Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

:eusa_shhh:Don't tell that to American Christians, they need it to get blown up so that Jesus can come back afterwards. The sooner, the better.
About the Next Israeli Government

February 1, 2013
By Caroline Glick

It is still difficult to assess how Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will govern in his next government. The public has little interest in begging the Palestinians to return to negotiations. But then the Israeli public has rarely had much interest in pursuing fruitless deals with unreformed Palestinian terrorists. The only reason we continue to chase deals with them is because the US is obsessed with supporting Palestinian anti-Israel demands in the name of peace.

To a significant, if not necessarily determinative degree, whether the Palestinians will continue to be a salient issue in the coming years will be a function of events in the wider Arab world. The collapse of the Egyptian state, Syria’s civil war, and the potential collapse of the Hashemite monarchy in Jordan will all limit President Barack Obama’s ability to press Israel to give away land to the Palestinians.

At the same time, Netanyahu’s assault on his own political camp, starting with Likud and moving to Naftali Bennett and the Bayit Yehudi indicate that at a minimum, Netanyahu will do nothing to advance Israel’s position vis-à-vis the Palestinians. He is unlikely to permit significant new construction in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria or significant Jewish building in Jerusalem. He is unlikely to undertake any democratic reforms in the Justice Ministry or the court system. He is unlikely to take any steps to boost Israel’s rights in Judea and Samaria or to undermine the terrorist-led Palestinian Authority.

Where the next government is likely to move ahead are in two other significant, if under-discussed areas: economic reform, and religious reform.


About the Next Israeli Government


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But not in it's present form

Israel will never agree to Borders that the Arabs themselves have never Honored or Respected or allow " Right of Return". It's that simple. Again.... Tell us exactly what the Palestinians are doing to " negotiate?" Oh.... Keep forgetting. There is NEVER an answer lol:clap2:

Negotiations is an Abbas fantasy.

Abbas fantasy? He can negototiate if he wanted to Just name one thing he offered. You can't because he hasnt
Israel will never agree to Borders that the Arabs themselves have never Honored or Respected or allow " Right of Return". It's that simple. Again.... Tell us exactly what the Palestinians are doing to " negotiate?" Oh.... Keep forgetting. There is NEVER an answer lol:clap2:

Negotiations is an Abbas fantasy.

Abbas fantasy? He can negototiate if he wanted to Just name one thing he offered. You can't because he hasnt
Their best friends in Iran are building nukes and the Israelis should negotiate before that happens, because afterwards will not be a pretty sight, well, except for me, I'll be watching it on CNN from the comfort of my home.
Negotiations is an Abbas fantasy.

Abbas fantasy? He can negototiate if he wanted to Just name one thing he offered. You can't because he hasnt
Their best friends in Iran are building nukes and the Israelis should negotiate before that happens, because afterwards will not be a pretty sight, well, except for me, I'll be watching it on CNN from the comfort of my home.

I have posted many times what Abbas was offered. He was offered ALMOST everything he wanted. When two or more :clap2:parties " negotiate" about anything it's understood nobody is going to have everything their way 100%. Not my fault if you can't comphrend English.

You do admit one think though; The Arabs are the Agressors, they will initiate WW 111 ! That's because they don't respect " International Law" lol :clap2: :cuckoo:
Abbas fantasy? He can negototiate if he wanted to Just name one thing he offered. You can't because he hasnt
Their best friends in Iran are building nukes and the Israelis should negotiate before that happens, because afterwards will not be a pretty sight, well, except for me, I'll be watching it on CNN from the comfort of my home.

I have posted many times what Abbas was offered. He was offered ALMOST everything he wanted. When two or more :clap2:parties " negotiate" about anything it's understood nobody is going to have everything their way 100%. Not my fault if you can't comphrend English.

You do admit one think though; The Arabs are the Agressors, they will initiate WW 111 ! That's because they don't respect " International Law" lol :clap2: :cuckoo:

Zionuts started the war and it never ended. It will likely ESCALATE into a nuclear war and possibly draw others in, starting WWIII. All from the original zionuts aggression.
Their best friends in Iran are building nukes and the Israelis should negotiate before that happens, because afterwards will not be a pretty sight, well, except for me, I'll be watching it on CNN from the comfort of my home.

I have posted many times what Abbas was offered. He was offered ALMOST everything he wanted. When two or more :clap2:parties " negotiate" about anything it's understood nobody is going to have everything their way 100%. Not my fault if you can't comphrend English.

You do admit one think though; The Arabs are the Agressors, they will initiate WW 111 ! That's because they don't respect " International Law" lol :clap2: :cuckoo:

Zionuts started the war and it never ended. It will likely ESCALATE into a nuclear war and possibly draw others in, starting WWIII. All from the original zionuts aggression.

Tell us how the Israelis started it and exactly what Abbas is doing to help the " negotiations". I have asked you this several times and of course there is nobody home. When two or more parties " negotiate" about anything in life everyone has to to their part.

Why should Iran get involved threatening to blow Israel off the map? That is not Arab Agression? lol Leave it to a Pro- Palestinian Psycho Kool- Aid Drinker :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :clap2: :clap2:
Negotiations is an Abbas fantasy.

Abbas fantasy? He can negototiate if he wanted to Just name one thing he offered. You can't because he hasnt
Their best friends in Iran are building nukes and the Israelis should negotiate before that happens, because afterwards will not be a pretty sight, well, except for me, I'll be watching it on CNN from the comfort of my home.

If iran nukes Israel it would kill more arabs and palies than Jews...

Hey ima I fig out your name, ignorant moronic americon or ima ssob...

I hope Israel smokes iran like a cheap cigar and sends the twelfth imam to hell in a well...:clap2:
Abbas fantasy? He can negototiate if he wanted to Just name one thing he offered. You can't because he hasnt
Their best friends in Iran are building nukes and the Israelis should negotiate before that happens, because afterwards will not be a pretty sight, well, except for me, I'll be watching it on CNN from the comfort of my home.

If iran nukes Israel it would kill more arabs and palies than Jews...

Hey ima I fig out your name, ignorant moronic americon or ima ssob...

I hope Israel smokes iran like a cheap cigar and sends the twelfth imam to hell in a well...:clap2:

Have to consider the source. The Pro Palestinian Kool- Aid drinker says the Palestinians are doing their part to " negotiate" yet when asked for links to her info of course there is no response :cuckoo:
Their best friends in Iran are building nukes and the Israelis should negotiate before that happens, because afterwards will not be a pretty sight, well, except for me, I'll be watching it on CNN from the comfort of my home.

If iran nukes Israel it would kill more arabs and palies than Jews...

Hey ima I fig out your name, ignorant moronic americon or ima ssob...

I hope Israel smokes iran like a cheap cigar and sends the twelfth imam to hell in a well...:clap2:

Have to consider the source. The Pro Palestinian Kool- Aid drinker says the Palestinians are doing their part to " negotiate" yet when asked for links to her info of course there is no response :cuckoo:

She's bizzy bringing in some rockets...
If iran nukes Israel it would kill more arabs and palies than Jews...

Hey ima I fig out your name, ignorant moronic americon or ima ssob...

I hope Israel smokes iran like a cheap cigar and sends the twelfth imam to hell in a well...:clap2:
You're getting a little ahead of yourself there, skippy. You first need to prove they're making nukes, before we can start talking about them using nukes. It's pretty silly talking about them using nukes, when the last 3 NIE's and Israel's own security chief have said they're not making any.
"NUKES" is not the issue-----it is a smoke screen. In recent history
the islamo nazi pigs have genocided more than 20 million people out of
existence without "NUKES" ----in their relatively short history---14
centuries they genocided HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS It is not
all that hard to kill people----even islamo nazis can do it----it is a
matter of WILL ----and Iran is willing. The "god' of Iran wants
"NUKES" is not the issue-----it is a smoke screen. In recent history
the islamo nazi pigs have genocided more than 20 million people out of
existence without "NUKES" ----in their relatively short history---14
centuries they genocided HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS It is not
all that hard to kill people----even islamo nazis can do it----it is a
matter of WILL ----and Iran is willing. The "god' of Iran wants

I believe. I'd have to fact check it to find out but I believe Islam has killed more than all of communism. That is pretty horrific. - Jeri
"NUKES" is not the issue-----it is a smoke screen. In recent history
the islamo nazi pigs have genocided more than 20 million people out of
existence without "NUKES" ----in their relatively short history---14
centuries they genocided HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS It is not
all that hard to kill people----even islamo nazis can do it----it is a
matter of WILL ----and Iran is willing. The "god' of Iran wants

I believe. I'd have to fact check it to find out but I believe Islam has killed more than all of communism. That is pretty horrific. - Jeri

yes ---but the communist genocide history is shorter ----and hopefully ---OVER.
islam is still working on its numbers Sad but true---even Iran was a victim
of islamic genocide It is not entirely clear to me----I never googled---but
I believe that Iran was subjected to two onslaughts-----both arab and the
minions of GENGHIS KHAN <<< a really big contributor to that genocide
score (some muslims try to deny his religious affiliation)
"NUKES" is not the issue-----it is a smoke screen. In recent history
the islamo nazi pigs have genocided more than 20 million people out of
existence without "NUKES" ----in their relatively short history---14
centuries they genocided HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS It is not
all that hard to kill people----even islamo nazis can do it----it is a
matter of WILL ----and Iran is willing. The "god' of Iran wants

I believe. I'd have to fact check it to find out but I believe Islam has killed more than all of communism. That is pretty horrific. - Jeri

yes ---but the communist genocide history is shorter ----and hopefully ---OVER.
islam is still working on its numbers Sad but true---even Iran was a victim
of islamic genocide It is not entirely clear to me----I never googled---but
I believe that Iran was subjected to two onslaughts-----both arab and the
minions of GENGHIS KHAN <<< a really big contributor to that genocide
score (some muslims try to deny his religious affiliation)

true. It is shorter. Genghis Khan is a good point also. - Jeri
i look for Israel to put a beat down on Iran soon.
And that's a perfect example of how Israel creates its enemies out of thin air.

Because of shit like that!

You wanna go bomb a country that has never attacked you, because you don't care for some of the things they say.

As the leader did during a speech to the 57 islamic nation conference in Malaysia? Is that a big no comment?
Hezbollah is iran------it exists for the purpose of DESTROYING ISRAEL
The statement "IRAN DID NOT ATTACK ISRAEL" is truly idiotic---
its like saying "TAKING OUT A CONTRACT" on your well insured
husband ----is not a crime
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