German Woman Raped by " Mid Eastern Refugees"

And why they absolutely must take them eventually, bear.

The 2nd Amendment may have done more harm than good in that it lulled people into a false sense of security. Millions of Americans feel that because they have guns in the closet, that that alone prevents tyranny. Wrong.

The fact of the matter is that tyrants have been successfully disarming "armed" societies since the dawn of man.

Just recently happened in Venezuela.

But denial is such a comforting thing.
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We know

That's why we have guns


Exactly this. However, in the current hyper politically correct climate of the UK, Germany and other Western European nations where the North African and Middle Eastern immigrant has been elevated to almost messianic status, shooting and or killing such a person even to save one's own life would surely result in permanent pariah's status and social ex-communication for life. One day soon, the same will be true in our America and no stand your ground or castle doctrine will make much difference. In other words, coming soon, just because we have the ability to defend our lives and the lives our loved ones, the personal cost of doing so could be worse than being mugged, raped or killed by some immigrant whose culture conflicts completely with our own.
We know

That's why we have guns


Exactly this. However, in the current hyper politically correct climate of the UK, Germany and other Western European nations where the North African and Middle Eastern immigrant has been elevated to almost messianic status, shooting and or killing such a person even to save one's own life would surely result in permanent pariah's status and social ex-communication for life. One day soon, the same will be true in our America and no stand your ground or castle doctrine will make much difference. In other words, coming soon, just because we have the ability to defend our lives and the lives our loved ones, the personal cost of doing so could be worse than being mugged, raped or killed by some immigrant whose culture conflicts completely with our own.

I was wondering where all you guys were.

Thanks bro..
I read about this awhile back, the muzzies defense is the woman demanded sex. Goddamn muzzies are stupid
We know

That's why we have guns


Exactly this. However, in the current hyper politically correct climate of the UK, Germany and other Western European nations where the North African and Middle Eastern immigrant has been elevated to almost messianic status, shooting and or killing such a person even to save one's own life would surely result in permanent pariah's status and social ex-communication for life. One day soon, the same will be true in our America and no stand your ground or castle doctrine will make much difference. In other words, coming soon, just because we have the ability to defend our lives and the lives our loved ones, the personal cost of doing so could be worse than being mugged, raped or killed by some immigrant whose culture conflicts completely with our own.
Angela Merkel should be behind bars for treason .
I read about this awhile back, the muzzies defense is the woman demanded sex. Goddamn muzzies are stupid

Really? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The defense should be she’s into S and M !
Laughing about rape .shame on you!

You are as bad as the leftist members who laugh about children being raped in Britain.

I think you misunderstood my post !! What happened to that Woman was HORRIBLE! I was laughing at the DEFENSE of those animals, :huh1:

You do realize your entire basis is a site called "tea party pac" which cites no source beyond something called "Euro News", whose sole documentation is a video of people standing around and an empty room.

You know that, right?

You could always read Deutsche Welle. They do an English language edition, they are that accommodating.

You do realize your entire basis is a site called "tea party pac" which cites no source beyond something called "Euro News", whose sole documentation is a video of people standing around and an empty room.

You know that, right?

You could always read Deutsche Welle. They do an English language edition, they are that accommodating.

Or any other newspaper.

He would rather deny the truth by quibbling about sources, though, because he is a very deliberately ignorant individual. He would rather be utterly ignorant and safe in the embrace of the leftist hive mind rather than learn a thing or two about the world and thus risk ostracism from the rest of the hive.

Knowledge is the enemy of lock step conformity .
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