General Patton Speaks With God


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
General George Patton, perhaps the most important protagonist of WWII, was a deeply religious individual.

A recent best-seller gave an intimate look into this aspect of the warrior's life and character.
Below are some of the 'conversations' that General Patton had with God.

"December 23, 1944
9:00 a.m.
George S. Pattern takes off his helmet as he enters the century-old Catholic chapel. Though Episcopalian, he is in need of a place to worship. The sound of his footsteps echoes off the stone floor as he walks reverently to the foot of the altar. .... Patton kneels, unfolding the prayer he has written for this occasion, and bows his head.

"Sir, this is Patton talking," he says, speaking candidly to the Almighty. "The past fourteen days have been straight hell. Rain, snow, more rain, more snow — and I am beginning to wonder what's going on in Your headquarters. Whose side are You on anyway?"

"For three years my chaplains have been telling me that this is a religious war. This, they tell me, is the Crusades all over again, except that we're riding tanks instead of chargers. They insist that we are here to annihilate the Germans and the godless Hitler so that religious freedom may return to Europe. Up until now I have gone along with them, for You have given us Your unreserved cooperation.

Clear skies and a calm sea in Africa made the landings highly successful and helped us to eliminate Rommel. Sicily was comparatively easy and You supplied excellent weather for the armored dash across France, the greatest military victory that You have thus far allowed me.

You have often given me excellent guidance in difficult command situations and You have led Germanunits into traps that made their elimination fairly simple.

"But now You've changed horses midstream. You seem to have given von Rundstedt every break in the book, and frankly, he's beating the hell out of us. My army is neither trained nor equipped for winter warfare..... this weather is more suitable for Eskimos than for southern cavalrymen.

"But now, Sir, I can't help but feel that I have offended You in some way. That suddenly You have lost all sympathy for our cause. That You are throwing in with von Rundstedt and his paper-hanging god [Hitler]. You know without me telling You that our situation is desperate. Sure, I can tell my staff that everything is going according to plan, but there's no use telling You that my 101st Airborne is holding out against tremendous odds in Bastogne, and that this continual storm is making it impossible to supply them even from the air.

I've sent Hugh Gaffey, one of my ablest generals, with his 4th Armored Division, north toward that all-important road center to relieve the encircled garrison and he's finding Your weather more difficult than he is the Krauts."

"I don't like to complain unreasonably," Patton continues his prayer, "but my soldiers from Meuse to Echternach are suffering tortures of the damned. Today I visited several hospitals, all full of frostbite cases, and the wounded are dying in the fields because they cannot be brought back for medical care."

EDIT: Source revealed in post #50 added for clarity.

Patton's conversation with God is from
MOST AUDACIOUS GENERAL," by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard​
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Interesting. A source, please. Patton was Episcopalian, yet a believer in re-incarnation. Strange individual by nature, yes; a great general.
So when things are going good, God is on our side and when things are difficult it's all God's fault.

Pretty fucking convenient. No wonder religion is so popular - it removes the need for personal responsibility.

:eusa_think: All that's left now is to define 'God'.....
Patton was Episcopal. It matters not where a Christian prays only that they are praying to God, PC. Praying to Mary and the Saints is called idolatry in the bible and Christians are not to do it. As for where to pray? You could pray under an open sky or in your closet for that matter. God is not limited to location in His ability to hear the prayers of His people.

The Church is the Body of Christ - born again believers coming together - not a building and most definitely not a denomination or organization claiming to be the head of the church. Jesus Christ alone is the head and the Body of Born Again Believers are His Body - called "The Church".

That is what the Bible says about the Body of Christ. It has nothing to do with Catholicism. Catholicism is a false religion.
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Interesting. A source, please. Patton was Episcopalian, yet a believer in re-incarnation. Strange individual by nature, yes; a great general.

I had not heard that before, Jake. Do you have a source and a link for that claim? If Patton believed in reincarnation he was not a Christian. There are born again Episcopal people but if he had not accepted Christ as his savior (according to Romans 10:9,10 ) it matters not what denomination he was. Denominations cannot save a soul. The Bible is very clear on that. Anyone who wants to go heaven must be born again - Jesus told Nicodemus - you must be born again to enter the Kingdom of heaven. If you are not born again (Saved) you cannot enter in.
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So when things are going good, God is on our side and when things are difficult it's all God's fault.

Pretty fucking convenient. No wonder religion is so popular - it removes the need for personal responsibility.

:eusa_think: All that's left now is to define 'God'.....
The gawds are pretty clever that way.

Caliber of weapons and volume of fire usually decide the winners and losers in war. The gawds have a peculiar way of always being on the winning side of the folks with the biggest arsenal.

Strange, that.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say "Praying to Mary and the Saints is called idolatry in the bible and Christians are not to do it."
Jeri, you are not an authority on the bible.

Hollie, you can't even prove that God does not exist.

Yet you both want to talk with authority for the rest of us.
Patton was Episcopal. It matters not where a Christian prays only that they are praying to God, PC. Praying to Mary and the Saints is called idolatry in the bible and Christians are not to do it. As for where to pray? You could pray under an open sky or in your closet for that matter. God is not limited to location in His ability to hear the prayers of His people.

I had not heard that before, Jake. Do you have a source and a link for that claim? If Patton believed in reincarnation he was not a Christian. There are born again Episcopal people but if he had not accepted Christ as his savior (according to Romans 10:9,10 ) it matters not what denomination he was. Denominations cannot save a soul. The Bible is very clear on that. Anyone who wants to go heaven must be born again - Jesus told Nicodemus - you must be born again to enter the Kingdom of heaven. If you are not born again (Saved) you cannot enter in.

Well, in that case, I'm gettin' born again with this mornings cup of hot tea.

To the kingdom and beyond....
Jeri, you are not an authority on the bible.

Hollie, you can't even prove that God does not exist.

Yet you both want to talk with authority for the rest of us.
I can prove that the gawds do not exist.

You can't prove I cannot.
Patton was Episcopal. It matters not where a Christian prays only that they are praying to God, PC. Praying to Mary and the Saints is called idolatry in the bible and Christians are not to do it. As for where to pray? You could pray under an open sky or in your closet for that matter. God is not limited to location in His ability to hear the prayers of His people.

I had not heard that before, Jake. Do you have a source and a link for that claim? If Patton believed in reincarnation he was not a Christian. There are born again Episcopal people but if he had not accepted Christ as his savior (according to Romans 10:9,10 ) it matters not what denomination he was. Denominations cannot save a soul. The Bible is very clear on that. Anyone who wants to go heaven must be born again - Jesus told Nicodemus - you must be born again to enter the Kingdom of heaven. If you are not born again (Saved) you cannot enter in.

I remember hearing in a television documentary that Patton believed he was the reincarnation of a Roman centurion.
So when things are going good, God is on our side and when things are difficult it's all God's fault.

Pretty fucking convenient. No wonder religion is so popular - it removes the need for personal responsibility.

:eusa_think: All that's left now is to define 'God'.....

"God moves in mysterious ways."
"It's god's will."
"The devil made me do it."
"... not perfect, just saved".

There's an excuse for everything. You can sin like crazy, blame god and still get into heaven.

I was just reading something that likened it all to a massive insurance policy that you spend your entire life paying for even though it never really pays off.
So when things are going good, God is on our side and when things are difficult it's all God's fault.

Pretty fucking convenient. No wonder religion is so popular - it removes the need for personal responsibility.

:eusa_think: All that's left now is to define 'God'.....
The gawds are pretty clever that way.

Caliber of weapons and volume of fire usually decide the winners and losers in war. The gawds have a peculiar way of always being on the winning side of the folks with the biggest arsenal.

Strange, that.

Ahhhh... but God controls the weather and Murphy's Law, giving even the most talented military men an excuse for their failures.
Jeri, you are not an authority on the bible.

Hollie, you can't even prove that God does not exist.

Yet you both want to talk with authority for the rest of us.

While this may be true, there is nothing wrong with expressing opinions with all the authority and convictions of our own beliefs.

It's up to the reader to decide the validity of an opinion.
So when things are going good, God is on our side and when things are difficult it's all God's fault.

Pretty fucking convenient. No wonder religion is so popular - it removes the need for personal responsibility.

:eusa_think: All that's left now is to define 'God'.....
The gawds are pretty clever that way.

Caliber of weapons and volume of fire usually decide the winners and losers in war. The gawds have a peculiar way of always being on the winning side of the folks with the biggest arsenal.

Strange, that.

Ahhhh... but God controls the weather and Murphy's Law, giving even the most talented military men an excuse for their failures.

Now don't be cynical. If the weather had changed for the worst on d day we might have lost the war.

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