George Zimmerman talks to Massad Ayoob on radio show about aftermath of shooting....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
For anyone carrying a concealed weapon for self defense, especially those new to doing so, you may want to read this article....George Zimmerman called in to a radio show that Massad Ayoob was on, and they discussed the real world consequences of defending yourself against a violent criminal attack....

George Zimmerman and Massad Ayoob discuss self-defense AUDIO
Unlike some of the anti gunners here I think those people who get their carry permits get them hoping they will never use them....the cost to you and your family could be catastrophic....and that is if you survive the violent criminal attack....
You would be just amazed at now many on the Left are absolutely NOT anti-gun or anti-second. We just see no reason for AK-47s on the streets. What's next? Mini-nukes on someone's wristband? That's gonna be "2nd amendment" too?

Oy, Gewalt.
If somebody had one that day, maybe they could have put two in his face before he took her young life.
Not surprising that its a lot of self-serving pap from gz but I know from experience that its true that taking a life changes your life in ways you can not possibly foresee. You can never go back, never undo that one moment.

That's why, in the thread about the 14yo who shot a possible intruder, I said that I hoped he would get some counseling.

Its also why I have zero respect for the posturing and big talk we see here on this board from the Mighty Mouse nutters who see themselves as heroes who are just aching for a chance to blast the life out of somebody. They're all show and no go, nothing but bags of hot air.

I own guns, have always owned guns and will always own guns but my first line of defense are combination air tasers/stun guns.
Not surprising that its a lot of self-serving pap from gz but I know from experience that its true that taking a life changes your life in ways you can not possibly foresee. You can never go back, never undo that one moment.

That's why, in the thread about the 14yo who shot a possible intruder, I said that I hoped he would get some counseling.

Its also why I have zero respect for the posturing and big talk we see here on this board from the Mighty Mouse nutters who see themselves as heroes who are just aching for a chance to blast the life out of somebody. They're all show and no go, nothing but bags of hot air.

I own guns, have always owned guns and will always own guns but my first line of defense are combination air tasers/stun guns.
You have taken someone's life?
Talk about your poor fact-checking. From the article.

"Zimmerman is half white and half Mexican and Martin was black. "

Uh, no. Zimmerman's mother was from Peru, not Mexico.

"Zimmerman, who admitted that although he once enjoyed being a “productive, taxpaying member of society” but is no longer working,"

Zimmerman was unemployed at the time of the shooting. He hasn't worked since.

Zimmerman shot an unarmed 17 year old. He should be in prison. That his life has been ruined, he has no one to blame but himself.
Normally, BEFORE being attacked, the attacker runs towards you. Not away from you and then tries to hide. But it's OK. You managed to track him down.
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You would be just amazed at now many on the Left are absolutely NOT anti-gun or anti-second. We just see no reason for AK-47s on the streets. What's next? Mini-nukes on someone's wristband? That's gonna be "2nd amendment" too?

Oy, Gewalt.
Then I guess you would have opposed the Minute Men being armed with personally owned rifled muskets that were much superior to the smooth bore British Brown Bess in accuracy and range.........
Comparing AKs and ARs to nukes is ludicrous at best, a hyperbole of propagandist proportions.
Then I guess you would have opposed the Minute Men being armed with personally owned rifled muskets that were much superior to the smooth bore British Brown Bess in accuracy and range.........
Comparing AKs and ARs to nukes is ludicrous at best, a hyperbole of propagandist proportions.

The minutemen were armed by the Continental Congress with weapons they got from the French.
Then I guess you would have opposed the Minute Men being armed with personally owned rifled muskets that were much superior to the smooth bore British Brown Bess in accuracy and range.........
Comparing AKs and ARs to nukes is ludicrous at best, a hyperbole of propagandist proportions.

The minutemen were armed by the Continental Congress with weapons they got from the French.
Not the Continental Congress, not at Lexington and Concord, that happened later when the need for a continental army was agreed upon and the French actually agreed to supply the rebels. That happened en mass months after the Battle of Saratoga. The individual colonies had some militia stores which "poor" members of the militia could purchase a musket from, most of those muskets were made in the colonies and were consistent with the typical muskets being manufactured in the colonies, rifled muskets. Starting in the 1600s every man of 16 years of age or more except Magistrates, those over 60 and the Clergy were required to belong to the local militia and to own a serviceable musket with powder and shot for the collective defense of all, this carried on even past the end of the Revolution up to the Civil War. Just prior to the Civil War the more prosperous Counties within each State had developed an armory system for their respective militias, plus during the pre Civil War period most of the uniforms were supplied by local patrons to their county militia.
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Not surprising that its a lot of self-serving pap from gz but I know from experience that its true that taking a life changes your life in ways you can not possibly foresee. You can never go back, never undo that one moment.

That's why, in the thread about the 14yo who shot a possible intruder, I said that I hoped he would get some counseling.

Its also why I have zero respect for the posturing and big talk we see here on this board from the Mighty Mouse nutters who see themselves as heroes who are just aching for a chance to blast the life out of somebody. They're all show and no go, nothing but bags of hot air.

I own guns, have always owned guns and will always own guns but my first line of defense are combination air tasers/stun guns.

Okay, who says they want to shoot anyone....?
You anti gunners need to research the laws on self defense, the castle doctrine and stand your ground....then you could actually know what you are talking about.....Martin was pounding Zimmerman's head into a cement sidewalk.....and this was confirmed by the only eye witness to the was no different than Martin taking a chunk of concrete and hitting zimmerman with it...hence....he was armed and could very easily have killed zimmerman....

had he not been a young, stupid, violent, thug wannabe, and had he simply gone back to his bad father's home...he would be alive today...and probably in jail...or dead at the hands of another victim.....
You would be just amazed at now many on the Left are absolutely NOT anti-gun or anti-second. We just see no reason for AK-47s on the streets. What's next? Mini-nukes on someone's wristband? That's gonna be "2nd amendment" too?

Oy, Gewalt.
Then I guess you would have opposed the Minute Men being armed with personally owned rifled muskets that were much superior to the smooth bore British Brown Bess in accuracy and range.........
Comparing AKs and ARs to nukes is ludicrous at best, a hyperbole of propagandist proportions.

Really? You think so??

"Burn this bitch down." Seems to me a solid reason to give thanks for my AR's and Mini 14's.

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