Gingrich threatens to skip debate if no audience participation

Lol...he's so smart, I think he's a shoo-in...not saying I love him, he's not a good conservative, but I think he's figured out how to manage the people and the press:

Mr. Gingrich, a former House speaker, on Tuesday morning threatened not participate in any future debates with audiences that have been instructed to be silent. That was the case on Monday, when Brian Williams of NBC News asked the audience of about 500 people who assembled for a debate in Tampa to hold their applause until the commercial breaks."

Hold their applause...a nice way to effectively *silence* the appearance of support for an un-fave of the lib mob...

Gingrich Threatens to Skip Debates if Audiences Can't Participate -

Maybe Newt would prefer it if the debates were held in the Roman Coliseum.

Aside from the aside, who the hell does Newt think he is to dictate the terms of the debate? Someone should tell Newt that this is supposed to be a debate of ideas and not a sporting event where unruly fans get to verbally participate like a bunch of drunken hooligans at a British soccer match.

Let him sit out the debate. Newt is perfectly free to take his ball and bat back to the hotel.
First unscripted question from the audience:

"Mr. Gingrich, about your marriages....."
Newt is a coward.

That's one thing HE'S not---:lol:

But--I'll tell you last night in Tampa was one of the most BORING debates I have ever witnessed.

The NBC moderators asked questions about putting a man on MARS--then they went to sugar--it was absolutely RIDICULOUS.
He's a coward because he wants the audience to be able to respond? If he was a coward, you'd think he'd be worried about that.

The cowards are the liberal mob, who want to prevent people from participating in the debates by showing their support.

He's a coward because he'd rather win on red meat thrown to the audience, than actually discussing the issues.
why is it Newt thinks his ideas cant just stand on their own merit and need whooping and appluase by his cronies?

Why do you think they don't? I bet you'll be on your feet clapping and hooting for the mess-iah during the SOTU. Why would you prohibit those that appreciate a point Newt makes from doing the same thing?
Newt is a coward.

That's one thing HE'S not---:lol:

But--I'll tell you last night in Tampa was one of the most BORING debates I have ever witnessed.

The NBC moderators asked questions about putting a man on MARS--then they went to sugar--it was absolutely RIDICULOUS.

It was one of the best I had seen, of the debates... People had to give answers, hence Mitt and Newt did horrible.

Can't wait to getting back to the:

Insult Obama
America is the greatest country evah!
Insult Obama

Format for "answering" every question.
Why Newt Gingrich needs noisy crowds - The Washington Post

But raucous debates are rare. Cheering and shouting were banned in all three general election debates between Barack Obama and John McCain. (Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney‘s team is already pointing this out — one adviser told Right Turn’s Jennifer Rubin “it’s like picking an Olympic athlete to swim for us who is afraid of water.”)

If Gingrich were to win the nomination, of course, he could push for those rules to be changed. His beloved Lincoln-Douglas debates were often interrupted by noise. For now, it seems, as much as he loves debates, he only loves primary debates.

Intersting, so Newt admits he would suck ass in a debate with Obama...
Newt isn't very bright. Asking the crowd to hold their applause has absolutely NOTHING to do with free speech.
Newt isn't very bright. Asking the crowd to hold their applause has absolutely NOTHING to do with free speech.

Nope... There are rules, just like they wouldn't allow the crowd to scream "fuck you." Funny how Newt likes Freedom when he gets to define what the freedoms are and how free we actually get to be.

Newt's weakness is his record, he needs all the noise he can get to hide it.
Applause wastes valuable time thus less time devoted to issues.

True voter participation would be tons of 3-4 hour town hall meetings facing the public no matter

their politics and taking questions.

As it is candidates focus on their positions without challenge = no respect for voters
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