Giving It All Away

Listening to you talk about religion is nauseating. Evangelicals say we became a Judeo Christian nation in 1948.

We do not obey the 613 commandments that orthodox jews do. We do not have the same holy day. The US was founded on Freedom of Religion, but because most of the founding members were Protestants aka Wasps, they mainly adhered to Christianity, but many were Deists as well.

Jews and Christians do not even worship the same god.

The state of Israel pays for abortions and Christians do not do "sucking circumcisions".

1st religion is Christianity.
2nd religion if Islam.
3rd is secularism, agnostic, atheist.

Judaism is way down on the list and they are confused as to whether they are a culture or a religion.

Actually we brought Islam here to work as slaves, remember that, so Islam has been here longer than Judaism.

and yet AmeriKKKans (a supposed Christian nation) offers unwavering support for Israel (a non Christian nation) that hates Jesus.
The IRONY METER has never been more off the dial ...........

Have you been to Israel?

I have....and have visited Christian holy sites, guarded by Israel.

But, you do prove Rule #1

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

I have absolutely no reason whatsoever to visit Israel; nadda.

I read that the percentage of Christians in Israel is ~2% but then who really cares.

I heard that fat ass Roseanne Bar was gonna move to Israel.

Why are you back???

You've already proven Rule #1.

Get lost.
The question remains, what does your post have to do with the thread, the thesis herein?

If nothing.....wander off.

The thesis you present with the opening two statements (read my previous post) was the communism is a branch of Germanic Odinism.

I have yet to see any proof or argument that actually relates and equates them.

I'm hazarding a guess Reading Comprehension and English is simply not your thing, amirite?

It's ok, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. :itsok:

Either that, or you got that really good stuff! :smoke:

Would either of you care to enlighten me how the ancestral germanic religion of Odinism is the parent of communism? That's what the OP states in the opening two sentences.

at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

Try again.

As Judeo-Christian monotheism has been so identified with Western Civilization for so long, millennia, most would scoff at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

1.A Marxist is the front-runner for the nomination for the presidency of the United States.

"Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner
...surpassing his rivals in early fundraising and establishing himself as an indisputable front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner | RealClearPolitics

2. We’ve built western civilization on two pillars: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively. Those who put those two ideas to judicious use, that life is more than materialism, pleasure and avoiding pain, then you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.

“If you believe that government has no right to intrude upon the exercise of your individual will, that you have a moral duty to be virtuous, that human beings are capable of bettering the world through the use of reason, you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.” Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History.”

3. Marxism is based on the very opposite ideas of Western Civilization: "Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

4. And those societies that reject Jerusalem and Athens? “The USSR rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, substituting the values of the collective and a new utopian vision of ‘social justice’- and they starved and slaughtered tens of millions of human beings. The Nazis rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and they shoved children into gas chambers. Venezuela rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and the citizens of their oil-rich nation have been reduced to eating dogs.”

“Our way of life is never more than one generation away from the precipice. We have already begun to see a huge number of our citizens lose faith in freedom of speech, in democracy, in economic freedom, in the idea of a shared morality or cause.
We are watching our civilization collapse into age-old tribalism, individualistic hedonism, and moral subjectivism, ….intersectionality, progressive politics, authoritarian governance, …communities and individuals bereft of meaning.” Shapiro, Op.Cit.

There are choices to be made.

Don't misquote me.

Communists and Nazis both take their origins from Hegel and Marx.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.
The question remains, what does your post have to do with the thread, the thesis herein?

If nothing.....wander off.

The thesis you present with the opening two statements (read my previous post) was the communism is a branch of Germanic Odinism.

I have yet to see any proof or argument that actually relates and equates them.

I'm hazarding a guess Reading Comprehension and English is simply not your thing, amirite?

It's ok, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. :itsok:

Either that, or you got that really good stuff! :smoke:

Would either of you care to enlighten me how the ancestral germanic religion of Odinism is the parent of communism? That's what the OP states in the opening two sentences.

at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

Try again.

As Judeo-Christian monotheism has been so identified with Western Civilization for so long, millennia, most would scoff at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

1.A Marxist is the front-runner for the nomination for the presidency of the United States.

"Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner
...surpassing his rivals in early fundraising and establishing himself as an indisputable front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner | RealClearPolitics

2. We’ve built western civilization on two pillars: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively. Those who put those two ideas to judicious use, that life is more than materialism, pleasure and avoiding pain, then you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.

“If you believe that government has no right to intrude upon the exercise of your individual will, that you have a moral duty to be virtuous, that human beings are capable of bettering the world through the use of reason, you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.” Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History.”

3. Marxism is based on the very opposite ideas of Western Civilization: "Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

4. And those societies that reject Jerusalem and Athens? “The USSR rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, substituting the values of the collective and a new utopian vision of ‘social justice’- and they starved and slaughtered tens of millions of human beings. The Nazis rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and they shoved children into gas chambers. Venezuela rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and the citizens of their oil-rich nation have been reduced to eating dogs.”

“Our way of life is never more than one generation away from the precipice. We have already begun to see a huge number of our citizens lose faith in freedom of speech, in democracy, in economic freedom, in the idea of a shared morality or cause.
We are watching our civilization collapse into age-old tribalism, individualistic hedonism, and moral subjectivism, ….intersectionality, progressive politics, authoritarian governance, …communities and individuals bereft of meaning.” Shapiro, Op.Cit.

There are choices to be made.

Don't misquote me.

Communists and Nazis both take their origins from Hegel and Marx.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

I really can't keep treating you as though you were an adult....or even a sentient human being.

Just return to your coloring books and blanket fort, and don't pollute these posts.
The thesis you present with the opening two statements (read my previous post) was the communism is a branch of Germanic Odinism.

I have yet to see any proof or argument that actually relates and equates them.

I'm hazarding a guess Reading Comprehension and English is simply not your thing, amirite?

It's ok, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. :itsok:

Either that, or you got that really good stuff! :smoke:

Would either of you care to enlighten me how the ancestral germanic religion of Odinism is the parent of communism? That's what the OP states in the opening two sentences.

at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

Try again.

As Judeo-Christian monotheism has been so identified with Western Civilization for so long, millennia, most would scoff at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

1.A Marxist is the front-runner for the nomination for the presidency of the United States.

"Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner
...surpassing his rivals in early fundraising and establishing himself as an indisputable front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner | RealClearPolitics

2. We’ve built western civilization on two pillars: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively. Those who put those two ideas to judicious use, that life is more than materialism, pleasure and avoiding pain, then you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.

“If you believe that government has no right to intrude upon the exercise of your individual will, that you have a moral duty to be virtuous, that human beings are capable of bettering the world through the use of reason, you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.” Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History.”

3. Marxism is based on the very opposite ideas of Western Civilization: "Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

4. And those societies that reject Jerusalem and Athens? “The USSR rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, substituting the values of the collective and a new utopian vision of ‘social justice’- and they starved and slaughtered tens of millions of human beings. The Nazis rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and they shoved children into gas chambers. Venezuela rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and the citizens of their oil-rich nation have been reduced to eating dogs.”

“Our way of life is never more than one generation away from the precipice. We have already begun to see a huge number of our citizens lose faith in freedom of speech, in democracy, in economic freedom, in the idea of a shared morality or cause.
We are watching our civilization collapse into age-old tribalism, individualistic hedonism, and moral subjectivism, ….intersectionality, progressive politics, authoritarian governance, …communities and individuals bereft of meaning.” Shapiro, Op.Cit.

There are choices to be made.

Don't misquote me.

Communists and Nazis both take their origins from Hegel and Marx.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

I really can't keep treating you as though you were an adult....or even a sentient human being.

Just return to your coloring books and blanket fort, and don't pollute these posts.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

I take it you have no debate on the two facts I posted. Since you went to Israel and Christian sites, you should know the difference, apparently you don't.
I'm hazarding a guess Reading Comprehension and English is simply not your thing, amirite?

It's ok, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. :itsok:

Either that, or you got that really good stuff! :smoke:

Would either of you care to enlighten me how the ancestral germanic religion of Odinism is the parent of communism? That's what the OP states in the opening two sentences.

at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

Try again.

As Judeo-Christian monotheism has been so identified with Western Civilization for so long, millennia, most would scoff at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

1.A Marxist is the front-runner for the nomination for the presidency of the United States.

"Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner
...surpassing his rivals in early fundraising and establishing himself as an indisputable front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner | RealClearPolitics

2. We’ve built western civilization on two pillars: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively. Those who put those two ideas to judicious use, that life is more than materialism, pleasure and avoiding pain, then you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.

“If you believe that government has no right to intrude upon the exercise of your individual will, that you have a moral duty to be virtuous, that human beings are capable of bettering the world through the use of reason, you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.” Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History.”

3. Marxism is based on the very opposite ideas of Western Civilization: "Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

4. And those societies that reject Jerusalem and Athens? “The USSR rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, substituting the values of the collective and a new utopian vision of ‘social justice’- and they starved and slaughtered tens of millions of human beings. The Nazis rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and they shoved children into gas chambers. Venezuela rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and the citizens of their oil-rich nation have been reduced to eating dogs.”

“Our way of life is never more than one generation away from the precipice. We have already begun to see a huge number of our citizens lose faith in freedom of speech, in democracy, in economic freedom, in the idea of a shared morality or cause.
We are watching our civilization collapse into age-old tribalism, individualistic hedonism, and moral subjectivism, ….intersectionality, progressive politics, authoritarian governance, …communities and individuals bereft of meaning.” Shapiro, Op.Cit.

There are choices to be made.

Don't misquote me.

Communists and Nazis both take their origins from Hegel and Marx.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

I really can't keep treating you as though you were an adult....or even a sentient human being.

Just return to your coloring books and blanket fort, and don't pollute these posts.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

I take it you have no debate on the two facts I posted. Since you went to Israel and Christian sites, you should know the difference, apparently you don't.

Tell me, can you provide the three or four books you've read that have informed your geopolitical views?
Would either of you care to enlighten me how the ancestral germanic religion of Odinism is the parent of communism? That's what the OP states in the opening two sentences.

Try again.

As Judeo-Christian monotheism has been so identified with Western Civilization for so long, millennia, most would scoff at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

1.A Marxist is the front-runner for the nomination for the presidency of the United States.

"Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner
...surpassing his rivals in early fundraising and establishing himself as an indisputable front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner | RealClearPolitics

2. We’ve built western civilization on two pillars: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively. Those who put those two ideas to judicious use, that life is more than materialism, pleasure and avoiding pain, then you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.

“If you believe that government has no right to intrude upon the exercise of your individual will, that you have a moral duty to be virtuous, that human beings are capable of bettering the world through the use of reason, you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.” Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History.”

3. Marxism is based on the very opposite ideas of Western Civilization: "Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

4. And those societies that reject Jerusalem and Athens? “The USSR rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, substituting the values of the collective and a new utopian vision of ‘social justice’- and they starved and slaughtered tens of millions of human beings. The Nazis rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and they shoved children into gas chambers. Venezuela rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and the citizens of their oil-rich nation have been reduced to eating dogs.”

“Our way of life is never more than one generation away from the precipice. We have already begun to see a huge number of our citizens lose faith in freedom of speech, in democracy, in economic freedom, in the idea of a shared morality or cause.
We are watching our civilization collapse into age-old tribalism, individualistic hedonism, and moral subjectivism, ….intersectionality, progressive politics, authoritarian governance, …communities and individuals bereft of meaning.” Shapiro, Op.Cit.

There are choices to be made.

Don't misquote me.

Communists and Nazis both take their origins from Hegel and Marx.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

I really can't keep treating you as though you were an adult....or even a sentient human being.

Just return to your coloring books and blanket fort, and don't pollute these posts.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

I take it you have no debate on the two facts I posted. Since you went to Israel and Christian sites, you should know the difference, apparently you don't.

Tell me, can you provide the three or four books you've read that have informed your geopolitical views?

A bunch of books in the bible and this one recently. You should try to read them all.

Try again.

As Judeo-Christian monotheism has been so identified with Western Civilization for so long, millennia, most would scoff at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

1.A Marxist is the front-runner for the nomination for the presidency of the United States.

"Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner
...surpassing his rivals in early fundraising and establishing himself as an indisputable front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner | RealClearPolitics

2. We’ve built western civilization on two pillars: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively. Those who put those two ideas to judicious use, that life is more than materialism, pleasure and avoiding pain, then you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.

“If you believe that government has no right to intrude upon the exercise of your individual will, that you have a moral duty to be virtuous, that human beings are capable of bettering the world through the use of reason, you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.” Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History.”

3. Marxism is based on the very opposite ideas of Western Civilization: "Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

4. And those societies that reject Jerusalem and Athens? “The USSR rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, substituting the values of the collective and a new utopian vision of ‘social justice’- and they starved and slaughtered tens of millions of human beings. The Nazis rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and they shoved children into gas chambers. Venezuela rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and the citizens of their oil-rich nation have been reduced to eating dogs.”

“Our way of life is never more than one generation away from the precipice. We have already begun to see a huge number of our citizens lose faith in freedom of speech, in democracy, in economic freedom, in the idea of a shared morality or cause.
We are watching our civilization collapse into age-old tribalism, individualistic hedonism, and moral subjectivism, ….intersectionality, progressive politics, authoritarian governance, …communities and individuals bereft of meaning.” Shapiro, Op.Cit.

There are choices to be made.

Don't misquote me.

Communists and Nazis both take their origins from Hegel and Marx.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

I really can't keep treating you as though you were an adult....or even a sentient human being.

Just return to your coloring books and blanket fort, and don't pollute these posts.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

I take it you have no debate on the two facts I posted. Since you went to Israel and Christian sites, you should know the difference, apparently you don't.

Tell me, can you provide the three or four books you've read that have informed your geopolitical views?

A bunch of books in the bible and this one recently. You should try to read them all.


I don't believe you've ever read a book not assigned in government school...

....and, I believe you've proven my point with this....."...A bunch of books in the bible..."
The question remains, what does your post have to do with the thread, the thesis herein?

If nothing.....wander off.

The thesis you present with the opening two statements (read my previous post) was the communism is a branch of Germanic Odinism.

I have yet to see any proof or argument that actually relates and equates them.

I'm hazarding a guess Reading Comprehension and English is simply not your thing, amirite?

It's ok, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. :itsok:

Either that, or you got that really good stuff! :smoke:

Would either of you care to enlighten me how the ancestral germanic religion of Odinism is the parent of communism? That's what the OP states in the opening two sentences.

at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

Try again.

As Judeo-Christian monotheism has been so identified with Western Civilization for so long, millennia, most would scoff at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

1.A Marxist is the front-runner for the nomination for the presidency of the United States.

"Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner
...surpassing his rivals in early fundraising and establishing himself as an indisputable front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner | RealClearPolitics

2. We’ve built western civilization on two pillars: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively. Those who put those two ideas to judicious use, that life is more than materialism, pleasure and avoiding pain, then you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.

“If you believe that government has no right to intrude upon the exercise of your individual will, that you have a moral duty to be virtuous, that human beings are capable of bettering the world through the use of reason, you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.” Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History.”

3. Marxism is based on the very opposite ideas of Western Civilization: "Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

4. And those societies that reject Jerusalem and Athens? “The USSR rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, substituting the values of the collective and a new utopian vision of ‘social justice’- and they starved and slaughtered tens of millions of human beings. The Nazis rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and they shoved children into gas chambers. Venezuela rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and the citizens of their oil-rich nation have been reduced to eating dogs.”

“Our way of life is never more than one generation away from the precipice. We have already begun to see a huge number of our citizens lose faith in freedom of speech, in democracy, in economic freedom, in the idea of a shared morality or cause.
We are watching our civilization collapse into age-old tribalism, individualistic hedonism, and moral subjectivism, ….intersectionality, progressive politics, authoritarian governance, …communities and individuals bereft of meaning.” Shapiro, Op.Cit.

There are choices to be made.

Don't misquote me.

Communists and Nazis both take their origins from Hegel and Marx.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

Your word for the day is Reichskonkordat.

Religion in Nazi Germany
Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

I really can't keep treating you as though you were an adult....or even a sentient human being.

Just return to your coloring books and blanket fort, and don't pollute these posts.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

I take it you have no debate on the two facts I posted. Since you went to Israel and Christian sites, you should know the difference, apparently you don't.

Tell me, can you provide the three or four books you've read that have informed your geopolitical views?

A bunch of books in the bible and this one recently. You should try to read them all.


I don't believe you've ever read a book not assigned in government school...

....and, I believe you've proven my point with this....."...A bunch of books in the bible..."

So you didn't read the books of the bible, you would know that Judeo-Christianity monotheism is an oxymoronic term if you had.
I really can't keep treating you as though you were an adult....or even a sentient human being.

Just return to your coloring books and blanket fort, and don't pollute these posts.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

I take it you have no debate on the two facts I posted. Since you went to Israel and Christian sites, you should know the difference, apparently you don't.

Tell me, can you provide the three or four books you've read that have informed your geopolitical views?

A bunch of books in the bible and this one recently. You should try to read them all.


I don't believe you've ever read a book not assigned in government school...

....and, I believe you've proven my point with this....."...A bunch of books in the bible..."

So you didn't read the books of the bible, you would know that Judeo-Christianity monotheism is an oxymoronic term if you had.

Did you just claim PC didn't read the books of the Bible? :uhh:
The thesis you present with the opening two statements (read my previous post) was the communism is a branch of Germanic Odinism.

I have yet to see any proof or argument that actually relates and equates them.

I'm hazarding a guess Reading Comprehension and English is simply not your thing, amirite?

It's ok, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. :itsok:

Either that, or you got that really good stuff! :smoke:

Would either of you care to enlighten me how the ancestral germanic religion of Odinism is the parent of communism? That's what the OP states in the opening two sentences.

at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

Try again.

As Judeo-Christian monotheism has been so identified with Western Civilization for so long, millennia, most would scoff at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

1.A Marxist is the front-runner for the nomination for the presidency of the United States.

"Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner
...surpassing his rivals in early fundraising and establishing himself as an indisputable front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner | RealClearPolitics

2. We’ve built western civilization on two pillars: God created every human in His image and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. These two ideas were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively. Those who put those two ideas to judicious use, that life is more than materialism, pleasure and avoiding pain, then you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.

“If you believe that government has no right to intrude upon the exercise of your individual will, that you have a moral duty to be virtuous, that human beings are capable of bettering the world through the use of reason, you are a product of Jerusalem and Athens.” Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History.”

3. Marxism is based on the very opposite ideas of Western Civilization: "Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.” A million physicalsins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes." Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

4. And those societies that reject Jerusalem and Athens? “The USSR rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, substituting the values of the collective and a new utopian vision of ‘social justice’- and they starved and slaughtered tens of millions of human beings. The Nazis rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and they shoved children into gas chambers. Venezuela rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and the citizens of their oil-rich nation have been reduced to eating dogs.”

“Our way of life is never more than one generation away from the precipice. We have already begun to see a huge number of our citizens lose faith in freedom of speech, in democracy, in economic freedom, in the idea of a shared morality or cause.
We are watching our civilization collapse into age-old tribalism, individualistic hedonism, and moral subjectivism, ….intersectionality, progressive politics, authoritarian governance, …communities and individuals bereft of meaning.” Shapiro, Op.Cit.

There are choices to be made.

Don't misquote me.

Communists and Nazis both take their origins from Hegel and Marx.

Most Nazi's were evangelicals. Judeo-Christian monotheism, there is no such thing.

Your word for the day is Reichskonkordat.

Religion in Nazi Germany

Thank you. You made my point.

Rising Nazi totalitarianism forced German churches to take a position on Hitler and his followers. Some Protestant churches openly supported the Nazi movement. They pushed for the creation of a Reichskirche: a ‘state church’ loyal to Nazism and subordinate to the state. The Deutsche Kristen (German Christians) was the largest branch of German Protestantism and the most supportive of a Reichskirche. Deutsche Kristen leaders considered Hitler a visionary, not unlike Martin Luther, the 16th-century founder of Protestantism. Hitler, they believed, had the potential to transform and revive German Christianity. There was also a strong anti-Semitic strain within the Deutsche Kristen. Some of its leaders urged the rejection of Jewish texts and the expulsion of Christian converts with Jewish heritage. The leader of the Deutsche Kristen, Ludwig Muller, met with Hitler several times and promised the support of his church.
I take it you have no debate on the two facts I posted. Since you went to Israel and Christian sites, you should know the difference, apparently you don't.

Tell me, can you provide the three or four books you've read that have informed your geopolitical views?

A bunch of books in the bible and this one recently. You should try to read them all.


I don't believe you've ever read a book not assigned in government school...

....and, I believe you've proven my point with this....."...A bunch of books in the bible..."

So you didn't read the books of the bible, you would know that Judeo-Christianity monotheism is an oxymoronic term if you had.

Did you just claim PC didn't read the books of the Bible? :uhh:

Well, yes, do you believe the Christian god is the same one of the Judaism god (which by the way goes has been called many names.
Tell me, can you provide the three or four books you've read that have informed your geopolitical views?

A bunch of books in the bible and this one recently. You should try to read them all.


I don't believe you've ever read a book not assigned in government school...

....and, I believe you've proven my point with this....."...A bunch of books in the bible..."

So you didn't read the books of the bible, you would know that Judeo-Christianity monotheism is an oxymoronic term if you had.

Did you just claim PC didn't read the books of the Bible? :uhh:

Well, yes, do you believe the Christian god is the same one of the Judaism god (which by the way goes has been called many names.

Yes. It's the people that view him differently.
A bunch of books in the bible and this one recently. You should try to read them all.


I don't believe you've ever read a book not assigned in government school...

....and, I believe you've proven my point with this....."...A bunch of books in the bible..."

So you didn't read the books of the bible, you would know that Judeo-Christianity monotheism is an oxymoronic term if you had.

Did you just claim PC didn't read the books of the Bible? :uhh:

Well, yes, do you believe the Christian god is the same one of the Judaism god (which by the way goes has been called many names.

Yes. It's the people that view him differently.

Oh I see, people view him differently, is all. Nope, the trinity is the Christian God (who knows who impregnated Mary) and the Judaism god of one of many names:

Names of God in Judaism - Wikipedia


The idol Baalberith, which the Jews worshiped after the death of Gideon, was identical, according to the Rabbis, with Baal-zebub, "the ba'al of flies," the god of Ekron (II Kings i. 2). He was worshiped in the shape of a fly; and so addicted were the Jews to his cult (thus runs the tradition) that they would carry an image of him in their pockets, producing it, and kissing it from time to time. Baal-zebub is called Baal-berith because such Jews might be said to make a covenant (Hebr. "Berit") of devotion with the idol, being unwilling to part with it for a single moment (Shab. 83b; comp. also Sanh. 63b). According to another conception, Baal-berith was an obscene article of idolatrous worship, possibly a simulacrum priapi (Yer. Shab. ix. 11d; 'Ab. Zarah iii. 43a). This is evidently based on the later significance of the word "berit," meaning circumcision.

Michelle Obama: “Barack knows that at some level there’s a hole in our souls.” This was a variation of language she had used earlier on the campaign trail: “Barack Obama is the only person in this race who understands that, that before we can work on the problems, we have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation.”

Manshell was talking about the tards. Isn't it obvious?
As Judeo-Christian monotheism has been so identified with Western Civilization for so long, millennia, most would scoff at the suggestion that paganism and atavism are making, and have made, a come-back. But there are two movements that give powerful evidence of just that. Communism/socialism is one such movement.

1.A Marxist is the front-runner for the nomination for the presidency of the United States.

"Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner
...surpassing his rivals in early fundraising and establishing himself as an indisputable front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination."
Bernie Sanders Finds Himself in a New Role as Front-Runner | RealClearPolitics


"A new national Emerson poll, including 20 Democratic candidates for President, found Senator Bernie Sanders ahead of the pack with 29%,..."
Emerson Polling

That's right....the major political party is looking to put up a Marxist for President.

Remember when FDR demanded a communist as his vice-president, or he wouldn't run.

Yup....same party.
As per this thread, here is the NYTimes advancing the pre-biblical paganism of earth-worship.

"The Earth Is Just as Alive as You Are
Scientists once ridiculed the idea of a living planet. Not anymore.

Life in the Amazon does not simply receive rain — it summons it.

Faced with this preponderance of evidence, it is time to revive an idea that was once roundly mocked: the Gaia hypothesis. Conceived by the British chemist James Lovelock in the early 1970s and later developed with the American biologist Lynn Margulis, the Gaia hypothesis proposes that all the living and nonliving elements of Earth are “parts and partners of a vast being who in her entirety has the power to maintain our planet as a fit and comfortable habitat for life.”

Over time, however, scientific opposition to Gaia waned. In his early writing, Dr. Lovelock occasionally granted Gaia too much agency, which encouraged the misperception that the living Earth was yearning for some optimal state. But the essence of his hypothesis — the idea that life transforms and in many cases regulates the planet — proved prescient and profoundly true. We and all living creatures are not just inhabitants of Earth, we are Earth — an outgrowth of its physical structure and an engine of its global cycles. Although some scientists still recoil at the mention of Gaia, these truths have become part of mainstream science.

“It’s definitely time to revisit Gaia,” said Adam Frank, an astrophysicist at the University of Rochester."
Opinion | The Earth Is Just as Alive as You Are
"We are in a precarious position….either continuing with a Western Civilization based on Divine guidance through the Judeo-Christian faith, or embracing atavistic impulses, pulling us backward.

On the one hand, political leaders endorse the former…they swear with their hand on a Bible, and speak of ‘western values,’…but “all too often attack the roots of those values. They portray religious believers as fools or bigots, mock them as antirational and backward, suggest that true enlightenment rests on the destruction of the Judeo-Christian heritage.” Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 21.

The Marxism of Bernie Sanders is open and up front, but you may have missed this critique of religion:

"They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Barack Obama

Of course, one could expect it from one of his religious…..persuasion.

Israel state pays for abortion. Shapiro is a nerd zealot. Even the ADL agrees with the separation of church and state.

The way you mingle religion and politics is sickening.

"Reigning 'Jeopardy!' Champion Begins Sweating Nervously After Being Introduced To Next Contender: Ben Shapiro
May 1st, 2019

CULVER CITY, CA—Reigning, record-breaking Jeopardy! champion James Holzhauer was feeling pretty confident coming off his 19-game winning streak and going into his 20th game.

But Holzhauer instantly began sweating profusely after being introduced to his next competitor: conservative pundit Ben Shapiro.

"Is it, uh, is it hot in here?" the usually cool and collected game show contestant said, chuckling nervously as he grabbed at his collar. "Seems like the temperature just went up a few degrees. Can we get a little A/C on, Alex?"

As soon as the game started, Shapiro began crushing Holzhauer with facts and logic, rattling off interesting bits of information like "there are only two genders" and "socialism has failed every time it has been tried." He chose a clue in a category called "Spanish Gendered Nouns" and went on for a solid five minutes about the binary nature of gender, according to those at the taping.

"It was incredible," one attendee said. "Ben just kept absolutely MELTING James the snowflake with LOGIC and REASON. No one could get a word in edgewise."

Unfortunately for the conservative commentator, his "truth bombs" were completely unrelated to the answers on the board, and he lost horribly."
Reigning 'Jeopardy!' Champion Begins Sweating Nervously After Being Introduced To Next Contender: Ben Shapiro

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