George Zimmerman

As far as I am concerned, George Zimmerman is pudgy little douche bag who wanted to be a police officer.....
I want to address this attitude by people.

What is wrong with someone wanting to be a police officer? The obvious mentality among Treyvon "supporters" (not necessarily you) is that it's a bad thing for someone to want to be a police officer.

IMO, anyone who automatically thinks all cops--and all cop "wannabe's"--are bad, is either a thug, an anarchist, an idiot, or a combination of all 3. The USA would devolve into Chicago on steroids, coast to coast, without a police presence. That's a fact.
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As far as I am concerned, George Zimmerman is pudgy little douche bag who wanted to be a police officer.....
I want to address this attitude by people.

What is wrong with someone wanting to be a police officer? The obvious mentality among Treyvon "supporters" (not necessarily you) is that it's a bad thing for someone to want to be a police officer.

IMO, anyone who automatically thinks all cops--and all cop "wannabe's"--are bad, is either a thug, an anarchist, an idiot, or a combination of all 3. The USA would devolve into Chicago on steroids, coast to coast, without a police presence. That's a fact.

I look at it differently than you do. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a cop. But if GZ, who was untrained, took the law into his own hands, that would be a different matter and for the record, I support both TM and GZ. I think the killing of TM was an avoidable tragedy, but I also think there is a very good possibility that TM was going to kick the ass of the sucker that was obviously profiling him.

As far as I am concerned, George Zimmerman is pudgy little douche bag who wanted to be a police officer.....
I want to address this attitude by people.

What is wrong with someone wanting to be a police officer? The obvious mentality among Treyvon "supporters" (not necessarily you) is that it's a bad thing for someone to want to be a police officer.

IMO, anyone who automatically thinks all cops--and all cop "wannabe's"--are bad, is either a thug, an anarchist, an idiot, or a combination of all 3. The USA would devolve into Chicago on steroids, coast to coast, without a police presence. That's a fact.

I look at it differently than you do. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a cop. But if GZ, who was untrained, took the law into his own hands, that would be a different matter and for the record, I support both TM and GZ. I think the killing of TM was an avoidable tragedy, but I also think there is a very good possibility that TM was going to kick the ass of the sucker that was obviously profiling him.

Bullshit. You cant prove any profiling happened.....
If there's one thing positive this trial has done, is to send a message to white America that it's ok to defend yourself against black assailants. I think THAT is what has Obama, Sharpton, and Jackson up in arms. They're concerned that whites will start fighting back now.
Oh..sorry, Katz. I didn't realize that you were there witnessing events....

You claim to have seen Zimmerman pull his gun and then the thug punched him. The evidence is the evidence and you can't change it.

I claim no such thing. I said that it could have happened differently than GZ claimed. Yet, you claim that the evidence is solid that GV's version is true. I say that GZ may very well have lied about everthing that was not witnessed as testified in court, and the only witness was an unarmed kid that GZ killed. That tends to put GZ testmony in short credibility, in my opinion. Of course, if GZ had initiated the encounter, then drew down on the kid and killed him, apparantly you assume that he would freely have admitted that in court. There is a word for that. "naive".

The forensic evidence, medical reports regarding Zimmerman's injuries and the testimony of forensic experts were all consistent with Zimmerman's statements to police.
There is no "what if". There is no "well it could have happened differently."...
All that matters is evidence.
I think it's wonderful that you have an opinion. You are showing an obvious bias. That's ok.
However, the case is over. The jury considered testimony and evidence and issued a verdict. Everything beyond that is beating a dead horse.
I want to address this attitude by people.

What is wrong with someone wanting to be a police officer? The obvious mentality among Treyvon "supporters" (not necessarily you) is that it's a bad thing for someone to want to be a police officer.

IMO, anyone who automatically thinks all cops--and all cop "wannabe's"--are bad, is either a thug, an anarchist, an idiot, or a combination of all 3. The USA would devolve into Chicago on steroids, coast to coast, without a police presence. That's a fact.

I look at it differently than you do. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a cop. But if GZ, who was untrained, took the law into his own hands, that would be a different matter and for the record, I support both TM and GZ. I think the killing of TM was an avoidable tragedy, but I also think there is a very good possibility that TM was going to kick the ass of the sucker that was obviously profiling him.

Bullshit. You cant prove any profiling happened.....

Did I say it did?

Read it again in context. I said that TM, "was going to kick the ass of the sucker that was obviously profiling him". Meaning that TM was pissed off because he felt he had been profiled and he went back to kick ass.

Did I clear that up?

As far as I am concerned, George Zimmerman is pudgy little douche bag who wanted to be a police officer.....
I want to address this attitude by people.

What is wrong with someone wanting to be a police officer? The obvious mentality among Treyvon "supporters" (not necessarily you) is that it's a bad thing for someone to want to be a police officer.

IMO, anyone who automatically thinks all cops--and all cop "wannabe's"--are bad, is either a thug, an anarchist, an idiot, or a combination of all 3. The USA would devolve into Chicago on steroids, coast to coast, without a police presence. That's a fact.

I look at it differently than you do. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a cop. But if GZ, who was untrained, took the law into his own hands, that would be a different matter and for the record, I support both TM and GZ. I think the killing of TM was an avoidable tragedy, but I also think there is a very good possibility that TM was going to kick the ass of the sucker that was obviously profiling him.

Took the law into his own hands? And you state this why? There is no evidence of that. The evidence clearly says otherwise.
Define 'profiling' in your own words.
You claim to have seen Zimmerman pull his gun and then the thug punched him. The evidence is the evidence and you can't change it.

I claim no such thing. I said that it could have happened differently than GZ claimed. Yet, you claim that the evidence is solid that GV's version is true. I say that GZ may very well have lied about everthing that was not witnessed as testified in court, and the only witness was an unarmed kid that GZ killed. That tends to put GZ testmony in short credibility, in my opinion. Of course, if GZ had initiated the encounter, then drew down on the kid and killed him, apparantly you assume that he would freely have admitted that in court. There is a word for that. "naive".

The forensic evidence, medical reports regarding Zimmerman's injuries and the testimony of forensic experts were all consistent with Zimmerman's statements to police.
There is no "what if". There is no "well it could have happened differently."...
All that matters is evidence.
I think it's wonderful that you have an opinion. You are showing an obvious bias. That's ok.
However, the case is over. The jury considered testimony and evidence and issued a verdict. Everything beyond that is beating a dead horse.

I love beating dead horses. I always keep one out back for that purpose...though I have to replace him every week or so....
I want to address this attitude by people.

What is wrong with someone wanting to be a police officer? The obvious mentality among Treyvon "supporters" (not necessarily you) is that it's a bad thing for someone to want to be a police officer.

IMO, anyone who automatically thinks all cops--and all cop "wannabe's"--are bad, is either a thug, an anarchist, an idiot, or a combination of all 3. The USA would devolve into Chicago on steroids, coast to coast, without a police presence. That's a fact.

I look at it differently than you do. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a cop. But if GZ, who was untrained, took the law into his own hands, that would be a different matter and for the record, I support both TM and GZ. I think the killing of TM was an avoidable tragedy, but I also think there is a very good possibility that TM was going to kick the ass of the sucker that was obviously profiling him.

Took the law into his own hands? And you state this why? There is no evidence of that. The evidence clearly says otherwise.
Define 'profiling' in your own words.

Come on thereisnospoon, I know you well enough to know that you understand the meaning of that little, but very important word, "if". Also you too need to read that for context. No where did I say profiling had occurred. I stated very clearly that it may have been TM's motive for attacking GZ.


PS well I thought it was clear. Maybe I am just getting tired?
Beware of those that are out of shape, lame, small dicked, and just outright SORRY, they have been cheated by nature and it's unfair, if you see one acting the though guy .............. someone is about to get shot.
Beware of those that are out of shape, lame, small dicked, and just outright SORRY, they have been cheated by nature and it's unfair, if you see one acting the though guy .............. someone is about to get shot.

Whats the matter your pussy clinch up on ya?

Son ............... you got a lot of balls talking to me like that ........... I like balls, but you should consider being more polite when addressing me.
If there's one thing positive this trial has done, is to send a message to white America that it's ok to defend yourself against black assailants. I think THAT is what has Obama, Sharpton, and Jackson up in arms. They're concerned that whites will start fighting back now.

You have hit it just right---many whites who believe whites and all other races to include blacks are equal and should live as one now know that this is not possible..
I who was as naïve as could be became aware that the whites and black could at best only tolerate each other seen this when the OJ Simpson trial verdict was read and the crowds (who new little to nothing about the evidence) had blacks cheering as thought he just scored another Touchdown.

White people are about as dumb as a box of rocks and as many have said we have had the dumbing down of America for quite some time...The only way for this type of hype to survive is for the whites to become dumber...And as long as the whites do not stick together as the blacks do we will become there slaves and that has already happened..

Blacks never wanted to be equal they always wanted to reverse the role, having whites be there slave, just what the head soul brother from Chicago has accomplished...Wake up and smell the coffee white America....Its in your face

Can we give it a rest?

May Trayvon rest in peace.

Leave him alone.

Not that I think anything happens to you after you die, but that isn't the issue here.

The issue here is, was justice done.

ANd in this case, it was not.

this has nothing to do with justice or injustice.

This is just basic human dignity.

I know you guys BADLY want this issue to go away, because it exposes the idiocy of the gun lobby better than Sandy Hook.

The reality, of course, is that most people should be damned nervous that the George Zimmermans of the world are running around packing heat.

A guy on serious mind altering drugs carrying a gun who thinks he's the law? Seriously.
Blacks use SYG more than Whites.

Blacks benefit from Florida ‘Stand Your Ground’ law at disproportionate rate

Read more: Florida blacks benefit from Florida 'Stand Your Ground' | The Daily Caller


Frankly, if you are going to shoot someone in self-defense, you'd better be white. pets.png

I don't know which justice system O'Mara's been operating in, but black people are more likely to get a conviction no matter who they kill -- black or white -- even if they claim self-defense. Especially since most of them can't afford O'Mara to represent them in the first place.

There is no privilege in claiming self-defense while black -- even when killing another black person. When the verdict came down not guilty, Zimmerman had not just the jury but also statistics on his side.

A 2012 study by PBS's Frontline is getting a second look post-Zimmerman's exoneration, and it reveals that if you're going to kill in self-defense in America, you'd better be white. By analyzing data from a study by John Roman, senior analyst at the Urban Institute's Justice Policy Center, Frontline found that in "Stand your ground" states, white people who kill black people are 354 percent more likely to be found justified in their killings. And it doesn't get much better in non-"Stand your ground" states, where that number goes down only to 250 percent.

But even when it comes to black-on-black crime or black-on-white crime, a black defendant is unlikely to get a self-defense ruling in his or her favor, whether or not the state has "Stand your ground" laws on the books...
Black Floridians have made about a third of the state’s total “Stand Your Ground” claims in homicide cases, a rate nearly double the black percentage of Florida’s population. The majority of those claims have been successful, a success rate that exceeds that for Florida whites.

Read more: Florida blacks benefit from Florida 'Stand Your Ground' | The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller is full of shit. I don't even consider it a valid source. You might as well be quoting HuffPo or ToonHall.

Fact of the matter is, Stand Your Ground is "I can be an idiot" law, as Mr. Zimmerman proved.
Black Floridians have made about a third of the state’s total “Stand Your Ground” claims in homicide cases, a rate nearly double the black percentage of Florida’s population. The majority of those claims have been successful, a success rate that exceeds that for Florida whites.

Read more: Florida blacks benefit from Florida 'Stand Your Ground' | The Daily Caller

The Daily Caller is full of shit. I don't even consider it a valid source. You might as well be quoting HuffPo or ToonHall.

Fact of the matter is, Stand Your Ground is "I can be an idiot" law, as Mr. Zimmerman proved.

Counting race and number of claims using the Tampa Bay Times study is not full of shit.

It is using your own study / contentions to prove you are full of shit.

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