Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement


Hold on a minute...let me get this straight.
You Lefties want to coddle the world on the taxpayer dime, feed every beaner in Mexico, increase welfare benefits, give everybody, including foreigners free health care, raise minimum wage and pay down the national debt?

I dont know any lefties who want that.

Hold on a minute...let me get this straight.
You Lefties want to coddle the world on the taxpayer dime, feed every beaner in Mexico, increase welfare benefits, give everybody, including foreigners free health care, raise minimum wage and pay down the national debt?

I dont know any lefties who want hat.

Did you take over someone's account?
You must be new here.
Not ready to give up, but ready to vote 3rd party, what a mess its not just Germany, Putin is laughing his ass off, now helping North Korea, & reaching out to others.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

...because we should care what the Germans think. The people that brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and today they push globalism, progressivism, and multiculturalism. Germans make good engineers and can build things better than most, but they are also the most stubborn and have no common sense.

Surprised that you join in the bashing, you are in Germany now yes? How about you leave and go back to America where you are from if you hate Germanics so much, go back to America.

I am enjoying some schadenfreude as Drumpf's friends turn on you.

I don't care if they want to turn on me, then fuck them. I only got in this thread when I saw so MANY UGLY comments from ignorant Americans bashing the nation that half of my family including my Mama are from and of course but but but Hitler had to be brought into it.

And then the Hawk comments:

"...because we should care what the Germans think."

And he's SQUATTING in Germany, so as I said if he hates Germans so much then GTFO and go back to America where he belongs.
Is Germany still trying to form a coalition government? Last I heard they hadn't if that is still the case maybe they should worry more about that and less about Trump.
They are trying to form a coalition government, there just taking time working it out. as opposed to forcing a resolution in the middle of the night & ramming some thing written in the margins just to get some thing passed, good bad or what ever.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

...because we should care what the Germans think. The people that brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and today they push globalism, progressivism, and multiculturalism. Germans make good engineers and can build things better than most, but they are also the most stubborn and have no common sense.

Surprised that you join in the bashing, you are in Germany now yes? How about you leave and go back to America where you are from if you hate Germanics so much, go back to America.
Not all Americans are bad people, more Americans judge not by your country, race, color or faith. but by how you treat others.

I am enjoying some schadenfreude as Drumpf's friends turn on you.

I don't care if they want to turn on me, then fuck them. I only got in this thread when I saw so MANY UGLY comments from ignorant Americans bashing the nation that half of my family including my Mama are from and of course but but but Hitler had to be brought into it.

And then the Hawk comments:

"...because we should care what the Germans think."

And he's SQUATTING in Germany, so as I said if he hates Germans so much then GTFO and go back to America where he belongs.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

Are they still giving those free train rides out?
]Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

ALL US Military and Diplomatic personnel shoild be pulled from Germany by January 1st.

ALL German citizens, including diplomatic personnel shoild be forced out of the US by January 1, 2018.

ALL German owned businesses in the US should lose their business licenses and ALL German imports halted immediately.
We have in the last 6 months pulled tons of our diplomats out , we have lost our eyes on the ground in too many places.
They have it. Since 1991.
Lucy. Do you believe Germany has full sovereignty?

No Germany is still an Occupied Nation, not have full Sovereignty and the post Second War German Constitution was not written by German people it was written by New York Lawyers and is designed to keep the German peoples down and I would say that 80% of German people hate Americans, not say to the American faces, but hate them and this has nothing to do with Trump this is a hate that goes back many decades and is in the DNA, not so much hate American people more though hate the American Governments, the exception being JFK he was liked and considered a friend and not a foe, Obama was considered okay until he started the Warmongering thing.

Aaaand there you have it. Germans hated Americans already, as I said from the beginning. So nothing has changed.

Wanna know how Americans think about Germans? They don't.

Hello? Anyone home? Thought not.

But you do think because what ended 72 years ago is CONSTANTLY in your narrow minds, I already commented that nobody on this Continent actually thinks about any of that anymore because we all have moved on, YOU however think about it ALL the time and of course Hollyweird would collapse if they could not spew out at least FOUR celluloid pieces of total horsecrap EVERY year about what NOBODY else gives a crap about anymore because that all finished 72 years ago.
That is not true, we never want to forget the price we ALL pay for war, there are some great German war films, go look at some. start easy with white rose.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

Gee, no one cared when countries criticized Obama.

Germany has some self-destructive policies, like taking in so many Muslims. They've done some stupid shit and haven't cared about anyone else. Too many countries are subscribing to the One World government and we shouldn't pander to them.

If Germany officials want to continue to kiss Muslim ass, it will be their own hell. We should not follow them.
Oooh the Germans are going to get us.....
WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down, but no worries just because you are American right. Sound like the stupid hicks down south that tell me bullets can not hit them because of their politicasl leanings. Bullets do not give a fuck what you are thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At any rate it is not good news when your allies are denaouncing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WW1 and WW2 it took the whole world to bring them down

Now they're importing millions of Muslims who will bring them down.
As the judge likes to tell me, you are assuming facts not yet introduced into evidence. Underestimating an opponant is a good way to end up dead!

you are assuming facts not yet introduced into evidence.

Like, Germany is a threat to the US?
Yeah, that's always funny.

Underestimating an opponent

Germany is our opponent? Dude!
When is the last time the US won a war. You do not think that the Germans are a better opponant than the Vietnamese? After WW1 the Treaty of Versailles levied extreme punitive damage on the German Territories and industrial infrastructure they were kicked into the dirt. Germany was in dire straits yet, in les than 10 years created a war machine that it took the entire world to snuff out. Germany is in a much better possition right now than in 1933. Meanwhile our troups are currently engaged on how many continents. Our governemnt is how far into debt. Our leader is osticizing all of our allies. China, russia, and North Korea are out there causing all kinds of issues for us and our military has been at constant war since 2000. I am not saying that currently Germany is a war opponant. If you look back at the thread some one said fuck Germany we would kick their ass. I am also not saying that Germany will continue to be our ally. They did denounce us today. Not that any of this matters to you. You obviously buy in to the American exceptionalism thing just because it is us. I know this I used to make a very good living playing billiards and poker with fucks that under estimated me!

When is the last time the US won a war.

Or the last time Germany fought one?

You do not think that the Germans are a better opponant than the Vietnamese?

Please, they won't stand up to Muslim invaders on their own soil, they're gonna pick a fight with us?

Put down the bong, sober up.

Germany was in dire straits yet, in les than 10 years created a war machine that it took the entire world to snuff out.

And then what?
We killed 4 million German men and the Russians raped millions of German women in the east.

They did denounce us today. Not that any of this matters to you.

Exactly. Germany's whining today matters not at all.
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

...because we should care what the Germans think. The people that brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and today they push globalism, progressivism, and multiculturalism. Germans make good engineers and can build things better than most, but they are also the most stubborn and have no common sense.

If you want set up a PayPal account and I'll PAY for you to GTFO of Germany and go back to America where you belong, you hate Germans so much then GTFO and go back to America you little slug.

I work for the US military and we are here in Germany because of Hitler.
I like being in Europe but I have learned that Germans are pretty stubborn. The Germans elected Merkel, let’s see you defend that. There is hope for them, they are starting to reject her globalist multiculturalism Agenda, but you can’t deny they fully embraced it. To be fair, there are lots of stupid people in the states too....we elected the Hussein twice after all. But can you name any great conservative leaders in Germany and times they had the majority of power? Do you deny that Karl Marx came from Germany? You know these people honor him by naming streets after him? Do you deny that Germany’s stupid policies lead to two world wars, and their progressive pro-Islamic Agenda will no doubt lead to a third?
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement
Germany Denounces The United States Under Trump's Leadership, Releases Historic Statement

Germany’s top diplomat has just informed the United States that they no longer see the United States as the ally they once were, saying that leadership from President Donald Trump has led Europe on a path toward nuclear war.

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum that Germany would start to go after its own agenda, whether the U.S. likes it or not because the West was losing influence around the world now that Trump is president.

“The U.S. no longer sees the world as a global community but as a fighting arena where everyone has to seek their own advantage,” Gabriel said, according to Deutsche Welle.

“Germany can no longer simply react to U.S. policy but must establish its own position…even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the U.S. will never be the same.”

Germany: We no longer recognize the United States as a superpower

Since taking office, Trump has attacked Germany (one of the United State’s closest allies) over Iran and North Korea, has denounced their trade surplus with us (even though it was wildly inaccurate) and accused Germany and other allies in NATO of owing vast amounts of money to the United States. We didn’t even mention the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which caused the United States to become the only major country on the planet to not be apart of the deal.


“Germany cannot afford to wait for decisions from Washington, or to merely react to them. We must lay out our own position and make clear to our allies where the limits of our solidarity are reached,” Gabriel said in the speech, excerpts of which had been published by Sueddeutsche Zeitung ahead of time.

Talk about fucking up our relationships around the world! Trump has to go!

Germany gets no say on how we run our country, and certainly no say in who we put into public office.

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