General Flynn Wasn’t The Only One

"What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," the notes reveal.” Unsealed Notes Reveal FBI Planned Perjury Trap For Flynn
Of course he could have avoided the trap by telling the TRUTH. What an absurd idea.
He did tell the truth.

So said the original FBI investigators, you dope.
So he told the truth and was then prosecuted for perjury, which he then admitted to? I understand your association with truth is rare but how is that possible?
He was told if he fights his son will be called to answer questions too....Flynn was protecting his family from these unelected Obama thugs.....
Flynn shouldn't have drug his son into his dodgy lobbying group.

But dolla dolla bill y'all.
His son joined willingly...there was and is nothing dodgy about the lobbying group that isn't just like all lobbying groups.....this was an FBI set argue that is foolish at this time with what we have learned....
Yeah, what could be considered dodgy about secretly lobbying on behalf of a dictator?
Do you mean like Obama and Kerry did for the dictator in Iran when they lobbied for Netanyahu's challenger?...
Nope. That's the dumbest comparison I've heard all day.
Oh come on someone must of called you by name today....
Flynn was paid more than half a million dollars to lobby for Turkey, which he did. No one has any idea what you're talking about with Obama and Kerry.
Half a million dollars all went to Flynn?.....prove that......and Obama sent Kerry to interfere in the Israeli elections to try and get Nettanyahu to lose so Iran's choice of candidate could win....we all watched it as it happened in living one did squat about it know the first black president and all....

These are based on government filings which people do when they're lobbying for foreign governments, or at least what they're supposed to do if they're not being all shady about it.

Still no idea what you're talking about with Kerry. What year was this?
There is nothing surprising nor illegal about what Flynn did...if there was everyone in DC would be in your point is mute.....
I don't know. Not everyone in DC is lobbying on behalf of dictators without filing the proper paperwork.

So what are you rambling about Kerry and Obama? How much was Iran paying them?
Iran was paying Obama a legacy because he had nothing but fucking up our healthcare system and your account of Flynn's actions are all lies.....if he did something illegal the FBI wouldn't have needed to set him up...
He wasn’t set up. The FBI asked him a question. He lied.

No one forced him to do it.
"What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," the notes reveal.” Unsealed Notes Reveal FBI Planned Perjury Trap For Flynn
Of course he could have avoided the trap by telling the TRUTH. What an absurd idea.
He did tell the truth.

So said the original FBI investigators, you dope.
So he told the truth and was then prosecuted for perjury, which he then admitted to? I understand your association with truth is rare but how is that possible?
He was told if he fights his son will be called to answer questions too....Flynn was protecting his family from these unelected Obama thugs.....
Flynn shouldn't have drug his son into his dodgy lobbying group.

But dolla dolla bill y'all.
His son joined willingly...there was and is nothing dodgy about the lobbying group that isn't just like all lobbying groups.....this was an FBI set argue that is foolish at this time with what we have learned....
Yeah, what could be considered dodgy about secretly lobbying on behalf of a dictator?
Do you mean like Obama and Kerry did for the dictator in Iran when they lobbied for Netanyahu's challenger?...
Nope. That's the dumbest comparison I've heard all day.
Oh come on someone must of called you by name today....
Flynn was paid more than half a million dollars to lobby for Turkey, which he did. No one has any idea what you're talking about with Obama and Kerry.
Half a million dollars all went to Flynn?.....prove that......and Obama sent Kerry to interfere in the Israeli elections to try and get Nettanyahu to lose so Iran's choice of candidate could win....we all watched it as it happened in living one did squat about it know the first black president and all....

These are based on government filings which people do when they're lobbying for foreign governments, or at least what they're supposed to do if they're not being all shady about it.

Still no idea what you're talking about with Kerry. What year was this?
There is nothing surprising nor illegal about what Flynn did...if there was everyone in DC would be in your point is mute.....
I don't know. Not everyone in DC is lobbying on behalf of dictators without filing the proper paperwork.

So what are you rambling about Kerry and Obama? How much was Iran paying them?
Iran was paying Obama a legacy because he had nothing but fucking up our healthcare system and your account of Flynn's actions are all lies.....if he did something illegal the FBI wouldn't have needed to set him up...
He wasn’t set up. The FBI asked him a question. He lied.

No one forced him to do it.
They went to see him at the white house with the intention of tricking him into lying....and they made it appear like it was just a routine meeting....Stalin would stand and cheer if he could and you are waving the FBI's flag?....are you nuts? sure are not the kind of liberal government watchdog minded person I grew up with...TDS has formed a new breed of liberal and its scary as hell.....
Its not a lie Kerry still brags about it today.....even though he failed....
As always, you're full of shit. BTW, have you forgotten the US was not the only signatory to the agreement?

I don't care how many duped nations signed on to it....we here in the USA think for ourselves....
I thought I'd add some more color to how Flynn got himself in trouble.................knowing full well the sight of Sally Yates name will launch Trumpleheads in to a crazed rant full of lies and false accusations borne from right wing media deceit. It's always the same with you duped rubes.

"What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," the notes reveal.” Unsealed Notes Reveal FBI Planned Perjury Trap For Flynn
Of course he could have avoided the trap by telling the TRUTH. What an absurd idea.
He did tell the truth.

So said the original FBI investigators, you dope.
So he told the truth and was then prosecuted for perjury, which he then admitted to? I understand your association with truth is rare but how is that possible?
He was told if he fights his son will be called to answer questions too....Flynn was protecting his family from these unelected Obama thugs.....
Flynn shouldn't have drug his son into his dodgy lobbying group.

But dolla dolla bill y'all.
His son joined willingly...there was and is nothing dodgy about the lobbying group that isn't just like all lobbying groups.....this was an FBI set argue that is foolish at this time with what we have learned....
Yeah, what could be considered dodgy about secretly lobbying on behalf of a dictator?
Do you mean like Obama and Kerry did for the dictator in Iran when they lobbied for Netanyahu's challenger?...
Nope. That's the dumbest comparison I've heard all day.
Oh come on someone must of called you by name today....
Flynn was paid more than half a million dollars to lobby for Turkey, which he did. No one has any idea what you're talking about with Obama and Kerry.
Half a million dollars all went to Flynn?.....prove that......and Obama sent Kerry to interfere in the Israeli elections to try and get Nettanyahu to lose so Iran's choice of candidate could win....we all watched it as it happened in living one did squat about it know the first black president and all....

These are based on government filings which people do when they're lobbying for foreign governments, or at least what they're supposed to do if they're not being all shady about it.

Still no idea what you're talking about with Kerry. What year was this?
There is nothing surprising nor illegal about what Flynn did...if there was everyone in DC would be in your point is mute.....
I don't know. Not everyone in DC is lobbying on behalf of dictators without filing the proper paperwork.

So what are you rambling about Kerry and Obama? How much was Iran paying them?
Iran was paying Obama a legacy because he had nothing but fucking up our healthcare system and your account of Flynn's actions are all lies.....if he did something illegal the FBI wouldn't have needed to set him up...
He wasn’t set up. The FBI asked him a question. He lied.

No one forced him to do it.
They went to see him at the white house with the intention of tricking him into lying....and they made it appear like it was just a routine meeting....Stalin would stand and cheer if he could and you are waving the FBI's flag?....are you nuts? sure are not the kind of liberal government watchdog minded person I grew up with...TDS has formed a new breed of liberal and its scary as hell.....
There was no trick. Flynn knew they were coming to ask him about Kislyak. They asked him about Kislyak. He lied.

If that’s a trick, then Flynn is the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
"What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," the notes reveal.” Unsealed Notes Reveal FBI Planned Perjury Trap For Flynn
Of course he could have avoided the trap by telling the TRUTH. What an absurd idea.
He did tell the truth.

So said the original FBI investigators, you dope.
So he told the truth and was then prosecuted for perjury, which he then admitted to? I understand your association with truth is rare but how is that possible?
He was told if he fights his son will be called to answer questions too....Flynn was protecting his family from these unelected Obama thugs.....
Flynn shouldn't have drug his son into his dodgy lobbying group.

But dolla dolla bill y'all.
His son joined willingly...there was and is nothing dodgy about the lobbying group that isn't just like all lobbying groups.....this was an FBI set argue that is foolish at this time with what we have learned....
Yeah, what could be considered dodgy about secretly lobbying on behalf of a dictator?
Do you mean like Obama and Kerry did for the dictator in Iran when they lobbied for Netanyahu's challenger?...
Nope. That's the dumbest comparison I've heard all day.
Oh come on someone must of called you by name today....
Flynn was paid more than half a million dollars to lobby for Turkey, which he did. No one has any idea what you're talking about with Obama and Kerry.
Half a million dollars all went to Flynn?.....prove that......and Obama sent Kerry to interfere in the Israeli elections to try and get Nettanyahu to lose so Iran's choice of candidate could win....we all watched it as it happened in living one did squat about it know the first black president and all....

These are based on government filings which people do when they're lobbying for foreign governments, or at least what they're supposed to do if they're not being all shady about it.

Still no idea what you're talking about with Kerry. What year was this?
There is nothing surprising nor illegal about what Flynn did...if there was everyone in DC would be in your point is mute.....
I don't know. Not everyone in DC is lobbying on behalf of dictators without filing the proper paperwork.

So what are you rambling about Kerry and Obama? How much was Iran paying them?
Iran was paying Obama a legacy because he had nothing but fucking up our healthcare system and your account of Flynn's actions are all lies.....if he did something illegal the FBI wouldn't have needed to set him up...
He wasn’t set up. The FBI asked him a question. He lied.

No one forced him to do it.
They went to see him at the white house with the intention of tricking him into lying....and they made it appear like it was just a routine meeting....Stalin would stand and cheer if he could and you are waving the FBI's flag?....are you nuts? sure are not the kind of liberal government watchdog minded person I grew up with...TDS has formed a new breed of liberal and its scary as hell.....
There was no trick. Flynn knew they were coming to ask him about Kislyak. They asked him about Kislyak. He lied.

If that’s a trick, then Flynn is the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign...the question they asked was none of their was his business as the incoming NSA...give it up...everyone knows what the dirty FBI did...stop defending them or they may do it to you one day and we won't be alive to help you.....
He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign.
Who told you that? That’s not close to true.

It was definitely a lie. If he can’t remember talking about sanctions with Kislyak, again, he’s the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign.
Who told you that? That’s not close to true.

It was definitely a lie. If he can’t remember talking about sanctions with Kislyak, again, he’s the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
Then you had better call every one of our news agencies...because they all have finally come to accept that the FBI set up Flynn...even the talking heads on you are alone on an island my friend....
He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign.
Who told you that? That’s not close to true.

It was definitely a lie. If he can’t remember talking about sanctions with Kislyak, again, he’s the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
Then you had better call every one of our news agencies...because they all have finally come to accept that the FBI set up Flynn...even the talking heads on you are alone on an island my friend....

So much for your love of “thinking for yourself“.

There’s a lot of opinions but very few people know the details of this case, and that includes you.

So what was the trick? How was the DIA “tricked” into lying?
He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign.
Who told you that? That’s not close to true.

It was definitely a lie. If he can’t remember talking about sanctions with Kislyak, again, he’s the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
Then you had better call every one of our news agencies...because they all have finally come to accept that the FBI set up Flynn...even the talking heads on you are alone on an island my friend....

So much for your love of “thinking for yourself“.

There’s a lot of opinions but very few people know the details of this case, and that includes you.

So what was the trick? How was the DIA “tricked” into lying?
All alone one still thinks Flynn did anything wrong...even democrats are calling for the judge to vacate his admission of guilt....and adjourn the entire need to turn on the news...guess what...Uncle Joe penetrated a women with his finger by case you missed that too....
He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign.
Who told you that? That’s not close to true.

It was definitely a lie. If he can’t remember talking about sanctions with Kislyak, again, he’s the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
Then you had better call every one of our news agencies...because they all have finally come to accept that the FBI set up Flynn...even the talking heads on you are alone on an island my friend....

So much for your love of “thinking for yourself“.

There’s a lot of opinions but very few people know the details of this case, and that includes you.

So what was the trick? How was the DIA “tricked” into lying?
All alone one still thinks Flynn did anything wrong...even democrats are calling for the judge to vacate his admission of guilt....and adjourn the entire need to turn on the news...guess what...Uncle Joe penetrated a women with his finger by case you missed that too....

I think for myself. I don't watch cable news so if you're telling the truth or just making stuff up again, it's irrelevant to me.

Go ahead you independent thinker you, tell me how Flynn was tricked. Do you know or are you just repeating what you've been told?
He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign.
Who told you that? That’s not close to true.

It was definitely a lie. If he can’t remember talking about sanctions with Kislyak, again, he’s the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
Then you had better call every one of our news agencies...because they all have finally come to accept that the FBI set up Flynn...even the talking heads on you are alone on an island my friend....

So much for your love of “thinking for yourself“.

There’s a lot of opinions but very few people know the details of this case, and that includes you.

So what was the trick? How was the DIA “tricked” into lying?
All alone one still thinks Flynn did anything wrong...even democrats are calling for the judge to vacate his admission of guilt....and adjourn the entire need to turn on the news...guess what...Uncle Joe penetrated a women with his finger by case you missed that too....

I think for myself. I don't watch cable news so if you're telling the truth or just making stuff up again, it's irrelevant to me.

Go ahead you independent thinker you, tell me how Flynn was tricked. Do you know or are you just repeating what you've been told?
I'm just letting you know...that's all....whats for dinner?....Coconut soup?.....I'm guessing there is not a great menu on that Island....
He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign.
Who told you that? That’s not close to true.

It was definitely a lie. If he can’t remember talking about sanctions with Kislyak, again, he’s the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
Then you had better call every one of our news agencies...because they all have finally come to accept that the FBI set up Flynn...even the talking heads on you are alone on an island my friend....

So much for your love of “thinking for yourself“.

There’s a lot of opinions but very few people know the details of this case, and that includes you.

So what was the trick? How was the DIA “tricked” into lying?
All alone one still thinks Flynn did anything wrong...even democrats are calling for the judge to vacate his admission of guilt....and adjourn the entire need to turn on the news...guess what...Uncle Joe penetrated a women with his finger by case you missed that too....

I think for myself. I don't watch cable news so if you're telling the truth or just making stuff up again, it's irrelevant to me.

Go ahead you independent thinker you, tell me how Flynn was tricked. Do you know or are you just repeating what you've been told?
I'm just letting you know...that's all....whats for dinner?....Coconut soup?.....I'm guessing there is not a great menu on that Island....

You think I care what the sheep think?
He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign.
Who told you that? That’s not close to true.

It was definitely a lie. If he can’t remember talking about sanctions with Kislyak, again, he’s the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
Then you had better call every one of our news agencies...because they all have finally come to accept that the FBI set up Flynn...even the talking heads on you are alone on an island my friend....

So much for your love of “thinking for yourself“.

There’s a lot of opinions but very few people know the details of this case, and that includes you.

So what was the trick? How was the DIA “tricked” into lying?
All alone one still thinks Flynn did anything wrong...even democrats are calling for the judge to vacate his admission of guilt....and adjourn the entire need to turn on the news...guess what...Uncle Joe penetrated a women with his finger by case you missed that too....

I think for myself. I don't watch cable news so if you're telling the truth or just making stuff up again, it's irrelevant to me.

Go ahead you independent thinker you, tell me how Flynn was tricked. Do you know or are you just repeating what you've been told?
I'm just letting you know...that's all....whats for dinner?....Coconut soup?.....I'm guessing there is not a great menu on that Island....

You think I care what the sheep think?
I think you are a sheep....
WTF is taking Barr and Durham so long? The indictments should have been issued by now for the obvious crimes.
The defense attorneys can delay and delay so that the deep state criminals escape justice.
Lack of any real evidence. Don’t worry...I am sure they will set up safe spaces and 24 hr counseling should it come to that.
He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign.
Who told you that? That’s not close to true.

It was definitely a lie. If he can’t remember talking about sanctions with Kislyak, again, he’s the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
Then you had better call every one of our news agencies...because they all have finally come to accept that the FBI set up Flynn...even the talking heads on you are alone on an island my friend....

So much for your love of “thinking for yourself“.

There’s a lot of opinions but very few people know the details of this case, and that includes you.

So what was the trick? How was the DIA “tricked” into lying?
All alone one still thinks Flynn did anything wrong...even democrats are calling for the judge to vacate his admission of guilt....and adjourn the entire need to turn on the news...guess what...Uncle Joe penetrated a women with his finger by case you missed that too....

I think for myself. I don't watch cable news so if you're telling the truth or just making stuff up again, it's irrelevant to me.

Go ahead you independent thinker you, tell me how Flynn was tricked. Do you know or are you just repeating what you've been told?
I'm just letting you know...that's all....whats for dinner?....Coconut soup?.....I'm guessing there is not a great menu on that Island....

You think I care what the sheep think?
I think you are a sheep....
Just a few minutes ago you were trying to attack me for not going along with what everyone else is saying.

Now I'm a sheep, by definition someone that just goes along with what everyone else says.

Try to be consistent. You just look foolish.

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