Gingrich threatens to skip debate if no audience participation

Oh well, don't be depressed. It is what it is, there's no point. All we can do is be the change we want...that sounds trite, but it's actually quite true.
America voting for Obama because he gives good speeches was shallow and infuriating.

Republicans voting for Newt because he puts on a good show at debates is not going to have a better result.

Thank you.

America was repeatedly warned about Obama and his shallowness and lack of depth. And now it is being warned about Newt and his lies and hypocrises.

We get what we deserve when we plug our fingers in our ears and shout LA-LA-LA-LA-I-CANNOT-HEAR-YOU!!!

I am so bummed.

*fist bump*
America voting for Obama because he gives good speeches was shallow and infuriating.

Republicans voting for Newt because he puts on a good show at debates is not going to have a better result.

I understand why he wants to make sure audiences are allowed to supply him with sound effects.

I would have taken his debate showmanship as a good thing if he had spent the last two months showing us that he was qualified for the presidency. But he hasn't. He still looks like the out-of-control man he was in the 1990's. I am scared and depressed, and if Newt is the nominee, then when Obama wins again I might breathe a sigh of relief.

Even if that means Obama gets to give us two more liberal Supreme Court justices.

That's how depressed I am.

For Newt to get my vote, he's going to have to show me at a minimum that he is not dangerous. His need for cheering crowds to buffer him from intelligent questions from the moderators is not showing me that. Yes, it makes him look cowardly. We already have a narcissist in the White House. But we have an even-tempered, stable narcissist. Newt ?

I am so bummed.

I find it very odd that the 'party of family values' appears to prefer someone who couldn't find that term in a fucking dictionary, yet alone live his life according to those principles... to a guy who actually epitomizes the very core of 'family values'.

You want a candidate who demonstrates the values of the Republican Party - pick Romney.

You want a fucking clown who'll embarrass your asses again - pick Gingrich.

I know which I hope they choose.
If he had good character, there would be lies circulating about him like there were about Sarah Palin, and a concerted attack meant to bankrupt and humiliate him and his family.

I'm grateful they found something real to attach to.

That's why the left and the media are so keen to have Gingrich up against Obama. He's easier to take down.

what lies were told about sarah?

and saying she wasn't very smart wasn't a lie.

I didn't actually make the comment about Palin, you know that, right?
That joker REALLY does overuse the word "fundamental".

Indeed. I was thinking it would make a great drinking game. You have to drink a shot every time he says it.

I was going to invent a drinking game where you have to drink a shot every time he lies, but I would not want to be responsible for so many alcohol poisoning deaths. :lol:
Only the elites despise earning money...

Go Newt!

First of all Juan, more people have been put on food stamps with President Obama than any President in US history.

Yeah, sure. Go Newt. Newt who positioned himself with those money-despising elites when he was on the defensive against Mitt.

That is one of the key places where Newt showed that he doesn't deserve to be president. That he's just in it for himself. That he is not a consistent conservative. Etc.

For Newt to earn the nomination and the presidency he needed to do it honorably and without betraying his avowed political values. He needed to make up for all those other times that he was dishonorable and inconsistent. And he blew it.

And now people want him to be the candidate? For what? What does he bring to the game other than his "eff the media" attitude? That red meat schtick is going to get old very soon.
So Newt's afraid of people hearing what he is actually saying and realizing how stupid it is without the audience clapping?
why is it Newt thinks his ideas cant just stand on their own merit and need whooping and appluase by his cronies?

Why do you think they don't? I bet you'll be on your feet clapping and hooting for the mess-iah during the SOTU. Why would you prohibit those that appreciate a point Newt makes from doing the same thing?

Another one of those odd righties calling our president "the mess-iah".
Applause wastes valuable time thus less time devoted to issues.

True voter participation would be tons of 3-4 hour town hall meetings facing the public no matter

their politics and taking questions.

As it is candidates focus on their positions without challenge = no respect for voters

Interestingly enough, that's kinda why they limited audience clapping to between commercial breaks. It was showing on NBC's show "Rock Center with Brian Williams" and therefore had certain time constraints that had to be met.

Newt bitching about this shows what a petty little man he is.
Allowing audience participation means he only has to speak in pandering one liners and use up the rest of his time smiling at the applause.

Filling up your 90 seconds is a little harder when you actually have to like, present an idea and stuff.

Newt isn't stupid, but he's fucking transparent.
He's a coward because he'd rather win on red meat thrown to the audience, than actually discussing the issues.
And he knows he’ll lose on the issues.

Newt isn't very bright. Asking the crowd to hold their applause has absolutely NOTHING to do with free speech.

And restrictions on preempting speech apply only to the public sector, not the private corporations that own CNN or NBC.
Allowing audience participation means he only has to speak in pandering one liners and use up the rest of his time smiling at the applause.

Filling up your 90 seconds is a little harder when you actually have to like, present an idea and stuff.

Newt isn't stupid, but he's fucking transparent.

Yep..........tweet......wait for the applause......tweet.......wait for the applause.

His whole debate style is nothing but Twitter phrases strung together.
Allowing audience participation means he only has to speak in pandering one liners and use up the rest of his time smiling at the applause.

Filling up your 90 seconds is a little harder when you actually have to like, present an idea and stuff.

Newt isn't stupid, but he's fucking transparent.

Cue the applause. Brilliant summary.
Let's Call Newt's bluff. If he doesnt want to come to the next debate. Then let him stay at his hotel.

The rest of the candidates will get more attention and Newt will have cut himself off from his best method of self promotion.
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He's a coward because he wants the audience to be able to respond? If he was a coward, you'd think he'd be worried about that.

The cowards are the liberal mob, who want to prevent people from participating in the debates by showing their support.

blah, blah, blah

if newt's the best the republicans can do, they'd best start lining up for 2016.

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