Getting rid of minority voters

There is no "voter suppression". What the left is witnessing is the inability of Government to do even the most BASIC of their tasks. And that is to provide fair, efficient and honest elections.. So when they send out 30 day notices to prove eligibility, it's because their record-keeping, standard operating procedures, and personnel motivation ALL SUCK...

It's INCOMPETENCE stupid. Not a conspiracy u whiners.... Maybe, they should drop 46 things they SHOULDN'T be doing and concentrate on the BASICS...

Yep denying 5 million people the abiltiy to vote is not voter supression
but mandating votger ID laws that prevent 0 events of voter fraud is totaly protecting democracy
its sad that you are are retard

5 MILLION PEOPLE huh? ACTUALLY want to vote but are being turned away.. Well IF that was happening -- I'd be depressed. But it exists ONLY in the minds of a few retarded soles who call other people retards..
OpEdNews - Article: 4-5 MILLION Voters Disenfranchised in 2008
yep a few retarded soles who equal anyone whose in reality
Yep denying 5 million people the abiltiy to vote is not voter supression
but mandating votger ID laws that prevent 0 events of voter fraud is totaly protecting democracy
its sad that you are are retard

5 MILLION PEOPLE huh? ACTUALLY want to vote but are being turned away.. Well IF that was happening -- I'd be depressed. But it exists ONLY in the minds of a few retarded soles who call other people retards..
OpEdNews - Article: 4-5 MILLION Voters Disenfranchised in 2008
yep a few retarded soles who equal anyone whose in reality

OMG === Pardon me a minute here..


This about caps it for me.. From your "link"...
And such disenfranchisement was either "legal," as BushCo's DoJ had been conducting quiet voter purges nationwide, or illegal, as partisan free-lancers cleansed the voter rolls of those who would have cast a ballot for the Evil Ones.

Do you even comprehend the damage you've just done for your cause by posting this?

It's the clearest indication of how futile it is to communicate with the ignorant contigient of the left. Wait another minute..


Would have been better for you to stalk away and make the ungrounded assertion rather than PROVE how inept and stupid this whole "massive voter disenfranchisement" meme really is.

Because I'm not gonna use ad hominems on you (look it up) -- lemme 'splain this to you.
** (why do I bother??? )

The OpEdNews repeats and posts op eds (look it up). EVERY ONE of the inmates in the asylum can submit an op ed and have their lies re-posted there for millions to suck on.
Kinda like the asylum inmates that post here and then get discovered by Google as a "valid link". It's worthless. Like Maury Povich level stuff.

Can you at least give me a Congressional Record or reputable newspaper link to the "5 million disenfranchised voters"??? No?? I didn't think so..

I'm out of here for now.. You've ruined my faith in Democracy.. Truely you have..

With the realization that 28% of the voters are minorities and they vote Democrat 70% of the time, the Grand Ole Party has to do something. Obviously, keeping them out of the voting booth is the simplest way to handle the problem. However with minorities becoming the new majority, that's not going to be a long term fix.

80% of the convicted felons and 100% of the illegal aliens and dead people vote Democrat.
With the realization that 28% of the voters are minorities and they vote Democrat 70% of the time, the Grand Ole Party has to do something. Obviously, keeping them out of the voting booth is the simplest way to handle the problem. However with minorities becoming the new majority, that's not going to be a long term fix.

80% of the convicted felons and 100% of the illegal aliens and dead people vote Democrat.

And you have the facts to prove it, right...?
Do you even comprehend the damage you've just done for your cause by posting this?

Trust me, starcraftzzz will know the full extent of that soon enough. This is terrible. I just got off the phone with some Democratic big whigs and they are talking about not even running a candidate for President this year. In fact the damage starcraftzzz has caused for our cause is so immense its likely the Democratic party will fold in the next few days.

How could you do this to us starcraftzzz? The party of Jefferson, DESTROYED, all in one online post, by YOU!
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Please give us some "credible" proof of dead people actually voting. Remember, I said "credible" proof.

S.C. Officials to Investigate 900 Dead 'Voters' - Easley, SC Patch

Okay, are the investigations complete? How many dead voters actually voted?

How often do they check death records of registered voters? Right now, concerns over fraud have prompted some to go over records, but for years, no one did. We don't have a good system for detecting fraud right now.

How often do they check death records of registered voters? Right now, concerns over fraud have prompted some to go over records, but for years, no one did. We don't have a good system for detecting fraud right now.

Likely because it’s virtually non-existent:

It is more likely that an individual will
be struck by lightning than that he will
impersonate another voter at the polls.

The voter fr aud phantom drives policy
that disenfr anchises actual legitimate
voters, without a corresponding actual

Fraud by individual voters is a singularly
foolish way to attempt to win an election.

‘Voter fraud’ is a non-issue, it’s a partisan contrivance of the right.

Of course you and other conservatives will continue to ignore the facts and truth because they conflict with rightist dogma.
Okay, are the investigations complete? How many dead voters actually voted?

How often do they check death records of registered voters? Right now, concerns over fraud have prompted some to go over records, but for years, no one did. We don't have a good system for detecting fraud right now.

Likely because it’s virtually non-existent:

It is more likely that an individual will
be struck by lightning than that he will
impersonate another voter at the polls.

The voter fr aud phantom drives policy
that disenfr anchises actual legitimate
voters, without a corresponding actual

Fraud by individual voters is a singularly
foolish way to attempt to win an election.

‘Voter fraud’ is a non-issue, it’s a partisan contrivance of the right.

Of course you and other conservatives will continue to ignore the facts and truth because they conflict with rightist dogma.

Rule of Law » 53,000 Dead Voters Found in Florida

I have learned that Florida election officials are set to announce that the secretary of state has discovered and purged up to 53,000 dead voters from the voter rolls in Florida.

How could 53,000 dead voters have sat on the polls for so long? Simple. Because Florida hadn’t been using the best available data revealing which voters have died. Florida is now using the nationwide Social Security Death Index for determining which voters should be purged because they have died.

Here is the bad news. Most states aren’t using the same database that Florida is. In fact, I have heard reports that some election officials won’t even remove voters even when they are presented with a death certificate. That means that voter rolls across the nation still are filled with dead voters, even if Florida is leading the way in detecting and removing them.

» Voter Fraud: Dead People Cast Over 950 Ballots In South Carolina Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Associated Press reports that South Carolina’s attorney general, Alan Wilson, has notified the U.S. Justice Department of potential voter fraud in the Palmetto State this weekend.

“In a letter dated Thursday, Wilson says the analysis found 953 ballots cast by voters listed as dead. In 71 percent of those cases, ballots were cast between two months and 76 months after the people died. That means they ‘voted’ up to 6 1/3 years after their death.”

Wilson has asked the State Law Enforcement Division to investigate the situation.

South Carolina attorney general informs Justice Department of dead voters | Fox News

South Carolina's attorney general has notified the U.S. Justice Department of potential voter fraud.

Attorney General Alan Wilson sent details of an analysis by the Department of Motor Vehicles to U.S. Attorney Bill Nettles.

In a letter dated Thursday, Wilson says the analysis found 953 ballots cast by voters listed as dead. In 71 percent of those cases, ballots were cast between two months and 76 months after the people died. That means they "voted" up to 6 1/3 years after their death.

When people think of vote fraud in Texas what usually comes to mind first is Magical Box 13. As recounted in Robert Caro's Means of Ascent, in 1948, future president Lyndon Johnson was trailing six days after the election, and seemed certain to lose, when a protégé of George Parr, the "Duke of Duval" and political boss of the heavily Hispanic counties in southern Texas, "discovered" 200 allegedly uncounted ballots in Box 13, in Alice, Texas. These 200 "voters" cast their ballots 198 to 2 for Johnson, putting him over the top. As Caro writes, "the election of course was stolen".[1]
South Texas continues to be a hotbed of voter fraud, most prevalent in absentee ballots mailed in prior to elections. The state attorney general, Greg Abbott, has focused investigators on cases statewide, an effort funded by a $1.5 million federal grant.[2] [3]

Some observers trace the roots of modern mail-in ballot malfeasance to a patronage system in which ranch bosses in Mexico would reward workers with promotions in exchange for votes.[4]...

Dead voting in Houston

Texas Watchdog video report

More than 4,000 people's names are listed both on Harris County’s voter rolls and also in a federal database of death records, a Texas Watchdog analysis has found. Dozens have apparently cast ballots from beyond the grave, records since 2004 show. One expert says the number of deceased names used to cast ballots may be higher than what Texas Watchdog’s analysis found. Instances of dead voters’ names being used to cast ballots were most frequent in three elections, the November 2004 general election, the November 2006 general election and the March 2008 Democratic primary, the analysis found.[14]
Undocumented immigrants

District Attorney Susan Reed has been investigating undocumented immigrant status fraud for over a year, which has been claimed by people both registering to vote and by people trying to get out of jury duty. Two of the jury cases are to be prosecuted as perjury. According to Reed, her office investigated records from the Bexar County election department, which began in late May 2007, when the Homeland Security Department's Immigration and Customs Enforcement requested a report prepared by Bexar County Elections Administrator Jacque Callanen.[15] "I'm asking to move it up on the radar and let's keep what we need to be able to come in and effectively prosecute in those situations," Reed said.[16]

Uh, yeah, it never happens. /s

Dude, I dont know who the hell you think you are fooling. Alot of us come from union or Democrat backgrounds and know for a fact that fraud has been a tool of Democrat electoral strategy for decades if not centuries, literally.

Conservatives, this is a great site that covers voter fraud:
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Racist democrats think blacks are too stupid to get their own photo ID, got it, thanks.....
Since the 2010 election, Republicans have waged an unprecedented war on voting, with the unspoken but unmistakable goal of preventing millions of mostly Democratic voters, including students, minorities, immigrants, and the elderly, from casting ballots in 2012. More than a dozen states, from Texas to Wisconsin and Florida, have passed laws designed to impede voters at every step of the electoral process, whether by requiring birth certificates to register to vote, restricting voter registration drives, curtailing early voting, or requiring government-issued IDs to cast a ballot.

Within days, the crucial battlegrounds of Pennsylvania and Virginia will become the latest GOP states to pass legislation erecting new barriers to voting. If, as expected, the new laws lead to fewer Democrats casting ballots in November, both states could favor Republicans, possibly shifting the balance of power in Congress and denying Barack Obama a second term.
Pennsylvania will be the ninth GOP state since 2010 to require a photo ID in order to vote; the state's law mandates a government-issued ID or one from a college or nursing home. According to a study by the Brennan Center for Justice, 11 percent of U.S. citizens lack a government-issued ID, but the numbers are significantly higher among young voters (18 percent), voters 65 or older (18 percent) and African-Americans (25 percent). Based on these figures, as many as 700,000 Pennsylvanians may not be able to vote in the next election.

GOP War on Voting Targets Swing States | Ari Berman | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Rolling Stone....thats a real un- biased source....

The truth is where you find it.

Republicans are terrified of people voting.

In every state they are trying to make it as hard as possible to vote.
every State Chris? California they make it so easy even you would have no problem.....
According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24
Voter Purge, Minority Voting Rights Flashpoints Of New Showdown In Florida

So, uh, rw's ... even though the only cases of real voter fraud have been when silly Jimmy O'Keefe got caught, I s'pose you're all in favor of the r's using corruption and lies to get their puppet into office.

That is, if buying the presidency doesn't work.

Since buying the presidency worked for the bush regime, why do you think these scum have resorted to blatant voter suppression? Could it be for the same reason they threw out the Constitution and changed the rules of filibuster?

I mean, we can't just leave these things to the voters, right?

Laugh if you want but it pisses me off to watch the (%^%^$ GObP pounding nails in the coffin of the USofA while the idiot rw's applaud.

Yes we need to get rid of the minority voters but those dead people seem to come alive every election year when the democrats feel threaten about losing a major election.

I recommend salt mixed with wolvesbayne and silver.

Please give us some "credible" proof of dead people actually voting. Remember, I said "credible" proof.

Please provide "credible" proof that purging voter rolls will cause any voters, but specifically "minority" voters to suffer any disadvantage
Voter Purge, Minority Voting Rights Flashpoints Of New Showdown In Florida

So, uh, rw's ... even though the only cases of real voter fraud have been when silly Jimmy O'Keefe got caught, I s'pose you're all in favor of the r's using corruption and lies to get their puppet into office.

That is, if buying the presidency doesn't work.

Since buying the presidency worked for the bush regime, why do you think these scum have resorted to blatant voter suppression? Could it be for the same reason they threw out the Constitution and changed the rules of filibuster?

I mean, we can't just leave these things to the voters, right?

Laugh if you want but it pisses me off to watch the (%^%^$ GObP pounding nails in the coffin of the USofA while the idiot rw's applaud.

Yes we need to get rid of the minority voters but those dead people seem to come alive every election year when the democrats feel threaten about losing a major election.

I recommend salt mixed with wolvesbayne and silver.

Please give us some "credible" proof of dead people actually voting. Remember, I said "credible" proof.

Hey moron.... How about YOU prove to us that most or ALL those purged voters were minorities.

You idiots are so transparently stupid its shameful!

Its a good sign for America that you guys are actually already trying to say we cheated :lmao:
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Yes we need to get rid of the minority voters but those dead people seem to come alive every election year when the democrats feel threaten about losing a major election.

I recommend salt mixed with wolvesbayne and silver.

Please give us some "credible" proof of dead people actually voting. Remember, I said "credible" proof.

Please provide "credible" proof that purging voter rolls will cause any voters, but specifically "minority" voters to suffer any disadvantage

Dont hold your breath brother...
To you liberals....again what is wrong with proving you're a citizen. It's not that hard. a photo ID is really easy to get. why do you oppose it so much?

How does a school photo ID and a water bill prove you are a citizen?

Video: CNN investigates ACORN fraud, links to Obama | You Decide Politics
No idea of the motive why? LOLOLOLOLOL

you're right and how do they prove you're 21? Sure people can fake them, but the fact is it's better than, "we'll take your word for it". One thing they would get rid of is the Acorn voting as 70 different people, unless they get 70 IDS, making it more expensive and time consuming for them to do this and make em work for the fraud, it'll cut is down alot. Photo IDs are used for a lot of things brother, so why not voting. I've had to use mine when I didnt have my registration card, it took soo much effot to lift it out of my wallet, I guess minorities cant do that? They cant be bothered with taking it out of their wallet?

Don't forget the elderly, the poor, and the young.
In point of fact- the "purging" of voter rolls has captured innocent voters. This means that those voters that ARE eligible are contacted-the error is corrected. So no one is disenfranchised.
According to a 2005 study by UW Milwaukee Driver License Status of Voting Age Population those without state-issued photo ID who would need to obtain one to vote include:

■23% of elderly Wisconsinites over the age of 65
■17% of white men and women
■55% of African American males and 49% of African American women
■46% of Hispanic men and 59% of Hispanic women
■78% of African American males age 18-24 and 66% of African American women age 18-24

Wisconsin Gov. Walker acts to suppress vote | The Stand

Couple of points.

1) ALL these people WERE ISSUED birth certificates. MANY have lost or misplaced them so state DMVs that require proof of birth are a hurdle for them. Tough shit. It's one of those lapses of functionality that we can't fix. However --- they can.

2) I don't believe this study because if you search on <"Driver License Status" population>,
the ONLY study that pops up a jillion times is the UW Milwaukee study. How convienient. I'd have to see at least a couple corroborating studies before I cried my eyes out..

3) Stop whining. Dems want to block voter ID AT THE POLLS. Leaving these populations disenfranchised from employment, the economy, benefits, ect. Get the DEM overlords in Wisc to close a DMV somewhere and use the proceeds to buy a fleet of mobile ID vans that would run evenings and weekends at malls, liquor stores, cock fights, -- whereever these populations would be. GET them ID'ed. Instead you want to drive a van around on election day -- pick them up and tell them what to do for you in the voting booth.

4) If the study is anywhere near accurate, it's a failure of govt to enlist citizens into civil society. Perhaps state/local govt. ought to leave the paper/plastic choice alone, quit nannying people about happy meals and concentrate on the basics..
In point of fact- the "purging" of voter rolls has captured innocent voters. This means that those voters that ARE eligible are contacted-the error is corrected. So no one is disenfranchised.

Just like when Medicare declared my dad dead because of a data entry -- it took me 2 months and a Congressman to get it fixed. Life is hard -- govt. is largely incompetent. You gotta deal with it..

Errors on maintaining the voter roles are too prevalent because govt is doing distracted from its REAL functions. I think NetFlix could handle this...
In order to get a state id card so you can vote in Florida you need:
Driver's license, passport, birth certificate, or naturalization papers
Social Security, W-2 or similar documents
Poof of Home Address

Florida Drivers License Fees

For a Republican legislation to require that people pay $25 to vote seems just a bit obvious.

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