Get High – Go Schizo!

Actually....if you read the actual study and it's conclusions - it's not showing that pot is harmful per se but that there is a genetic (not causal) link between smoking cannibus and schitzophrenia that might indicate some shared predispositions to both. Cannibus does make schitzophrenia worse though and makes their reactions to medications less reliable.

Genes that increase the risk of a person developing schizophrenia may also increase the chance they will use cannabis, researchers said on Tuesday after studying more than 1,000 users of the drug.

The results chime with previous studies linking schizophrenia and cannabis, but suggest the association may be due to common genes and might not be a causal relationship where cannabis use leads to increased schizophrenia risk.

On the other hand....there's always :eek:

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Another barb at the “Grass Doesn't Hurt Anyone” crowd.

More like another uninformed person desperately looking for a barb :rolleyes:

I don't smoke the stuff and never have.

I personally don't care if it - and ALL so-called banned drugs - are made legal and dispensed all over the world.

The clear-eyed and alert will simply take up the positions of wealth and responsibility relinquished by those who cannot live without a chemical crutch. :eusa_angel:
Another barb at the “Grass Doesn't Hurt Anyone” crowd.

More like another uninformed person desperately looking for a barb :rolleyes:

I don't smoke the stuff and never have.

I personally don't care if it - and ALL so-called banned drugs - are made legal and dispensed all over the world.

The clear-eyed and alert will simply take up the positions of wealth and responsibility relinquished by those who cannot live without a chemical crutch. :eusa_angel:

Another barb at the “Grass Doesn't Hurt Anyone” crowd.

More like another uninformed person desperately looking for a barb :rolleyes:

I don't smoke the stuff and never have.

I personally don't care if it - and ALL so-called banned drugs - are made legal and dispensed all over the world.

The clear-eyed and alert will simply take up the positions of wealth and responsibility relinquished by those who cannot live without a chemical crutch. :eusa_angel:

I call BS or you wouldn't be posting that story from Fox News. Smoking tobacco has been known to lead to lung cancer and other lung aliments yet still very legal. And this study doesn't say marijuana use causes schizophrenia so it's no barb. Compared to other legal drugs, marijuana is quite harmless.
Another barb at the “Grass Doesn't Hurt Anyone” crowd.

More like another uninformed person desperately looking for a barb :rolleyes:

I don't smoke the stuff and never have.

I personally don't care if it - and ALL so-called banned drugs - are made legal and dispensed all over the world.

The clear-eyed and alert will simply take up the positions of wealth and responsibility relinquished by those who cannot live without a chemical crutch. :eusa_angel:

Darwinism at it's finest. I smoke the stuff from time to time. Helps me get to sleep. I just don't smoke it daily. I have other important stuff to do so when time allows, I will partake. Not much different than drinking alcohol. Moderation.

The weak ones filter out. The stronger willed move on.
More like another uninformed person desperately looking for a barb :rolleyes:

I don't smoke the stuff and never have.

I personally don't care if it - and ALL so-called banned drugs - are made legal and dispensed all over the world.

The clear-eyed and alert will simply take up the positions of wealth and responsibility relinquished by those who cannot live without a chemical crutch. :eusa_angel:

I call BS or you wouldn't be posting that story from Fox News. Smoking tobacco has been known to lead to lung cancer and other lung aliments yet still very legal. And this study doesn't say marijuana use causes schizophrenia so it's no barb. Compared to other legal drugs, marijuana is quite harmless.

And really, like all FOX news stories, it does not tell the whole story. The truth is that cannabis use can exacerbate symptoms of those who already have signs of schizophrenia and can manifest schizophrenia in people who have a history of it in their family as it is a hereditary condition.

I know this because of a friend of mine who was told by all of us not to smoke up because his mother was schizophrenic and he was showing early signs (zoning out, seeing conspiracies everywhere, paranoid). Rather than go to a doctor to get proper treatment, he continued use and as a result he came down with full blown schizophrenia.

He was never really a smoker but then he had some serious personal issues and started smoking daily. He got worse with each passing week. His brother told me that his doctor said that MJ can actually be a good treatment for other conditions like depression and anxiety but most mental health conditions that comes as a result of serious chemical imbalances or misfiring neurons can be worsened by MJ use. One exception to that is Epilepsy in which MJ has proven to be a great mitigator in preventing seizures but like any medical treatment it needs to come from licensed growers and more specially an Indica strain.

The moral of the story is simple. Like alcohol, marijuana, if used responsibly for recreational purposes poses little to no threat. Used irresponsibly as in not paying attention to you family medical history and/or medicating for serious issues without the consult of a doctor, you are asking for trouble. Again, Darwinism doing it's thing.
Another barb at the “Grass Doesn't Hurt Anyone” crowd. Amazing how, not that it's becoming legal in so many places, all sorts of scientific evidence is just now coming out about how harmful it is. Makes one wonder, doesn't it? I just wonder who or what is behind it? :eusa_whistle:

If one is ready to use the government power to regulate temperance or vice or gambling, fine, but be willing to admit that you want to regulate behavior IAW right wing Progressive principles.
Another barb at the “Grass Doesn't Hurt Anyone” crowd. Amazing how, not that it's becoming legal in so many places, all sorts of scientific evidence is just now coming out about how harmful it is. Makes one wonder, doesn't it? I just wonder who or what is behind it? :eusa_whistle:

Read more @ Study finds genetic links between schizophrenia and cannabis use | Fox News

What if science can show the consciousness between people is connected:

And when one person disrupts the normal consciousness it DOES affect society around us.

Like if someone jams the internet with viruses it affects not only them but others.

So altering one's perception unnatural is not just affecting oneself, but relations with others by spiritual connection.

What might could be proven is the difference in energy between
* positive prayer that is healing and life strengthening, correlates with health and healing
* negative energy that disrupts the flow, such as occult voodoo curses witchcraft sorcery spells black magic spiritism satan/demon worship etc.

And then if it can be shown that positive prayers correlate
with healthier relations and community, while these other activities
correlate with incidence of abuse and violence, for example, that might show a connection.

Overall, if the direction of research went into natural spiritual healing,
and the ability to cure mental illness, abuse, addiction and even criminal sickness,
by the time that process is understood, fewer people will want or need to use drugs.
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Another barb at the “Grass Doesn't Hurt Anyone” crowd. Amazing how, not that it's becoming legal in so many places, all sorts of scientific evidence is just now coming out about how harmful it is. Makes one wonder, doesn't it? I just wonder who or what is behind it? :eusa_whistle:

If one is ready to use the government power to regulate temperance or vice or gambling, fine, but be willing to admit that you want to regulate behavior IAW right wing Progressive principles.

Hi Jake
So what do you suggest we do,
to prevent people who believe in recreational drug use
from imposing on people who don't believe in it?

I for one, do not want to pay for health care costs for people messing up their
brains with drugs, when I know that spiritual healing can cure their addiction for free
and prevent any such loss, damage or waste, and subsequent costs as an undue burden.

What about requiring people who believe in "recreational drug use"
to pay for their own health care costs and welfare benefits
and all the social costs associated with such activities?

And for districts who agree NOT to have such activities, have residents
sign agreements like an ordinance to qualify to live in there.

What are we going to do, Jake, separate people by beliefs
so they don't impose on each other through the State?

Seriously the solution I see is that when EQUAL medical research and attention
is directed to natural methods of spiritual healing and cure, instead of ONLY investing in marijuana, or wasting millions fighting politically to block marijuana or stem cell research because of conflicting beliefs,

people will naturally reduce the demand for drug use, whether medicinal or recreational.
It would move closer to only using drugs when it is needed medically, and do the rest naturally where it's free with no side effects, and more people can be helped with the same resources.

I believe we can only get there by educated choice, and agreeing on solutions freely.
It can't be forced by law because of the conflicting beliefs equally protected.

We would have to prove first that someone's drug use is causing a danger to the public.
Right now that is based on faith, to resolve the conflicts it would need medical proof.
So if you are going to research and prove that marijuana has medicinal uses,
why not prove that spiritual healing can cure more conditions than marijuana can.
For free.

That would do more good and it would resolve many of the same conflicts
over drug use, addictions and effects.
And really, like all FOX news stories, it does not tell the whole story. The truth is that cannabis use can exacerbate symptoms of those who already have signs of schizophrenia and can manifest schizophrenia in people who have a history of it in their family as it is a hereditary condition.

I know this because of a friend of mine who was told by all of us not to smoke up because his mother was schizophrenic and he was showing early signs (zoning out, seeing conspiracies everywhere, paranoid). Rather than go to a doctor to get proper treatment, he continued use and as a result he came down with full blown schizophrenia.

He was never really a smoker but then he had some serious personal issues and started smoking daily. He got worse with each passing week. His brother told me that his doctor said that MJ can actually be a good treatment for other conditions like depression and anxiety but most mental health conditions that comes as a result of serious chemical imbalances or misfiring neurons can be worsened by MJ use. One exception to that is Epilepsy in which MJ has proven to be a great mitigator in preventing seizures but like any medical treatment it needs to come from licensed growers and more specially an Indica strain.

The moral of the story is simple. Like alcohol, marijuana, if used responsibly for recreational purposes poses little to no threat. Used irresponsibly as in not paying attention to you family medical history and/or medicating for serious issues without the consult of a doctor, you are asking for trouble. Again, Darwinism doing it's thing.

Dear Jedi: I am sorry to hear about your friend.

I recommend Scott Peck's book "Glimpses of the Devil" where he studied the effects of deliverance procedures on two "incureable" schizophrenic patients, both experiencing demonic voices and personalities overtaking their own.

Peck's original intent was to DEBUNK any notion that demons were real, which he understood were part of the sickness and delusion "in the patients' minds"
He not only changed his mind (after these "imaginary demons" targeted and attacked him verbally for things his patients had no knowledge of, which followed the deliverance process that he was told would progress in recognizable stages) but he witnessed these patients change and regain control of their minds, so they could complete therapy as other patients. Before the demonic obsession and rebellious rejection prevented either patient from complying with doctor's instructions. One patient fully recovered to normal behavior and mental ability and health; the other died of complications from physical disease that had progressed too far because she didn't get help in time and went all her life suffering self-afflicted abuse due to her mental illness.

Peck not only changed his mind and realized this process followed a method that could be quantified medically,
but he urged formal research to develop psychiatric diagnosis and treatment based on this so more people could be helped and cured
(and more lives could be saved by earlier intervention, which he realized could have saved the second patient had she been helped sooner, like removing a tumor before it metastasizes too far)

What would happen if for all the research directed toward legalization marijuana
EQUALLY was invested, dollar-for-dollar, case for case,
into this "natural healing therapy" that does not require using pot or any medication
and has no risks or side effects (the worst reported is that the removal of all the spiritual
negativity inside feels mentally painful "like dying," or reported as feeling "like rape" or totally violated,
but the peace of mind that comes afterward makes the person forget the temporary turbulence to get there.
I would compare this to how open heart surgery makes someone feel dead afterwards, where they cannot function.
Or surgery to regrow bones is so painful that the person wishes they would die instead. But with this process
it is not physically dangerous, it is purely internal on the mental or spiritual level where the painful "gutting" process takes place.)

If this "spiritual healing" can cure schizophrenics of "demonic voices delusions or destructive personalities",
while pot can make schizophrenia worse, why are we only researching one and not the other?

Not all cases of all diseases can be cured naturally through healing prayer.
Most still require mental or medical therapy in addition to the spiritual therapy,
so all levels of healing and health are addressed in full.

But of the cases that have been reported, these range from curing physical diseases, such as cancer diabetes rheumatoid arthritis, to mental illness and addiction.

I have never heard of pot curing the CAUSE of someone's addiction.
But spiritual healing has. I can only imagine that once this research and methods become general knowledge, the demand for drugs will reduce drastically. Fewer and fewer people would use pot or other drugs to placate symptoms if the disease itself can be cured.

Two books that mention curing schizophrenic patients that traditional treatment alone could not cure:
* Healing by Francis MacNutt
* Glimpses of the Devil by Scott Peck (also "People of the Lie" describes the spiritual cause and process of "evil" sick personality disorders he observed in patients)
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