Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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You're talking to a guy who constantly says Israel will be nuked soon lolololol. I think he's like 14 years old or something

I wish I was 14, thanks for the compliment. But I've said that Israel should use this time as the superior and occupyer force to make peace, or else risk getting nuked down the road. Soon? maybe. Probably not for a few years still. And it's only a fool who completely discounts the possibility. I guess that would be you 2. :D

If Israel is nuked way more arabs will die then Jews from nuclear fallout alone...:eusa_angel:

I know, and they know, but they don't care. They'll all get their 72 9-year-old virgins with allah. Or so they think. :D
Another Pro- Palestinian lie. The U.S. supplies Israel with money and weapons so Israel can defend itself against the Arabs who vow to destroy her . :eusa_hand:
An occupational force, cannot claim self-defense.

Israel became a " occupational Force" when the Arab Nations decided not to accept the 67 Borders or anything else concerning Israel's existence.

They initiate violence; Israel has the right to defend herself. Deal with it :clap2:

At least you agree that Israel is an occupational force. It's a start. :clap2:
An occupational force, cannot claim self-defense.

Israel became a " occupational Force" when the Arab Nations decided not to accept the 67 Borders or anything else concerning Israel's existence.

They initiate violence; Israel has the right to defend herself. Deal with it :clap2:

At least you agree that Israel is an occupational force. It's a start. :clap2:

At least you agree that it has always been the goal of the Arabs to anneliate Israel, they initiated the 67 War, and will initiate another War with Israel and WW 111 ! It's a start ! :clap2: :clap2:
Israel became a " occupational Force" when the Arab Nations decided not to accept the 67 Borders or anything else concerning Israel's existence.

They initiate violence; Israel has the right to defend herself. Deal with it :clap2:

At least you agree that Israel is an occupational force. It's a start. :clap2:

At least you agree that it has always been the goal of the Arabs to anneliate Israel, they initiated the 67 War, and will initiate another War with Israel and WW 111 ! It's a start ! :clap2: :clap2:
It's not a war when you're fighting an occupying force as you just admitted Israel is. Sorry, you lose. :D
At least you agree that Israel is an occupational force. It's a start. :clap2:

At least you agree that it has always been the goal of the Arabs to anneliate Israel, they initiated the 67 War, and will initiate another War with Israel and WW 111 ! It's a start ! :clap2: :clap2:
It's not a war when you're fighting an occupying force as you just admitted Israel is. Sorry, you lose. :D

It's not a War when a Country withdraws from territory and immediately gets more Rockets hurled at them. It's not a War when demands are made that are impossible for the other side and the demanding side refuses to negotiate. It's not a War when the " territory" that is out for Israel's destruction calls all of Israel " Palestine: Sorry, you lose.....:eusa_angel:

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

October 24, 2012
By David Solway


For it is almost inconceivable that a few million citizens of a newly established nation could successfully resist the military onslaught of vastly larger armies time and again. It must also contend against the enmity of its nominal allies in the West, the propaganda campaigns of the world’s major NGOs and opinion-forming bodies, the lies and slanders of the political and media elites, the ignorance of multitudes, and the specter of daily terror. It is equally inconceivable that this same beleaguered nation could at the same time become one of the world’s leading innovators in science, technology, medicine and agriculture, offering benefits to mankind out of all proportion to its numbers and circumstances—while reaping, for the most part, resentment, envy and violence.

For some, the continued existence of Israel is a sign of divine solicitude; for others, of human fortitude, hope and commitment at its most incandescent. But whatever the reason for this rarest of phenomena, the emergence of the theoretically impossible, it is a safe bet that Israel will still be around when its adversaries and detractors have succumbed to their own contradictions and dilemmas. Get used to it. Israel is here to stay.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

No, Israel will fall just like all the other occupiers and colonizers have. She will fall just like all the others who came before her! I thank God for that! Sherri

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

October 24, 2012
By David Solway


For it is almost inconceivable that a few million citizens of a newly established nation could successfully resist the military onslaught of vastly larger armies time and again. It must also contend against the enmity of its nominal allies in the West, the propaganda campaigns of the world’s major NGOs and opinion-forming bodies, the lies and slanders of the political and media elites, the ignorance of multitudes, and the specter of daily terror. It is equally inconceivable that this same beleaguered nation could at the same time become one of the world’s leading innovators in science, technology, medicine and agriculture, offering benefits to mankind out of all proportion to its numbers and circumstances—while reaping, for the most part, resentment, envy and violence.

For some, the continued existence of Israel is a sign of divine solicitude; for others, of human fortitude, hope and commitment at its most incandescent. But whatever the reason for this rarest of phenomena, the emergence of the theoretically impossible, it is a safe bet that Israel will still be around when its adversaries and detractors have succumbed to their own contradictions and dilemmas. Get used to it. Israel is here to stay.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

No, Israel will fall just like all the other occupiers and colonizers have. She will fall just like all the others who came before her! I thank God for that! Sherri
Are you voicing the Christian sentiment or your personal conviction? Just curious.
At least you agree that it has always been the goal of the Arabs to anneliate Israel, they initiated the 67 War, and will initiate another War with Israel and WW 111 ! It's a start ! :clap2: :clap2:
It's not a war when you're fighting an occupying force as you just admitted Israel is. Sorry, you lose. :D

It's not a War when a Country withdraws from territory and immediately gets more Rockets hurled at them. It's not a War when demands are made that are impossible for the other side and the demanding side refuses to negotiate. It's not a War when the " territory" that is out for Israel's destruction calls all of Israel " Palestine: Sorry, you lose.....:eusa_angel:

Sorry, but the game was already over and you lost. :D
It's not a war when you're fighting an occupying force as you just admitted Israel is. Sorry, you lose. :D

It's not a War when a Country withdraws from territory and immediately gets more Rockets hurled at them. It's not a War when demands are made that are impossible for the other side and the demanding side refuses to negotiate. It's not a War when the " territory" that is out for Israel's destruction calls all of Israel " Palestine: Sorry, you lose.....:eusa_angel:

Sorry, but the game was already over and you lost. :D

Sorry, but the game is over any you lost. Israel is never go back to the 67 Borders that were never recognized by the Arabs in the first place, forfeit all rights to E. Jerusalem, or allow " Right of Return" :cuckoo: :clap2:
It's not a War when a Country withdraws from territory and immediately gets more Rockets hurled at them. It's not a War when demands are made that are impossible for the other side and the demanding side refuses to negotiate. It's not a War when the " territory" that is out for Israel's destruction calls all of Israel " Palestine: Sorry, you lose.....:eusa_angel:

Sorry, but the game was already over and you lost. :D

Sorry, but the game is over any you lost. Israel is never go back to the 67 Borders that were never recognized by the Arabs in the first place, forfeit all rights to E. Jerusalem, or allow " Right of Return" :cuckoo: :clap2:

That's totally fine with me. But don't be surprised if you get nuked. Just saying. And NOT saying that that's what I want, because I don't. I'd prefer a peaceful solution, and as the occupyer and superior force, Israel needs to step up to the plate.
Personally, I'd get me and my family the fuck out of there.
Sorry, but the game was already over and you lost. :D

Sorry, but the game is over any you lost. Israel is never go back to the 67 Borders that were never recognized by the Arabs in the first place, forfeit all rights to E. Jerusalem, or allow " Right of Return" :cuckoo: :clap2:

That's totally fine with me. But don't be surprised if you get nuked. Just saying. And NOT saying that that's what I want, because I don't. I'd prefer a peaceful solution, and as the occupyer and superior force, Israel needs to step up to the plate.
Personally, I'd get me and my family the fuck out of there.

You can deny it all you want but Abbas was offered almost everything he wanted. At least you finally admit that Abbas has no desire to " negotiate", it's either all his way or no way.

Why should Israel get nuked if Abbas doesn't get 100% of what he wants? It's a fair question. Answer; Because the Arabs are the Agressors, always have been always will be. You finally admit it when you speak about the Arabs initiating WW 111 :clap2:

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

October 24, 2012
By David Solway


For it is almost inconceivable that a few million citizens of a newly established nation could successfully resist the military onslaught of vastly larger armies time and again. It must also contend against the enmity of its nominal allies in the West, the propaganda campaigns of the world’s major NGOs and opinion-forming bodies, the lies and slanders of the political and media elites, the ignorance of multitudes, and the specter of daily terror. It is equally inconceivable that this same beleaguered nation could at the same time become one of the world’s leading innovators in science, technology, medicine and agriculture, offering benefits to mankind out of all proportion to its numbers and circumstances—while reaping, for the most part, resentment, envy and violence.

For some, the continued existence of Israel is a sign of divine solicitude; for others, of human fortitude, hope and commitment at its most incandescent. But whatever the reason for this rarest of phenomena, the emergence of the theoretically impossible, it is a safe bet that Israel will still be around when its adversaries and detractors have succumbed to their own contradictions and dilemmas. Get used to it. Israel is here to stay.

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

No, Israel will fall just like all the other occupiers and colonizers have. She will fall just like all the others who came before her! I thank God for that! Sherri

SS Frau Sherri, Israel has been standing strong for 60+ years, you sick twisted Nazi witch. Remember, we have been hearing the same "Israel will fall" bullshit for 60 + years.

BTW, I just got off the phone with my cousin, (one of many who live in Israel), and he was just reminding me how awesome everything is in Israel and how happy all the Jews are living there. Hahahahahha. YOu mad, you ugly old slut ?
Sorry, but the game is over any you lost. Israel is never go back to the 67 Borders that were never recognized by the Arabs in the first place, forfeit all rights to E. Jerusalem, or allow " Right of Return" :cuckoo: :clap2:

That's totally fine with me. But don't be surprised if you get nuked. Just saying. And NOT saying that that's what I want, because I don't. I'd prefer a peaceful solution, and as the occupyer and superior force, Israel needs to step up to the plate.
Personally, I'd get me and my family the fuck out of there.

You can deny it all you want but Abbas was offered almost everything he wanted. At least you finally admit that Abbas has no desire to " negotiate", it's either all his way or no way.

Why should Israel get nuked if Abbas doesn't get 100% of what he wants? It's a fair question. Answer; Because the Arabs are the Agressors, always have been always will be. You finally admit it when you speak about the Arabs initiating WW 111 :clap2:
Once the arabs initiate WWIII, come back here and I'll apologize for being wrong. Just make sure you're not to close to the blast. :D

PS I have no idea what Abbas said or wants, so you can stop claiming that I do.
That's totally fine with me. But don't be surprised if you get nuked. Just saying. And NOT saying that that's what I want, because I don't. I'd prefer a peaceful solution, and as the occupyer and superior force, Israel needs to step up to the plate.
Personally, I'd get me and my family the fuck out of there.

You can deny it all you want but Abbas was offered almost everything he wanted. At least you finally admit that Abbas has no desire to " negotiate", it's either all his way or no way.

Why should Israel get nuked if Abbas doesn't get 100% of what he wants? It's a fair question. Answer; Because the Arabs are the Agressors, always have been always will be. You finally admit it when you speak about the Arabs initiating WW 111 :clap2:
Once the arabs initiate WWIII, come back here and I'll apologize for being wrong. Just make sure you're not to close to the blast. :D

You're the one who claims they will nuke Israel, not me. That will initiate WW 111. Still haven't answered my question; Why should Israel get " nuked" because Abbas doesn't get everything he wants?

PS I have no idea what Abbas said or wants, so you can stop claiming that I do.

That's because he's insisting on the 67 Borders and " Right of Return". I am mistaken? Documentation please. Google what he has said and prove me wrong. You can't. At least we can agree on something :clap2:
Israel will be returned to the 1923 borders if they don't negotiate Cynthia
You can deny it all you want but Abbas was offered almost everything he wanted. At least you finally admit that Abbas has no desire to " negotiate", it's either all his way or no way.

Why should Israel get nuked if Abbas doesn't get 100% of what he wants? It's a fair question. Answer; Because the Arabs are the Agressors, always have been always will be. You finally admit it when you speak about the Arabs initiating WW 111 :clap2:
Once the arabs initiate WWIII, come back here and I'll apologize for being wrong. Just make sure you're not to close to the blast. :D

You're the one who claims they will nuke Israel, not me. That will initiate WW 111. Still haven't answered my question; Why should Israel get " nuked" because Abbas doesn't get everything he wants?

PS I have no idea what Abbas said or wants, so you can stop claiming that I do.

That's because he's insisting on the 67 Borders and " Right of Return". I am mistaken? Documentation please. Google what he has said and prove me wrong. You can't. At least we can agree on something :clap2:

I personally see no problem with 67 borders and right of return. They agree to let Israel be. It's better than exchanging nukes. What's the prob? :dunno:
Israel will be returned to the 1923 borders if they don't negotiate Cynthia

Definition of NEGOTIATE
intransitive verb

b: to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise <negotiate a treaty>

Read the above definition SLOWLY if capable ( of course we know you're not). Name one thing the Palestinians have done to contribute to " negotiations". You can't because they haven't. DE- NIAL is not the River :eusa_hand: :cuckoo:
Once the arabs initiate WWIII, come back here and I'll apologize for being wrong. Just make sure you're not to close to the blast. :D

You're the one who claims they will nuke Israel, not me. That will initiate WW 111. Still haven't answered my question; Why should Israel get " nuked" because Abbas doesn't get everything he wants?

PS I have no idea what Abbas said or wants, so you can stop claiming that I do.

That's because he's insisting on the 67 Borders and " Right of Return". I am mistaken? Documentation please. Google what he has said and prove me wrong. You can't. At least we can agree on something :clap2:

I personally see no problem with 67 borders and right of return. They agree to let Israel be. It's better than exchanging nukes. What's the prob? :dunno:

Definition of NEGOTIATE
intransitive verb

b: to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise <negotiate a treaty>

Sigh..... Another one. Read the above Definition SLOWLY.

" Negotiation" and " Compromise" does not mean that one side makes all the concessions and the other side gets their way 100%. Get it? Of course not. :cuckoo:

Still refuse to answer the question; Why should Abbas not getting his way 100% cause a Nuclear War that you at least admit the Arabs will initiate ! :evil:
That's because he's insisting on the 67 Borders and " Right of Return". I am mistaken? Documentation please. Google what he has said and prove me wrong. You can't. At least we can agree on something :clap2:

I personally see no problem with 67 borders and right of return. They agree to let Israel be. It's better than exchanging nukes. What's the prob? :dunno:

Definition of NEGOTIATE
intransitive verb

b: to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise <negotiate a treaty>

Sigh..... Another one. Read the above Definition SLOWLY.

" Negotiation" and " Compromise" does not mean that one side makes all the concessions and the other side gets their way 100%. Get it? Of course not. :cuckoo:

Still refuse to answer the question; Why should Abbas not getting his way 100% cause a Nuclear War that you at least admit the Arabs will initiate ! :evil:

Israel gets recognition and peace. Meaning Jews officially get their country. How can you say they get nothing? For the arabs, that's pretty big.
I personally see no problem with 67 borders and right of return. They agree to let Israel be. It's better than exchanging nukes. What's the prob? :dunno:

Definition of NEGOTIATE
intransitive verb

b: to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise <negotiate a treaty>

Sigh..... Another one. Read the above Definition SLOWLY.

" Negotiation" and " Compromise" does not mean that one side makes all the concessions and the other side gets their way 100%. Get it? Of course not. :cuckoo:

Still refuse to answer the question; Why should Abbas not getting his way 100% cause a Nuclear War that you at least admit the Arabs will initiate ! :evil:

Israel gets recognition and peace. Meaning Jews officially get their country. How can you say they get nothing? For the arabs, that's pretty big.

1) Israel is not going to go back to Borders that were never recognized by the Arabs or Respected

2) The Jewish people have their most religious sites in E. Jerusalem; A place that Abbas has declared a NJA Zone. The Israelis will never be denied their right to that land again.

3) " Right of Return" would eventually make the Jews a minority in their own Country. In addition, it would make it a lot easier to destroy Israel from the inside

4) See below

http://Click here: Abbas Makes It Official: Israel is Arab Palestine - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

Abbas Makes It Official: All of Israel is Palestine

The Fatah party, headed by Abbas, has made official what it has been saying more quietly and adopts a new logo: All of Israel as Palestine.

AAFont Size
By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 12/30/2012, 9:09 AM

Abbas with map of 'Palestine'Palestine' in background

Israel news photo: Flash 90

The Fatah party, headed by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, has made official what it has been saying quietly and has adopted a new logo showing all of Israel as Palestine.

The logo marks the 48th anniversary of the founding of Fatah by Yasser Arafat and includes a map with the PA flag and a map of Israel that appears to be a depiction of the black and white checkered kefiyah, a symbol of the violent intifada, and the slogan “the state and victory."

Palestine Media Watch (PMW) revealed that the official PA daily published the new official logo.

For the past year, official PA documents have increasingly shown Palestine as covering all of Israel, but this is the first time the Fatah party has placed the map on its logo.

PMW noted, “Other symbols central to Fatah ideology also appear in the logo, including a rifle and a key symbolizing the Palestinian claim of ownership to houses within Israel.”

The Arab media watchdog translated and published the article announcing the new logo:

Just a small exerpt of the article. It's my understanding I can't post the entire thing even with the link. It should be obvious :cuckoo:
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