George Orwell


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
As our government and the Oligarchy become more powerful and controlling, Orwell's views and statements become more applicable every day.

This one may be his best..."The consciousness of being at war, and therefore in danger, makes the handing-over of all power to a small caste seem the natural, unavoidable condition of survival."

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

“Big Brother is Watching You.”

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”


“Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.”
“The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.”

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.”
“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”


“For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?”

“Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power”
“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”

Trump and his supporters in a nutshell.
After defeating the Nazi's we thought the worst was behind us, then liberals came to power.
Orwell wrote Animal Farm as well.

The same folks that funded and supported, built up the Nazi's, helped bring the liberals to power as well. They were entrenched long before the national socialists though.

If you want, read a book by Edward M. House.
The only problem I see is the bs GOP propaganda machine, and bs like yours. Liberalism and fair capitalism are the broad, sunlit uplands, not bs pander to the rich New BS GOP crap.
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Orwell used to be required reading in my high school. I doubt any public school even mentions Orwell anymore.
They have replaced Orwell with "How to Set a Fire and Why" :badgrin:

"You will keep it in your pocket as a sort of token. Stick your hand in there now and then as you go around and remember: all the buildings that exist, all the grand structures of wealth and power, they remain standing because you permit them to remain. With this little lick of flame in your pocket, with this little gift of Prometheus, you can reduce everyone to a sort of grim equality. All those who ride on a high horse may be made to walk. Therefore when you are at the bank and the bank manager speaks roughly to you, when you are denied entrance to a restaurant or other place of business, when you are made to work longer than you should need to, when you are driven out of your own little dwelling and made to live in the street, reach into your pocket, caress your own little vehicle of flame and feel the comfort there. We shall set fires—and when we set them, we shall know why."
After defeating the Nazi's we thought the worst was behind us, then liberals came to power.
Orwell wrote Animal Farm as well.

The same folks that funded and supported, built up the Nazi's, helped bring the liberals to power as well. They were entrenched long before the national socialists though.

If you want, read a book by Edward M. House.
Animal Farm, 1984 etc were liberal warnings that helped bring down communism.
After defeating the Nazi's we thought the worst was behind us, then liberals came to power.
Orwell wrote Animal Farm as well.

The same folks that funded and supported, built up the Nazi's, helped bring the liberals to power as well. They were entrenched long before the national socialists though.

If you want, read a book by Edward M. House.
The same folks that funded and supported, built up the Nazi's, helped bring the liberals to power as well. They were entrenched long before the national socialists though.

Who were these folks you speak of?
After defeating the Nazi's we thought the worst was behind us, then liberals came to power.
Orwell wrote Animal Farm as well.

The same folks that funded and supported, built up the Nazi's, helped bring the liberals to power as well. They were entrenched long before the national socialists though.

If you want, read a book by Edward M. House.
The only problem I see is the bs GOP propaganda machine, and bs like yours. Liberalism and fair capitalism are the broad, sunlit uplands, not bs pander to the rich New BS GOP crap.

Dude, there is no propaganda there, it is just facts, historical facts.

What do you have a problem with?

You know, when the communists attained power in the Soviet Union, they purposely erased history that conflicted with their POV. In fact, in the novel, 1984, Big Brother did the same thing. What you are calling, the "GOP propaganda machine" is simply history. That is pretty damn scary. What, do you want your side to erase history now?
After defeating the Nazi's we thought the worst was behind us, then liberals came to power.
Orwell wrote Animal Farm as well.

The same folks that funded and supported, built up the Nazi's, helped bring the liberals to power as well. They were entrenched long before the national socialists though.

If you want, read a book by Edward M. House.
Animal Farm, 1984 etc were liberal warnings that helped bring down communism.

No, they were warnings.

Orwell was a socialist. He was horrified that Socialism, when taken control by a state apparatus and apparatchiks, could be used for such evil.

That is why, when millennials and other douch-bags during this last election use the term, "Democratic Socialist," they get made fun of, because they have obviously never read Animal Farm.

Mr. Sanders is obviously your classical "Napoleon." Democratic Socialism is just fine, as long as he benefits more than others. Do you HONESTLY think he would be using the same socialized medicine as the people would be using? Seriously, are you that dumb?

  • Four legs good, two legs better!
  • The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
After defeating the Nazi's we thought the worst was behind us, then liberals came to power.
Orwell wrote Animal Farm as well.

The same folks that funded and supported, built up the Nazi's, helped bring the liberals to power as well. They were entrenched long before the national socialists though.

If you want, read a book by Edward M. House.
The only problem I see is the bs GOP propaganda machine, and bs like yours. Liberalism and fair capitalism are the broad, sunlit uplands, not bs pander to the rich New BS GOP crap.

Dude, there is no propaganda there, it is just facts, historical facts.

What do you have a problem with?

You know, when the communists attained power in the Soviet Union, they purposely erased history that conflicted with their POV. In fact, in the novel, 1984, Big Brother did the same thing. What you are calling, the "GOP propaganda machine" is simply history. That is pretty damn scary. What, do you want your side to erase history now?
I wish it were history. Hopefully soon it will be, a disgrace. Out of control spin, ignores half the news- the world's laughingstock and horror. Read a book of actual history, not fantasy weirdness like House's.
After defeating the Nazi's we thought the worst was behind us, then liberals came to power.
Orwell wrote Animal Farm as well.

The same folks that funded and supported, built up the Nazi's, helped bring the liberals to power as well. They were entrenched long before the national socialists though.

If you want, read a book by Edward M. House.
Animal Farm, 1984 etc were liberal warnings that helped bring down communism.

No, they were warnings.

Orwell was a socialist. He was horrified that Socialism, when taken control by a state apparatus and apparatchiks, could be used for such evil.

That is why, when millennials and other douch-bags during this last election use the term, "Democratic Socialist," they get made fun of, because they have obviously never read Animal Farm.

Mr. Sanders is obviously your classical "Napoleon." Democratic Socialism is just fine, as long as he benefits more than others. Do you HONESTLY think he would be using the same socialized medicine as the people would be using? Seriously, are you that dumb?

  • Four legs good, two legs better!
  • The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
Yes, Sanders would. I suppose that fear mongering hate fantasy is more "history". Ay caramba. All socialism is democratic, we have to call it D. S. so you brainwashed functional morons don't start ranting that socialism is communism. Orwell's quotes are warnings about COMMUNISM.
After defeating the Nazi's we thought the worst was behind us, then liberals came to power.
Orwell wrote Animal Farm as well.

The same folks that funded and supported, built up the Nazi's, helped bring the liberals to power as well. They were entrenched long before the national socialists though.

If you want, read a book by Edward M. House.
Animal Farm, 1984 etc were liberal warnings that helped bring down communism.

No, they were warnings.

Orwell was a socialist. He was horrified that Socialism, when taken control by a state apparatus and apparatchiks, could be used for such evil.

That is why, when millennials and other douch-bags during this last election use the term, "Democratic Socialist," they get made fun of, because they have obviously never read Animal Farm.

Mr. Sanders is obviously your classical "Napoleon." Democratic Socialism is just fine, as long as he benefits more than others. Do you HONESTLY think he would be using the same socialized medicine as the people would be using? Seriously, are you that dumb?

  • Four legs good, two legs better!
  • The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.

Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.

George Orwell, “Why I write” p. 394

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