Gingrich: I'm 'more inclined to run' in 2012


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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 10, 2008
During an appearance on "Fox News Sunday," former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) said that he is "much more inclined to run" for president in 2012 than not run. Gingrich has been hinting for months that he may seek the presidency -- though he has a history of making a lot of noise about running before deciding against it, as he did before the 2008 election. On Sunday, Gingrich said that after speaking with friends and colleagues, he is "more inclined to think it is doable." However, he said he would not make a decision until the "end of February, beginning of March."

44 - Gingrich: I'm 'more inclined to run' in 2012
i want to see a person who can pick up the people in this Country,and LEAD....someone who will tell each party to go to hell if necessary,and someone who puts this Country AHEAD of his/her party....someone who will bring us together,not say things that piss off one side and divides us even more.....someone who realises that my parties agenda may not be worth a dam unless the PEOPLE are either with me OR at least willing to give me the benefit of the doubt to try what i have in mind....basically ...A FUCKING LEADER....and i dont give a dam which party the individual comes from.....but... i dont see one on the horizon from either party.....all the bullshit that has gone on since the latter part of Clintons reign has just made all these politicians of today way too partisan to work together....and i think many of the citizens just look at them as either Democrat or Republican,and have the same attitude.........
i want to see a person who can pick up the people in this country,and lead....someone who will tell each party to go to hell if necessary,and someone who puts this country ahead of his/her party....someone who will bring us together,not say things that piss off one side and divides us even more.....someone who realises that my parties agenda may not be worth a dam unless the people are either with me or at least willing to give me the benefit of the doubt to try what i have in mind....basically ...a fucking leader....and i dont give a dam which party the individual comes from.....but... I dont see one on the horizon from either party.....all the bullshit that has gone on since the latter part of clintons reign has just made all these politicians of today way too partisan to work together....and i think many of the citizens just look at them as either democrat or republican,and have the same attitude.........

Well, not anyone...maybe almost, but not quite. ;)

I don't have a first choice..yet.
i can think of at least 2 i'd rather see run
Gary Johnson and Duncan Hunter
hmm, just thought of a 3rd, J. C. Watts

I agree but none of them are electable. (imo)

Agreed. None of them have a chance of beating Obama.

At this point the only Republican who might have a chance is Romney.
Unfortunately Newt has too much baggage attached.

Very true, but they ALL have baggage, and if they don't, some will be made up for them. No one is ever going to be perfect, ever, unless of course I run. :eusa_angel:
i want to see a person who can pick up the people in this Country,and LEAD....someone who will tell each party to go to hell if necessary,and someone who puts this Country AHEAD of his/her party....someone who will bring us together,not say things that piss off one side and divides us even more.....someone who realises that my parties agenda may not be worth a dam unless the PEOPLE are either with me OR at least willing to give me the benefit of the doubt to try what i have in mind....basically ...A FUCKING LEADER....and i dont give a dam which party the individual comes from.....but... i dont see one on the horizon from either party.....all the bullshit that has gone on since the latter part of Clintons reign has just made all these politicians of today way too partisan to work together....and i think many of the citizens just look at them as either Democrat or Republican,and have the same attitude.........

If only. But, ''they'' are so busy now playing politics, I don't see it happening. Would be nice to see the country come first, but again, I don't see it happening.
I hate to feel so negative, but that is where I sit now days.
Unfortunately Newt has too much baggage attached.

Very true, but they ALL have baggage, and if they don't, some will be made up for them. No one is ever going to be perfect, ever, unless of course I run. :eusa_angel:
As I've said, on more than one occasion, we need Powell to come out of retirement. Preferably with Condi as VP. There are a couple of others that I might consider - I'm not a fan of the GOP generally... they may be slightly less obnoxious than the Dems but not a whole lot. Two sides, one coin.

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