George H.W. and Barbara Married 71 years Jan 6

January is a strange month for a wedding. You suppose they had to get married?

Probably not. They were engaged to be married before he shipped off to war and had been home 6 weeks. George W wasn't born until July of 46 so a shotgun wedding doesn't seem warranted (excepting a miscarriage happened). Maybe they were just in love and when he reported to Michigan for his duty assignment they just decided to go ahead and get married.

Regardless, good for them.
I think she was pregnant with the love child of a Tuskegee airman while HW was out fighting and when he dropped in during leave, HW agreed to marry her to protect her honor. When she gave birth and they saw that the child was black, they secretly left the baby on the doorstep of a black family and that baby grew up to have a kid with Obama's mama.

You are a real piece of excrement.
Get a sense of humor.
How lovely! I think they are both wonderful people and I applaud their 71 years of commitment. Despite serving only one term, H.W Bush was a decent President.

you know he had a girlfriend when he was in the white house, right?

just saying.... not to be a party pooper but honest is honest

The Reference Desk: Jennifer Fitzgerald, Described As George H.W. Bush's 'Other Wife'

You really have to dig up some unfounded tripe to ruin the thread, don't you?

Show a whole lot of class. :(

how did truth ruin your thread? it's not my fault you treat one cheater with reverence because it suits your political pov

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