.

So it is your judgement that Obama is a bad man who is unworthy of God and that Obama needs to be humbled else we will all pay for Obama's sins. :eek: Is that right?
Who in the human condition doesn't want to be free? Who in the human condition doesn't want to be heard? I know of no one and the Iraqi people are people so I assume most want those freedoms.

There are right wing politicians today who are propagating the idea that freedom in America is only for Christians, and there are people on this forum who subscribe to this belief.

You can say what you want, and worship as you wish, as long as you are a Christian, and maybe we'll let the Jews say and worshp as they wish. The Bill of Rights is only for who we say it is for. Everybody else, fuck you.

Such people actually think they stand for freedom. They don't. They are nazi wannabes. They are totalitarian assholes.

The people in Iraq, like many people in the Middle East, think "freedom" is just for Sunnis or just for Shiites, depending in which mosque they themselves are.

See how that works?

yep & surgical airstrikes will do nothing, at best, or retard the process. See_ Israel & Palestine for how sectarianism works :thup:

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