getting multiple reports that posting "eric ciaramella" on facebook gets your post deleted


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
can real bans be far away?

I know, we will hear the progs step up and talk about private company rights, something they only believe in when companies are imposing the will of the State to work against fundamental freedom...

anyway, am I the only one who isn't surprised by what the whistle-blower looks like? Do they produce soy boys in some type of factory?

I know, we will hear the progs step up and talk about private company rights
Yet in same breath bitch about bans here, moved threads, and claim that USMB is a right wing site.

Never been on Facebook and looks like it will remain that way.
I know, we will hear the progs step up and talk about private company rights
Yet in same breath bitch about bans here, moved threads, and claim that USMB is a right wing site.

Never been on Facebook and looks like it will remain that way.
I don't bitch about bans here or anywhere

I've never pulled a ban anywhere that I know of...

but, I have never tried to wade through the cesspool of DU either, so there's that...

and for the record, I support private company rights, I just find it troubling when a company or group of powerful entities regulate what can and cannot be expressed in an open forum

if facebook wants to act this way; they should be regulated and taxed as a super-pac
can real bans be far away?

I know, we will hear the progs step up and talk about private company rights, something they only believe in when companies are imposing the will of the State to work against fundamental freedom...

anyway, am I the only one who isn't surprised by what the whistle-blower looks like? Do they produce soy boys in some type of factory?

Evidently there is no ban or your post would have been banned. OTOH, are you so certain this man IS the whistleblower? What if he is not? Who told you? After all the testimony from people who were there, why is it important to vilify this man except to squelch a process necessary when officials ignore addressing an issue or more importantly, deep-six concerns.
Are people harassing him?
maybe they are concerned that he will be Epsteined or Seth Riched

do you have to have dirt on power dems for this treatment, or is it enough to be outed and not have enough dirt to be helpful :dunno:


Twitter is banning accounts that mention his holy name according to Dana Loesch.

Lets unpack this. I’m going to open up twitter and see if Ms. Loesch’s account (whoever that is) has been banned….

Screen Shot 2019-11-10 at 7.19.50 AM.png

Nope…still there.

So either this woman is full of crap…


She is so cowed by Twitter into silence and afraid to lose her account, she’s a coward and won’t mention someone’s name?
I dont read or post to Facebook and I wish no one else would either
Just add his name to the list of traitors to be charged with running a coup to overthrow our President. The dude is obviously a punk.
Meanwhile, the idiots on CNN are still saying "We don't know who the whistleblower is..."

I shit you not.
Are people harassing him?

I'm sure he's safe, he's surrounded by CIA agents after all. The covington kid, not so much. FB and the MSM didn't lift a finger to protect his identity.
But the Covington kid SMILED at the stupid injun

Oh the horror! I, like most decent human beings hope he regrets that decision for the rest of his pathetic and hopefully short life!!!
And I, like most decent human beings hope you regret not listening to his (IF he is the whistleblower) decision for the rest of your pathetic suck-up-to-corruption-and negate-the-Constitution life.
Took them long enough... should have been done weeks ago, according to their policy....?

How do you know for certain this man is the whistleblower? Who was the first one on the net outing him as the WB and how do they know it as fact?

Why is it important for trumpsters like you to out him or her, what is your purpose?
Truth can withstand the light. Lies can not and must remain in the dark.

And Facebook assured congress they didn't do this type of shit. Company needs to be regulated as a public utility.
What was not true in the actual whistleblower complaint, can you point it out? Anyone point to it?

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