Generation Z Women

I've managed Gen-Z and, well, they're...different. The whole ghosting thing. The attitude.

That being said, corporate America has created a highly-flexible economy in which there are constant openings to fill, with jobs that are not well paid and have declining benefits. So there's not a lot of incentive to stay and when they find something they like, they just up and leave.

When I was younger, I worried about not burning bridges, giving at least 2 weeks notice and all that polite crap. Gen-Z just lights the fucking bridge on fire and then pours jet kerosene on it, lol.
2 weeks notice should not be a guide. Leave on a whims notice. Nobody owes an emoyers anything more. Let me struggle.
The fact that anyone, anywhere, can just walk across the street and get a new job makes them even more blatant about it.

When the job market cools down there’s going to be a lot of people who are going to regret burning so many bridges behind them.
That and the media and entertainment industry telling kids being fat is healthy, beautiful and will make you happy.

I do not agree with fat acceptance. I don't agree with fat shaming, either, but fat acceptance is just corporate America pushing its products to the 'fat market'.

How can we on the one hand shame and threaten to shake down McDonalds and Coca Cola, and yet say that the people who consume their products should just be made to feel totally good about themselves, and that they're just as beautiful as a supermodel?

No, no they're not beautiful -- On the inside, as a person? Sure. But not aesthetically. Not everyone is. Get over it.
I do not agree with fat acceptance. I don't agree with fat shaming, either, but fat acceptance is just corporate America pushing its products to the 'fat market'.

How can we on the one hand shame and threaten to shake down McDonalds and Coca Cola, and yet say that the people who consume their products should just be made to feel totally good about themselves, and that they're just as beautiful as a supermodel?

No, no they're not beautiful -- On the inside, as a person? Sure. But not aesthetically. Not everyone is. Get over it.
I’ve been noticing lots of ads featuring obese women In work out gear. And all I think when I see this is they are obviously not working out…so what’s the point of these ads?
I’ve been noticing lots of ads featuring obese women In work out gear. And all I think when I see this is they are obviously not working out…so what’s the point of these ads?

Yeah, it's over the top. I see ads with morbidly obese women in bikinis at the beach, too. I'm sorry, I'm not digging it. In my mind, I'm thinking Really?

Understand, I would never be the kind of asshole that would make a fat person feel uncomfortable - there's no place for that either. But this is just Manhattan advertising agency bullshit.
Yeah, it's over the top. I see ads with morbidly obese women in bikinis at the beach, too. I'm sorry, I'm not digging it. In my mind, I'm thinking Really?

Understand, I would never be the kind of asshole that would make a fat person feel uncomfortable - there's no place for that either. But this is just Manhattan advertising agency bullshit.
Hey man, around here? It's buttfloss, micro-bikinis, and tattoos no matter what they weigh! :aargh:
Hey man, around here? It's buttfloss, micro-bikinis, and tattoos no matter what they weigh! :aargh:
Yeah, that's one of the drawpoints of USMB, that happens every so often. :woohoo:

TBH, my rule is, I never hate the poster -- I don't actually know the poster as a real person in real life. When I shit post, it's because I hate the poster's ideas or thinking, but not the person (if that makes sense). IRL, I have friends and family members whose views are way fucken different than mine and we sometimes drink too much and spout off at each other over the holidays but we still take photos and dine out because politics is the ideas of a person, a person's experiences. But they're not the soul - that's completely different. Hard for me to explain.

I've insulted the fuck out of a lot of people here, but chances are, if we didn't talk politics, I'd fix their flat tire, or they would mine. Maybe I'm too idealistic.
TBH, my rule is, I never hate the poster -- I don't actually know the poster as a real person in real life. When I shit post, it's because I hate the poster's ideas or thinking, but not the person (if that makes sense). IRL, I have friends and family members whose views are way fucken different than mine and we sometimes drink too much and spout off at each other over the holidays but we still take photos and dine out because politics is the ideas of a person, a person's experiences. But they're not the soul - that's completely different. Hard for me to explain.

I've insulted the fuck out of a lot of people here, but chances are, if we didn't talk politics, I'd fix their flat tire, or they would mine. Maybe I'm too idealistic.
Welp, I don't have have many of them problems with blood kin, I'll tell you that. There are a couple..couple. :terror:

They're the only ones, but hey, it's still blood, so concessions must be made.