Getting Omicron

Ah, if you can't accept your source has a history of lying to you then just deny it and attack the messenger. Sorry, Karen but you aren't the victim on this one.
Fallacy. Credibility of source is not connected to merit of content.
Nobody has been confirmed to have died "from" or "of" omi-con. 3 deaths in the globe so far have been people who have died "with" omi-con, but not "from" or "of" omi-con.

I posted the proof. And the verification. And that was just the first. There are more and will be more later. You need locked up. Actually, you need to be sentenced to serve in a Covid 19 ward for about a year.
I already answered
Lol, you answered "somewhere", but of course we will never know where, you will not quote it, and there will ALWAYS be a reason why you won't be repeating it. I've seen how this goes...
I posted the proof. And the verification. And that was just the first. There are more and will be more later. You need locked up. Actually, you need to be sentenced to serve in a Covid 19 ward for about a year.
Lol, that is old propaganda. Media is not an authority to generate cause of death, they only report on it. They are not reporting on any authorities claiming that he died "from" omi-con. This was already covered a long time ago in the official usmb omicron death toll thread:

Lol, you answered "somewhere", but of course we will never know where, you will not quote it, and there will ALWAYS be a reason why you won't be repeating it. I've seen how this goes...
I answered in the post you replied to. I'm not repeating myself because you're too lazy to read the whole thing. Go back and reread if you want the answer.
I posted the proof. And the verification
Let's see you copy n paste what exactly your propaganda piece said about that guy dying because of omi-con. I bet if you read it again, you will find that the most they will tell you is that he had omi-con, and that he died. They will NOT connect his death to omi-con.
Lol, that is old propaganda. Media is not an authority to generate cause of death, they only report on it. They are not reporting on any authorities claiming that he died "from" omi-con. This was already covered a long time ago in the official usmb omicron death toll thread:

I didn't post it from the media. I posted it from Notice the date, Dec. 24. 2021. Webmd is made up of Doctors and Health givers, not newspeople or politicians.
I answered in the post you replied to. I'm not repeating myself because you're too lazy to read the whole thing. Go back and reread if you want the answer.
"...and there will ALWAYS be a reason why you won't be repeating it..."
I didn't post it from the media. I posted it from Notice the date, Dec. 24. 2021. Webmd is made up of Doctors and Health givers, not newspeople or politicians.
Let's see you copy n paste what exactly your propaganda piece said about that guy dying because of omi-con. I bet if you read it again, you will find that the most they will tell you is that he had omi-con, and that he died. They will NOT connect his death to omi-con.
Let's see you copy n paste what exactly your propaganda piece said about that guy dying because of omi-con. I bet if you read it again, you will find that the most they will tell you is that he had omi-con, and that he died. They will NOT connect his death to omi-con.

You got it, Karen. But that proves that you refuse to read the information. So I may post it all the way, you still won't read it and you will still continue to Karen along.

First Omicron Death in U.S. Was Reinfection

Dec. 24. 2021 -- The first confirmed death from the Omicron variant in the U.S. was a reinfection.
The man, who was in his 50s and lived in Harris County, Texas, was unvaccinated and had previously been infected with COVID-19. He recently contracted the virus again, and it was confirmed as the Omicron variant.
Harris County health officials also said he faced a higher risk for severe complications because of underlying health conditions and being unvaccinated.
“This is a reminder of the severity of COVID-19 and its variants. We urge all residents who qualify to get vaccinated and get their booster shot if they have not already,” Barbie Robinson, executive director of Harris County Public Health, said in a statement.
The announcement came on the same day the CDC said the Omicron variant had become the country’s most dominant strain of the virus and now accounts 73% of new cases.
In some parts of the country, the share of Omicron cases is even higher than the nationwide average. The CDC estimated that Omicron makes up more than 90% of new cases in parts of the Northeast, Northwest, South and Southeast.

The Omicron variant has now pushed daily coronavirus case counts higher than the peak of the Delta variant wave.
The variant is causing “near-vertical case growth” in multiple cities across the United States, including New York City, Chicago, the District of Columbia, Houston, New Orleans and Miami. Case counts are doubling every two to three days, the newspaper reported, with more record-breaking days expected in the next week.
Public health officials are encouraging people to get COVID-19 vaccinations and booster shots — and not rely on natural immunity to protect them.
“The truth is that we could be looking at a Category 5 hurricane or a tropical storm,” Julie Swann, a professor at North Carolina State University who advised the CDC during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, told The New York Times.
“But we have to prepare for the possibility of that Category 5 hurricane,” she said.
Wow let's take a look at one of your sources.

Western Journal



Overall, we rate Western Journal Right Biased and Questionable based on story selection and editorial opinions that strongly favor the right and numerous failed fact checks.

Detailed Report​

Questionable Reasoning: Far Right, Failed Fact Checks, Propaganda, Conspiracy
Bias Rating: FAR RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA (44/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

Well, that's great, but this is NOT POLITICS. This is life or death health issues.

Anyway, let's take a look at YOUR source,

Registrant Contact
Registration Private

Domains By Proxy, LLC

2155 E Warner Rd



Postal Code:


IP address192.0.78.242 CHANGE
CountryUnited States
CitySan Francisco

By the way, that location is located at "Garfield Square Park" in San Fransisco, a bogus location for an office building (could be a technical glitch, but still...). What else is bogus? not a root registering agent and is itself registered by we are seeing that it's not a real entity (all top level entities are directly hosted through a top level registering agent). I read FLY BY NIGHT and heavily cloaked in the cyberworld. [Edit: most bogus IP locations like this mean that they are actually gateway addresses, often to overseas locations...In other words the server may very well be located in Beijing, China, for all I know]

A quick search about the website itself yields a short note in wikipeadia:

"Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) is an American fact-checking website founded in 2015 by editor Dave M. Van Zandt.[1]

Van Zandt and his team use a 0–10 scale to rate sites for biased wording, headlines, actuality, sourcing, story choices, and political affiliation"

And then a search about the founder, "Dave M. Van Zandt" yields this:

"Discredited, self-styled ‘fact-checker’ website was served with a ‘cease and desist’ legal notice today for publishing unsubstantiated and defamatory claims against Principia Scientific International (PSI). MEDIA BIAS/FACT CHECK site owner admits he is unqualified and misrepresented himself as a seasoned journalist."

So really a nobody, serving biased and largely unsubstantiated claims for hire? Is that right? hu, why am I not surprised.

go fish.
Last edited:
You got it, Karen. But that proves that you refuse to read the information. So I may post it all the way, you still won't read it and you will still continue to Karen along.

First Omicron Death in U.S. Was Reinfection

Dec. 24. 2021 -- The first confirmed death from the Omicron variant in the U.S. was a reinfection.
The man, who was in his 50s and lived in Harris County, Texas, was unvaccinated and had previously been infected with COVID-19. He recently contracted the virus again, and it was confirmed as the Omicron variant.
Harris County health officials also said he faced a higher risk for severe complications because of underlying health conditions and being unvaccinated.
“This is a reminder of the severity of COVID-19 and its variants. We urge all residents who qualify to get vaccinated and get their booster shot if they have not already,” Barbie Robinson, executive director of Harris County Public Health, said in a statement.
The announcement came on the same day the CDC said the Omicron variant had become the country’s most dominant strain of the virus and now accounts 73% of new cases.
In some parts of the country, the share of Omicron cases is even higher than the nationwide average. The CDC estimated that Omicron makes up more than 90% of new cases in parts of the Northeast, Northwest, South and Southeast.

The Omicron variant has now pushed daily coronavirus case counts higher than the peak of the Delta variant wave.
The variant is causing “near-vertical case growth” in multiple cities across the United States, including New York City, Chicago, the District of Columbia, Houston, New Orleans and Miami. Case counts are doubling every two to three days, the newspaper reported, with more record-breaking days expected in the next week.
Public health officials are encouraging people to get COVID-19 vaccinations and booster shots — and not rely on natural immunity to protect them.
“The truth is that we could be looking at a Category 5 hurricane or a tropical storm,” Julie Swann, a professor at North Carolina State University who advised the CDC during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, told The New York Times.
“But we have to prepare for the possibility of that Category 5 hurricane,” she said.
Copying the entire text does not show what we are looking for. Let's see you copy n paste what exactly your propaganda piece said about that guy dying because of omi-con. I bet if you read it again, you will find that the most they will tell you is that he had omi-con, and that he died. They will NOT connect his death to omi-con.
Yup, and I just told you one
The original post asked you this:

"Are there any reasons why you would be concerned about getting Omicron, above and beyond the typical symptoms that go with a typical cold?"

You answered fear, which is reasonable enough, but does NOT address what you fear might happen above and beyond typical cold symptoms. I then asked you what you feared might happen to you or your loved ones, above and beyond typical cold symptoms, if you and your loved ones got it, and this is where you ducked out. You must have figured out that omi-con is just a regular cold.

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