MSM BIAS:50 Cain stories and only 3 Clinton rape stories


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Clinton Rape of Broaddrick ONLY 3 stories in 3 days...

Following Kathleen Willey's July 1997 claims of being groped by the President, there were a mere three reports. For Juanita Broaddrick, who came forward in February 1999 to say Clinton raped her, only three stories followed charges appearing in the Wall Street Journal.

50 Cain anonymous harassment stories in 3 days..


Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals

NONE of you racist Cain haters will admit it but the white man Clinton while PRESIDENT had 3 stories! 3 stories of RAPE by a sitting President!

And you say there is no MSM bias???

At least you Cain haters could at least admit the obvious.. the MSM is racist and biased towards white democrat politician!
This is going on for a week now.
We all know something happened.
It happened 10 years or so ago.
Someone felt uncomfortable,a complaint was made,the issue dealt with.End of story.
There it took me under a minute to sum it up...
Do we need 5 days of coverage for something that no one can really talk about due to the terms of the agreement.An agreement by the way that Cain had not a lot to do with.
This is going on for a week now.
We all know something happened.
It happened 10 years or so ago.
Someone felt uncomfortable,a complaint was made,the issue dealt with.End of story.
There it took me under a minute to sum it up...
Do we need 5 days of coverage for something that no one can really talk about due to the terms of the agreement.An agreement by the way that Cain had not a lot to do with.

I agree "much ado about nothing"... for sure.. BUT doesn't this indicate the every present BIAS of the MSM? That many people get their news from the MSM and the MSM bias is evident, then why should one ever believe the MSM especially when it comes to political stories?
Clinton Rape of Broaddrick ONLY 3 stories in 3 days...

Following Kathleen Willey's July 1997 claims of being groped by the President, there were a mere three reports. For Juanita Broaddrick, who came forward in February 1999 to say Clinton raped her, only three stories followed charges appearing in the Wall Street Journal.

50 Cain anonymous harassment stories in 3 days..


Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals

NONE of you racist Cain haters will admit it but the white man Clinton while PRESIDENT had 3 stories! 3 stories of RAPE by a sitting President!

And you say there is no MSM bias???

At least you Cain haters could at least admit the obvious.. the MSM is racist and biased towards white democrat politician!

See signature...............
A phrase from the right fits nicely here.

Clinton is not president any more.
Cain is running for president.

End of story.
A phrase from the right fits nicely here.

Clinton is not president any more.
Cain is running for president.

End of story.

So it is OK for the MSM to influence voters about Cain negatively by writing 50 more stories in 3 days then they did about a sitting President being accused of Rape?

Geez... just seems to be a lack of proportionality here!

Sitting president only 3 stories being accused of rape while one of several citizens running for president not even nominated gets 50 stories in the same time frame?
Umm the net was young when the clinton accusations came forward, so not as much info will be there about that. Nor was the media in as much of a enquireristic mode.
Comparing how the media reacted then to now is not a fair comparison.
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Umm the net was young when the clinton accusations came forward, so not as much info will be there about that. Nor was the media in as much of a enquireristic mode.
Comparing how the media reacted then to now is not a fair comparison.

So I take it you don't think there is any MSM bias favoring Democrats and presenting GOP negatively?

If you think there is no bias,, then please retort intelligently these quotes:

Quotes from the Editor of NewsWeek..
"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics.
About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote
Democratic, they have for a long time.
There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the
editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.-
Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas

"Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to
Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' |

But then when it comes to Obama???

"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above –
above the world, he’s sort of God." –
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.

But if you still don't believe Evan Thomas..
ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN,CNBC, NYT,WASPOST, LA TIMES... any of what the UCLA study showed were and I quote their study:
Whether you agree or not there is a media bias as this UCLA study indicates of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center,with CBS' "Evening News," The New York Times and the
Los Angeles Times ranking second, third and fourth most biased.

Still not convinced?? Well how about what MSM hacks do with their money!

Thomas' assertion of 85% reporters vote Democratic is further backed up by:

" identified 144 journalists who made political contributions
from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the
public records of the Federal Election Commission.
125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes.
17 gave to Republicans.
2 gave to both parties."
Journalists give campaign cash - politics -

125 contributors to Democrats works out to 86% of the 144 contributors.

Still not convinced there is a liberal MSM bias???
A phrase from the right fits nicely here.

Clinton is not president any more.
Cain is running for president.

End of story.

so I guess that will stop the points you make ala hypocrisy from your angle in other threads?

the point is the media has a double standard....

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