George W. Bush Said God Told Him To Invade Iraq

How many casualties since obama took office? How many are a direct result of the changes he made in the Rules of Engagement?

It's getting harder and harder to defend obama so democrats have to resurrect Bush whenever they can.
Who gives a shit??

About 4,500 American soldiers killed. Dead.

Over 32,300 American soldiers wounded and/or maimed, about 20% of which includes serious brain or spinal injuries.

Untold thousands of American soldiers suffering from a wide range of long-term psychological and/or emotional damage.

Untold thousands of young American families - wives and children - suffering from what has become of Dad.

Over $800 billion spent while our country rots.

As far as I know, you are under absolutely no obligation to "give a shit".

At least it's a good thing we were able to get in there and save the world from all those weapons of mass destruction, right?


The LIberation of Iraq was over in May 2003!
What caused the above was traitors LIKE YOU and the below who CHEERED that the US troops were being killed!
YOU and the others stood on OUR sidelines under OUR protection AND THEN did like these TRAITORS DID...ENCOURAGED, CHEERED praised the Terrorists!

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans
in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

NOT ONE of you CHEERLEADERS have EVERY acknowledged that YOU HELPED
directly KILL our troops!
YOU KILLED THEM! Everytime the above traitors cheered the terrorists by saying our guys were the BAD guys.. OUR guys were "terrorists" our guys were "Nazis" Our guys were baby killers...
EVERY TIME YOU and the above SAID stupid idiotic comments like this?
YOU HELPED ENCOURAGE the terrorists!

I truly despise people LIKE YOU!
YOU sit in the comfort and safety AND CHEERED the TErrorists!
YOU sit and LOVED to hear/read about more US troops dying and everytime you

I met a WWII vet today and asked him what he thought would have happened if
Americans during WWII had called him a civilian killer. A terrorists!
This guy really got angry AT ME!
HE said that would NEVER happen because at that time REAL AMERICANS were
smart enough to KNOW.. YOU CHEER for the other side it HURTS morale on our side and ENCOURAGES the enemy to think it's OK to give bombs to kids that blew up when receiving candy from US TROOPS!


How many casualties since obama took office? How many are a direct result of the changes he made in the Rules of Engagement?

It's getting harder and harder to defend obama so democrats have to resurrect Bush whenever they can.

And the diversionary tactics continue, even after they're called on it.

Still waiting for someone to defend:

  • About 4,500 American soldiers killed. Dead.
  • Over 32,300 American soldiers wounded and/or maimed, about 20% of which includes serious brain or spinal injuries.
  • Untold thousands of American soldiers suffering from a wide range of long-term psychological and/or emotional damage.
  • Untold thousands of young American families - wives and children - suffering from what has become of Dad.
  • Over $800 billion spent while our country rots.
  • Oh, and NO weapons of mass destruction found, as Bush promised.
Good thing I'm patient!

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

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How many casualties since obama took office? How many are a direct result of the changes he made in the Rules of Engagement?

It's getting harder and harder to defend obama so democrats have to resurrect Bush whenever they can.

Our combat troops are out of Iraq now.

And if I'm not mistaken, every GOP candidate running for president except Ron Paul said the president was WRONG to get us out.

I have wonder how many more killed and wounded in Iraq and how much more money spent would it have taken to satisfy Romney, or Gingrich...etc...
The way obama got us out was wrong. He disregarded all the advice from all the military leaders because he's the dictator.

Now obama's behavior and policies have caused the dying in Afghanistan, including the deaths of Americans.
Fuck the dumb shit:
We will not succumb to nonsense.
We will survive and flourish, because that's who we are:
Proud, resilient Americans
Unique in the history of humanity.

I hope that is sarcasm.
If not your faith is misplaced without deeds to make things happen.

It's not sarcasm.
The world turns to us and then scuttles off to mow their lawns.
All the envy, hatred, lust points to us.
Hallowed ground is the USA.
The world made us.
We will never go away.
I say before we come to any final decision about that we need to look at how long the Republican party had been after Saddam Hussein:

Saddam Hussein would not have been such a problem if President Jimmy Carter had not made the agreement to send him weapons & WMDs to use against Iran. Carter screwed up in Iran so he decided to double down with Iraq & we lost.
And would last no more than 6 months.
And maybe cost 40 billion tops.
Perhaps he misspoke ; )

He never said any of the above.

He said that it would take years, that the struggle against terrorism would be long and hard. He never said there wouldn't be any casualties nor did he ever say the war would pay for itself.

These are just imaginings of the left.

Just like their silly accusation that Bush said God told him to attack Iraq.

I do hope that healthmyths is getting professional help.

So you a traitor who CHEERED when US troops were killed BECAUSE YOU AND THESE statements RECRUITED more terrorists.. think I need help?

Pretend you are a US soldier.
YOU read that a US senator calls you a "Terrorists"
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Now you are in IRAQ and people have read/heard what Kerry said...
WHAT KIND of response would those people have to YOU?

Now pretend you are a terrorist.
You hear Al-Jazerra radio say" US Senator says filthy US troops desecrate sacred homes and dismember kids and children"...

WOULD YOU as a terrorist NOT BE ANGRY?
Recruit MORE people to put bombs on kids that go off and kill those dirty US TROOPS that are poisoning the kids with candy?

I really question YOUR contact with "reality" if you don't truly understand the
depth of discouragement US troops had from comments like the above and soaring
ENCOURAGEMENT the terrorists received!

If you and others DON"T comprehend words like these MEANT something to both
our US Troops and to the TERRORISTS...
YOU have lost touch with reality!

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans
in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

According to healthmyths, it's someone else's fault that Bush pushed us into a horrific, wasteful war.

Sure, okay.

Still waiting for someone to defend:

  • About 4,500 American soldiers killed. Dead.
  • Over 32,300 American soldiers wounded and/or maimed, about 20% of which includes serious brain or spinal injuries.
  • Untold thousands of American soldiers suffering from a wide range of long-term psychological and/or emotional damage.
  • Untold thousands of young American families - wives and children - suffering from what has become of Dad.
  • Over $800 billion spent while our country rots.
  • Oh, and NO weapons of mass destruction found, as Bush promised.
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Can't one of our armchair generals come up with something?

Who gives a shit??

About 4,500 American soldiers killed. Dead.

Over 32,300 American soldiers wounded and/or maimed, about 20% of which includes serious brain or spinal injuries.

Untold thousands of American soldiers suffering from a wide range of long-term psychological and/or emotional damage.

Untold thousands of young American families - wives and children - suffering from what has become of Dad.

Over $800 billion spent while our country rots.

As far as I know, you are under absolutely no obligation to "give a shit".

At least it's a good thing we were able to get in there and save the world from all those weapons of mass destruction, right?


The LIberation of Iraq was over in May 2003!
What caused the above was traitors LIKE YOU and the below who CHEERED that the US troops were being killed!
YOU and the others stood on OUR sidelines under OUR protection AND THEN did like these TRAITORS DID...ENCOURAGED, CHEERED praised the Terrorists!

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets --action of Americans
in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

NOT ONE of you CHEERLEADERS have EVERY acknowledged that YOU HELPED
directly KILL our troops!
YOU KILLED THEM! Everytime the above traitors cheered the terrorists by saying our guys were the BAD guys.. OUR guys were "terrorists" our guys were "Nazis" Our guys were baby killers...
EVERY TIME YOU and the above SAID stupid idiotic comments like this?
YOU HELPED ENCOURAGE the terrorists!

I truly despise people LIKE YOU!
YOU sit in the comfort and safety AND CHEERED the TErrorists!
YOU sit and LOVED to hear/read about more US troops dying and everytime you

I met a WWII vet today and asked him what he thought would have happened if
Americans during WWII had called him a civilian killer. A terrorists!
This guy really got angry AT ME!
HE said that would NEVER happen because at that time REAL AMERICANS were
smart enough to KNOW.. YOU CHEER for the other side it HURTS morale on our side and ENCOURAGES the enemy to think it's OK to give bombs to kids that blew up when receiving candy from US TROOPS!


Remember the absolute dedication Bush showed about getting Bin Laden.

Then there's this. When the jock strap showed up on the Abraham Lincoln the real war hadn't even started:

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Bush also said we would have no casualties.

and that oil revenues would pay for the war...:clap2:

Can you provide proof that Bush said "we would have no casualties" or that "oil revenues would pay for the war"?

Are you sure that the oil revenue has not already paid for the war?

FACT: International Oil Daily reported on 9/23/03 that Paul Bremer said that current and future oil revenues will be insufficient for rebuilding Iraq despite the Administration's pre-war promises.

FACT: The WSJ reported on 9/5/03 that the Administration's oil estimates were predicated on aggressively optimistic assumptions.

FACT: While Bremer told Oil Daily that Iraqi oil infrastructure was much worse than we thought, a March 2000 report by the U.N. clearly said Iraq oil would be insufficient. The report said the Iraqi oil industry was lamentable and that the decline was accelerating. Roger Dowan of PFC Energy told NPR on 9/11/03 that the U.N. study the made very clear that actually the facilities and the capacity to produce oil in Iraq were far less than the Administration was portraying.

FACT: The NY Times reported on 10/5/03 The Bush administration's optimistic statements earlier this year that Iraq's oil wealth, not American taxpayers, would cover most of the cost of rebuilding Iraq were at odds with a bleaker assessment of a government task force secretly established last fall to study Iraq's oil industry.
and that oil revenues would pay for the war...:clap2:

Can you provide proof that Bush said "we would have no casualties" or that "oil revenues would pay for the war"?

Are you sure that the oil revenue has not already paid for the war?

FACT: International Oil Daily reported on 9/23/03 that Paul Bremer said that current and future oil revenues will be insufficient for rebuilding Iraq despite the Administration's pre-war promises.

FACT: The WSJ reported on 9/5/03 that the Administration's oil estimates were predicated on aggressively optimistic assumptions.

FACT: While Bremer told Oil Daily that Iraqi oil infrastructure was much worse than we thought, a March 2000 report by the U.N. clearly said Iraq oil would be insufficient. The report said the Iraqi oil industry was lamentable and that the decline was accelerating. Roger Dowan of PFC Energy told NPR on 9/11/03 that the U.N. study the made very clear that actually the facilities and the capacity to produce oil in Iraq were far less than the Administration was portraying.

FACT: The NY Times reported on 10/5/03 The Bush administration's optimistic statements earlier this year that Iraq's oil wealth, not American taxpayers, would cover most of the cost of rebuilding Iraq were at odds with a bleaker assessment of a government task force secretly established last fall to study Iraq's oil industry.

So no quotes that Bush said there would be no casualties? Got it!

When we invaded Iraq oil price dropped 33%. That 33% drop in price times our USA annual 7.6 billion barrel oil consumption saved us $366 billion a year. Over the 8 years of the Iraq war total could be $2.9 trillion. So take out the ~$1 trillion cost of the Iraq war & we are $1.9 trillion in the black.

As soon as we pulled our troops out of Iraq oil prices shot up & have not stopped climbing since. Let me know when they top out what percent rise that will be.

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