German official blasts Trump’s ‘outrageous’ demand for NATO funds


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Now it's outrageous to ask wealthy countries to pay their agreed upon share? Perhaps former governments should have held nations feet to the fire when they didn't pay their contributions, decades of abuses and U.S lives lost as global police and some nations feel they are above reproach.

Hand every NATO nation a bill for past obligations. So many of these nations can spend billions on other pursuits but disregard their International peace obligations because America has always carried their weight.

This generation of Germans should ask how life was in the former East Germany. Losing wars and military advantages can have drastic consequences.

German official blasts Trump’s ‘outrageous’ demand for NATO funds | New York Post

No, President Trump, Germany’s check is not in the mail.

Trump handed German Chancellor Angela Merkel a $374 billion bill last week, which he said was money Germany owed NATO to cover military defense costs.

Trump’s gesture was “outrageous,” one German minister told The Sunday Times of London.
For the record, no Russian army has ever invaded Europe pre-emptively.

But after Stalin counter attacked Hitler, he pushed into Europe to destroy Hitler, and did, and then just did not leave again for 50 years.
Germany doesn't owe anything to the US. NATO is a defense pact, and not a protection racket.

On the contrary, the US government owes vast amounts of debt to German nationals. Maybe Angela Merkel should write vein threats to the White House over what might happen if those do not get paid back.
Germany doesn't owe anything to the US. NATO is a defense pact, and not a protection racket.

On the contrary, the US government owes vast amounts of debt to German nationals. Maybe Angela Merkel should write vein threats to the White House over what might happen if those do not get paid back.


Can Germany help defend the US when they are only paying 1.2 percent of their economy on defense?

Can they even carry their fair share of defending THEMSELVES?
Can Germany help defend the US when they are only paying 1.2 percent of their economy on defense?

The US doesn't support NATO for its own defense. The US supports NATO because Europe is vital to its own geopolitical and economic interests.

Sidebar. Even though the US spends 5% of GDP on defense, barely 2% of that is being used efficiently. European militaries are far more efficient and effective for the money they do spend. The US is hardly fulfilling its own defense obligations.
Can Germany help defend the US when they are only paying 1.2 percent of their economy on defense?

The US doesn't support NATO for its own defense. The US supports NATO because Europe is vital to its own geopolitical and economic interests.

Sidebar. Even though the US spends 5% of GDP on defense, barely 2% of that is being used efficiently. European militaries are far more efficient and effective for the money they do spend. The US is hardly fulfilling its own defense obligations.

1. NATO is a mutual defense pact. If certain Europeans members are not willing and/or able to help defend the US, then those members are not meeting their obligation to US, and are freeloading on the hard work of our tax payers and the bravery and sacrifices of our military personnel.

And President Trump is completely right to call them on it.

2. LOL!!! Germany has agreed in the recent past that 2% was their fair share.

People who let someone else take responsibility for their personal safety and way of life, should show some respect to those who they entrust their lives to.

It is the Act of a Child to give over responsibility for your life to someone else, and then be ungrateful and critical.
1. NATO is a mutual defense pact. If certain Europeans members are not willing and/or able to help defend the US, then those members are not meeting their obligation to US, and are freeloading on the hard work of our tax payers and the bravery and sacrifices of our military personnel.

What hard work and freeloading? Germany doesn't need the US, even without increasing their defense spending.

You act like the US is giving them money. Not the case.

2. LOL!!! Germany has agreed in the recent past that 2% was their fair share.

False! They agreed to increase their defense spending to 2% of GDP. No nonsense about owing a 'fair share.'

The US sets its own defense spending and they set their own. If the US doesn't like it, then the US can drop out. They wont of course, since the US needs NATO more than other NATO members need the US.
After all, the US doesn't like being the rim of its own defence system, it would rather other countries fulfilled that function.
1. NATO is a mutual defense pact. If certain Europeans members are not willing and/or able to help defend the US, then those members are not meeting their obligation to US, and are freeloading on the hard work of our tax payers and the bravery and sacrifices of our military personnel.

What hard work and freeloading? Germany doesn't need the US, even without increasing their defense spending.

They are accepting our protection and our keeping the sea lanes free, for them, without any reciprocity. That is the definition of freeloading.

2. LOL!!! Germany has agreed in the recent past that 2% was their fair share.

False! They agreed to increase their defense spending to 2% of GDP. No nonsense about owing a 'fair share.'

And why did they agree to increase their defense spending to 2%?

Were they just bowing to US Authority?
After all, the US doesn't like being the rim of its own defence system, it would rather other countries fulfilled that function.

That WAS the benefit that the US received from NATO during the Cold War.

NOt any more.
NATO is obsolete. The EU is able to defend itself . The U.S. has no dog in that fight. It did not have in WWI and WWII either.
After all, the US doesn't like being the rim of its own defence system, it would rather other countries fulfilled that function.
Kiwis know that thing don't they? The U.S. is perfectly capable to defend itself against any outside foe. What destroys the U.S. is the enemy within.
They are accepting our protection and our keeping the sea lanes free, for them, without any reciprocity. That is the definition of freeloading.
What a load of ignorant bullshit. As though no other navies' vessels patrol sea lanes.
They are accepting our protection and our keeping the sea lanes free, for them, without any reciprocity. That is the definition of freeloading.
What a load of ignorant bullshit. As though no other navies' vessels patrol sea lanes.

The topic is that Germany is spending 1.2 percent on their military instead of their MINIMAL Nato obligation of 2 percent.

As has been REPEATEDLY discussed the complaint is that they are not "doing their fair share", NOT that they are not doing ANYTHING.

For you to dodge what is ACTUALLY being discussed in order to put forth a STRAWMAN, demonstrates that you KNOW that your position is the WRONG position.

Yet you hold to it, why?

imo, because you are an Anti-American, who is HAPPY to see other nations advance their interests at the expense of America and Americans.
That WAS the benefit that the US received from NATO during the Cold War.
Ah. So NATO has been dissolved? Who knew?

Ah, ANOTHER strawman.

NOTHING in my point hinted that NATO had been dissolved, but only that it was not giving US the same benefit as it did during the Cold War.

That you felt a need to lie about what I said, demonstrates that you KNOW that that is TRUE, and you are desperate to avoid admitting it.

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