General McChrystal on Television Addresses Idea of Supporting a Draft

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
General McChrystal on Television Addresses Idea of Supporting a Draft and National service.

Watching a PBS show (damn liberal media :eusa_shifty:) Aspen Institute series. Subject of how few people have a direct family connection to the military these days .. General McChrystal said it's less than 1%.

I've supported this idea and have had people who think the all volunteer military should stay that way. Good to know a career commander sees how society and it's military need a closer connection
What, US is running out of bodies willing to participate in all its adventures, or out of money, or both?
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Well the liberals should LOVE this idea and as we see all of a sudden McChrystal has become their new hero..

he must be bucking for a position in the Obama administration..He would fit right in
Well the liberals should LOVE this idea and as we see all of a sudden McChrystal has become their new hero..

he must be bucking for a position in the Obama administration..He would fit right in

It's about a shared burden and duty, something today's right wingers and neocons wouldn't understand since most of their heroes were chickenhawks.

Most Capitalist Democracies with compulsory service are doing just fine. They don't hide, as people like you do, behind the less than 1% while pushing them to do more than should be required in a country as great as ours.

People like you need to be shamed and beaten in public floggings

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It would be poetic if Obama reinstated the draft.

Just sayin'.
i don't know that a draft would make economical sense. sure, you could cut out enlistment bonuses but you wouldn't be able to eliminate re-enlistment incentives. further, you'd be spending a lot training people that had no interest in staying, so that investment would return very little.

i do understand the sentiment of wanting more americans to have ties to their armed forces, but the truth is i don't think it would be good for the services or for the bottom line.
i don't know that a draft would make economical sense. sure, you could cut out enlistment bonuses but you wouldn't be able to eliminate re-enlistment incentives. further, you'd be spending a lot training people that had no interest in staying, so that investment would return very little.

i do understand the sentiment of wanting more americans to have ties to their armed forces, but the truth is i don't think it would be good for the services or for the bottom line.

The return on investment would not be ion dollars. Get clear on the concepts

The military existed with a draft for decades. It does not mean everyone will serve in the military, but they will be eligible to be called up. And compulsory national service would be like compulsory schooling for big deal

and again, the return on the investment? Civic responsibility, social awareness, involvement in the life of the nation...and no one ideology could claim to be 'more' American than another with any credibility
i do understand the sentiment of wanting more americans to have ties to their armed forces, .

What "sentiment"?!

When ever your elites suffered from "sentiment"? It's you -- naive fools, run on sentiments and gimmicks.

The wars started by US/UK 20+ years ago should've been over by now. But as it always happens with American elite's strategic thinking, the reality did not conform to their expectation of it. As a result, US is still fighting in Afghanistan; and Syria, instead of crushing down after first few weeks is still fighting and WINNING! And for US to continue with its quest for absolute world dominance, it has to take on Iran, and Russia...
The time is dear: economic disaster is getting worth, and populations of vassal countries start asking questions "what are we doing fighting with half the world?"... Than again, all these dead bodies, injured personnel... The sure way to replenish the fighting force is to MAKE every male to join in; no wages, no need to pay for years of professional training...
I believe this is the same "General" that wants to dis arm this nation too.

why would you put general in quotation marks?

He is retired, no longer a General.

It's my understanding that it's a matter of courtesy for people of a lower rank like you, but that Generals and Admirals never truly retire.

Aren't they put on a retired list, meaning they can be called to active duty if the nation needs them?

I'm thinking of Generals of the past who were called back to active duty. Aren't they for all practical purposes still Generals?
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