Get yer hands off our stars 'n bars license plates


Washington and Lee University To Remove Confederate Flags Inside Lee Chapel

No place for that traitorous rag in America

they should also
bulldoze every confederate traitorous monument and dig lee's body up an put it in a landfill where it belongs
Yes, because the government certainly should enforce strict laws against anyone that might offend you or another person.

Do you understand what freedom actually entails?
Gummo is just a silly troll who lives to hate-spam.
Yeah freedom of speech is only allowed if all the sheep agree on the message.

So the fuck what if some redneck wants the confederate flag on his stuff

So you think the government has some kind of obligation to inscribe your speech on government instruments? Typical entitlement complex.
And the FIRST person in this thread to actually make a relevant point. Congrats.

The thread devolved immediately into a hate/support fest over the confederate flag - simply the OBJECT that brought the real question into play here not the actual issue itself which is how much control the state should have over the depictions on material they issue.

I honestly don't see why they wouldn't have complete control and could deny the confederate flag if they so wished. I think the bigger question is what they could allow then, don't you?

For instance, it would not be kosher to allow a plate that stated 'proud republican' across the GOP symbol but summarily deny the same 'proud democrat.' So where to draw the line then?
I realize your knowledge of history is nil, but the Confederacy came MUCH closer than most people realize to winning independence.

The Confederacy never stood a chance. Their whole brilliant plan was that the British would side with them.

Your ignorance knows depths that even a bathyscaphe would have trouble reaching...

Okay, guy, you keep telling yourself that Bubba could have won the war with no railroads, no industry, and their only source of income cut off by a Union Blockade.
If the sheep are stupid enough to pay extra for vanity license plates I say we let them.
Just remember, it was the leftists and southern democrats who had slaves. Then again with out civil rights movements, it was the leftists who were exploiting blacks. It's no wonder that they're trying to run from their own abomination.

Not entirely true and hardly germane to the discussion today.

More to the point, why are you rabid RWs proud to be racists now?

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