Geneva talks IV


Nov 14, 2012
The talks started with the "opposition" (bunch of terrorists) demanding President Assad´s immediate resignation as precondition, effectively ending the talks before they could even begin.

Opposition’s demand of Assad’s immediate resignation absurd – Russian envoy to Geneva

"(TASS) Moscow calls absurd the Syrian opposition’s demand for Assad’s immediate resignation, Russia’s envoy to international representations in Geneva Alexei Borodavkin said on Thursday.

“It (position of the Syrian governmental delegation) is contrast to what we hear from the opposition representatives, who are coming from Riyadh, and who name, once again, the precondition that Syria’s President Bashar Assad should resign,” he said.

Security zones
Moscow has reserve attitudes to the US ideas regarding security zones in Syria, Borodavkin said.

“First of all, it is not clear what it is,” the diplomat said. “Secondly, first of all it is necessary to address the Syrian government and to ask whether it agrees to have some security zones organized in its territory.”

“As for the technical aspect, it is an endless list of questions, problems and the rest,” he said. “I have not seen anywhere a ready concept of this suggestion. I also have may questions to the US and Turkish counterparts regarding this topic.”.

EU could help Syria’s restoration
The planning of Syria’s restoration should begin immediately and the European Union could play a major role in this process, Borodavkin said.

“The European Union could have given major assistance to Syria,” he said.

Russia expects during the Geneva talks, the parties would begin working on Syria’s future constitution, Russia’s envoy said.

“We hope for progress in work on constitution during this round of talks,” he said, adding back in April 2016 the UN Secretary General’s envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura published a document demonstrating common approaches from parties to the talks to the Syrian settlement.

Damascus delegation arrives with constructive instructions
The Damascus delegation has arrived in Geneva having constructive instructions, with the objective to reach progress, Russian envoy said.

“Yesterday, I had a meeting with leader of the Syrian governmental delegation Bashar Jaafari; the contact, like always, was friendly, it was a conversation of like-minded people,” the Russian diplomat said. “I would like to stress with satisfaction that the delegation of the Syrian government has arrived in Geneva having constructive instructions, with the objective to reach progress.”.

Termination of airstrikes in Syria in line with ceasefire
The termination of airstrikes in Syria is in line with the ceasefire effective for the groups, which have joined it, Alexei Borodavkin said in a comment on the UN Secretary General’s special envoy Staffan de Mistura, about Russia calling on the Syrian government to stop the air strikes for the time of the intra-Syrian talks.

“As for the airstrikes, the ceasefire means they would not be delivered on the oppositional groups, which had joined the ceasefire,” the Russian diplomat said. “This obligation is observed both by the Russian Aerospace Force, and by the Syrian Air Force, but, of course, this is not effective against terrorist groups: first of all Daish (the Arabic name of the Islamic State terrorist group outlawed in Russia – TASS), and Jabhat Al-Nusra, (outlawed in Russia) as well as groups and gang affiliated with them.”."

Opposition’s demand of Assad’s immediate resignation absurd - Russian envoy to Geneva
Al-Jaafari: We will study a paper handed to us by de Mistura, we will inform him of our position of its contents in the next meeting

"Geneva, SANA- ” Today we engaged in talks with the UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffande Mistura, during this round of talks we discussed the format of the upcoming meetings and by this I mean that throughout our meeting we discussed issues pertaining to the format of the talks exclusively,” Head of the Syrian Arab Republic delegation to the intra-Syrian talks in Geneva Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari said.

In a press statement following his meeting with de Mistura on Friday, al-Jaafari added: ” At the end of the meeting de Mistura handed us a paper and we agreed to examine and study this paper and we shall get back to him in our next meeting as we shall inform him accordingly of our position on the contents of this paper ,”

Al-Jaafari said: ” The details of the next meeting shall be agreed upon with the diplomatic channels in cooperation with the office of de Mistura.”

On Thursday, the opening session of the 4th round of the intra-Syrian dialogue was held at the UN HQ with the participation of the delegations of the Syrian Arab republic, al-Riyadh opposition group and other opposition groups.

SANA delegate to Geneva said that the meetings between the Syrian Arab Republic delegation and the UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura are continuous. Next meeting shall be agreed upon with the diplomatic channels.

Sources in the UN stressed that the delegations of oppositions failed to reach an agreement among them so far and clearly the talks in the fourth round of the Syrian-Syrian dialogue in Geneva will be indirect.

Earlier, delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic headed by Bashar al-Jaafari held a session of talks with the UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura at the UN headquarters in Geneva in the framework of the 4th round of the Syrian- Syrian dialogue held in the Swiss city.

De Mistura said during the opening session that the effort launched in in Geneva is an opportunity to put the political solution for the crisis in Syria on track, affirming that there should not be any preconditions for the talks.

The previous round of Geneva talks ended on the 27th of April, 2016."

Al-Jaafari: We will study a paper handed to us by de Mistura, we will inform him of our position of its contents in the next meeting -video – Syrian Arab News Agency
New talks in Astana are scheduled but the "opposition" won´t come.

This guy loves to wear his scarf featuring the old Syrian flag. It is the symbol of the FSA. His membership reads Jaish al-Islam (Army of Islam), though:

Syrian opposition refuses to attend Astana peace talks
"Rebels" did not attend the new talks in Astana. The Syrian government said it gives a damn about this.
Read more:

"BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:32 A.M.) – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari said that Turkey should be questioned over the absence of armed opposition groups from the latest round of Syria peace talks in Astana on Tuesday.

Bashar al-Jaafari, Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN said in Arabic that: “We are extremely interested in Astana being successful, and for the negotiations to be safely completed, for the sake of the Syrian people. Whether or not there are representatives from armed groups here or not. I believe that this position is shared by the majority of participants in the Astana talks.”

Jaafari went onto explain that the presence of the opposition did not matter, as they came on the behest of their allies, Russia and Iran.

“As a delegation from the Syrian Arab Republic, we did not primarily come here to meet with a delegation of armed opposition groups. We came here to meet two guarantors – Russia and Iran – who are our allies. And to demonstrate our serious intentions, the seriousness of the intentions of the Syrian government to participate in the Astana process. The issue of their presence or absence does not directly concern us,” he explained.

Jaafari then went onto explain that the opposition groups are not truly independent but rather act on behalf of their international backers.

“The absence of a delegation from armed groups at the Astana talks tells us that the Syrian government’s point of view is correct and also reveals the real political vulnerabilities of these armed groups – that they aren’t actually independent. In other words, it’s not the groups that decide whether they will be present or not, but those who use them. Thus, this issue is political and it concerns the three guarantors. If one of these three guarantors violates its obligations – I mean Turkey – then it is Turkey that should be questioned about why some or other armed groups are not present at the current round of negotiations,” he continued."

VIDEO: Syria's UN envoy says Turkey should explain why militants missed peace talks
Lovely propaganda sources. I have actually read Hezbollah propaganda because it's interesting sometimes but these don't even say anything.

Europe could have helped, what for? Just for the sake of running after the mouse looking toy like cat why Russia keeps throwing it from US to UK to Germany to France to Netherlands to Sweden to ...:woohoo:
The "Syrian opposition", a bunch of terrorist groups, again demands Assad´s resignation for a peace settlement. If The President would resign, the government would collapse and the groups would start to fight each other for control in the densely populated areas that are controlled by the government. ISIS would advance. The country would settle in a permanent state of war.

Syrian opposition demands Assad's immediate resignation for peace settlement

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