Get a degree in Cultural Diveristy...for only $24,000 a year!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Academics, University of Cincinnati

Just a curious internest search provided countless worthless degrees. This one is a U of Cincy degree in Cultural Diversity, all for the bargain of $24,000 a year for non-Ohio residents!!!

You just KNOW there are a few thousand brain dead morons enrolled in that bullshit, racking up probably 50K in debt, only to be the next "OCCUPY OHIO" movement in 2014.
I'd be more appeciative of the point you were trying to make if, as but one example, a degree in US history wasn't ALSO basically worthless.
I'd be more appeciative of the point you were trying to make if, as but one example, a degree in US history wasn't ALSO basically worthless.

actually I read an article a few months ago ala a symposium held by lib arts proffs and the point was to which many fo them agreed- this type of thing is destroying the lib arts education field hence opportunities.
You could get one in Bible Study. They call it a "BS" degree. Which it is.
You could get one in Bible Study. They call it a "BS" degree. Which it is.
Never heard of a PhD in Divinity, have you?

Poor rderp. It must be so lonely -- not to mention cramped -- living in that closed little mind of yours.

Would you feel better, then, if this school was offering a PhD in Cultural Diversity?
No, I really don't care what idiots waste tuition money on. Maybe after they graduate they can join OWS and complain about their student loans and the fact that there are no jobs in their field.

Actions have consequences. It's amazing how many people simply can't understand that.
Academics, University of Cincinnati

Just a curious internest search provided countless worthless degrees. This one is a U of Cincy degree in Cultural Diversity, all for the bargain of $24,000 a year for non-Ohio residents!!!

You just KNOW there are a few thousand brain dead morons enrolled in that bullshit, racking up probably 50K in debt, only to be the next "OCCUPY OHIO" movement in 2014.
Yes they do. And end they up being one of these whiny assed OWS protesters who claim to have worked hard for their degree in some dopey major such as 'classical women's studies' or '15th century English literature'....
These stupid idiots took four years of their lives, lots of money (booze and drugs) to get a degree that precisely ZERO employers would be interested in. Yet these slackers think because they have a college degree they are owed something.
Reality check kiddies....nobody owes you or anyone else a fucking thing.
Let's not forget to throw a little blame on the lib infested colleges and universities that off such b.s. majors to their students. They know such pieces of parchment are worthless, but happily invest their money in resources to make them possible.

Okay, so you agree that the PhD does not mean anything in terms of the validity of the field. So, what was your objection in the first place, then?

I really don't care what idiots waste tuition money on.

Apparently you do, because you're in here complaining about it.

Maybe after they graduate they can join OWS and complain about their student loans and the fact that there are no jobs in their field.

It's their constitutional right. Why do you object to people exercising their constitutional rights?

Actions have consequences. It's amazing how many people simply can't understand that.

How many? Do you have specific figures? Or is this just a general catchphrase you like to throw out for any time someone does something you disagree with or otherwise don't like?
Let's not forget to throw a little blame on the lib infested colleges and universities that off such b.s. majors to their students. They know such pieces of parchment are worthless, but happily invest their money in resources to make them possible.

It's called the free market.
Yet another liberal field of study that will prepare the graduate for an exciting and fast-paced career in the fast food and upscale coffee retail industries. :clap2:

My dad has a degree in political science and it has nothing to do with what he does for a living, but he needed a bachelors degree to even apply for his job. You need a degree no matter what it is to get most decent jobs these days. To say any degree is pointless is a false statement.
You could get one in Bible Study. They call it a "BS" degree. Which it is.
Never heard of a PhD in Divinity, have you?
Well, it can't be too easy deanie, Algore flunked out of Divinity school. But he made up for that by not finishing Law School.

I'm sorry, how does Al Gore flunking out demonstrate the merit of a Divinity degree? Not only does anyone whatsoever flunking out fail to show that, but Al Gore of all people? The man could have flunked out of Kindergarten. Is that an acceptable college major too?
You could get one in Bible Study. They call it a "BS" degree. Which it is.
Never heard of a PhD in Divinity, have you?

Poor rderp. It must be so lonely -- not to mention cramped -- living in that closed little mind of yours.



See? It's topped with nuts. Figures.
Yet another liberal field of study that will prepare the graduate for an exciting and fast-paced career in the fast food and upscale coffee retail industries. :clap2:

My dad has a degree in political science and it has nothing to do with what he does for a living, but he needed a bachelors degree to even apply for his job. You need a degree no matter what it is to get most decent jobs these days. To say any degree is pointless is a false statement.
I'm pretty sure that daveman didn't say, "any degree is pointless", so I'm unclear what false statement you are referring to unless you mean your statement in your above post.

Okay, so you agree that the PhD does not mean anything in terms of the validity of the field. So, what was your objection in the first place, then?

I really don't care what idiots waste tuition money on.

Apparently you do, because you're in here complaining about it.

Maybe after they graduate they can join OWS and complain about their student loans and the fact that there are no jobs in their field.

It's their constitutional right. Why do you object to people exercising their constitutional rights?

Actions have consequences. It's amazing how many people simply can't understand that.

How many? Do you have specific figures? Or is this just a general catchphrase you like to throw out for any time someone does something you disagree with or otherwise don't like?
Constitutional right?
Look genius, they have the right to assembly and speech. Those rights are not absolute.
Nevertheless, it's not about the assembly or speech. It WHAT is being said and the REASON why the assembly.
We object to the content and tone.
These people are professional whiners. That's all.
The message of the college people is....I have worked for (fill in the blank degree) and no one will hire me. I should not have to pay back my student loan.
The message of the older people is "I want what those rich people have. They don't deserve it I do. Government, please tax them and give some to me"...
Yes, these people even though they are worthless freeloaders have the right to free speech and freedom od assembly.
They ABSOLUTE DO NOT have the right to block traffic, destroy property, picket private homes disrupting the RIGHTS OF OTHERS and being a general pain in the ass to citizens just trying to get through their day.
I say please let one of these pricks try getting in my way.
Most sensible people, normal people have had it with these assholes.
So fuck them and their constitutional rights. Theirs ends where everyone else's begin.
I'd be more appeciative of the point you were trying to make if, as but one example, a degree in US history wasn't ALSO basically worthless.
It's not? Unless that history major( who mentioned that one?) wishes to become an educator, there ain't much out there job wise..
The point here is not the earning of the degree. Rather it is the carping bitching and whining from those who've gone to college and decided on their own to go for these obscure degrees and expect to walk into a high paying white collar job right off the bat.
The other factor is that when these people cannot find or are unwilling to try, have been whining about their student loans and tuition costs. Somehow that is someone else's problem? I don't fucking think so.
College is where people are not only there to enhance their education but also to GROW UP!.

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