General Flynn Wasn’t The Only One

He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign.
Who told you that? That’s not close to true.

It was definitely a lie. If he can’t remember talking about sanctions with Kislyak, again, he’s the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
Then you had better call every one of our news agencies...because they all have finally come to accept that the FBI set up Flynn...even the talking heads on you are alone on an island my friend....

So much for your love of “thinking for yourself“.

There’s a lot of opinions but very few people know the details of this case, and that includes you.

So what was the trick? How was the DIA “tricked” into lying?
All alone one still thinks Flynn did anything wrong...even democrats are calling for the judge to vacate his admission of guilt....and adjourn the entire need to turn on the news...guess what...Uncle Joe penetrated a women with his finger by case you missed that too....

I think for myself. I don't watch cable news so if you're telling the truth or just making stuff up again, it's irrelevant to me.

Go ahead you independent thinker you, tell me how Flynn was tricked. Do you know or are you just repeating what you've been told?
I'm just letting you know...that's all....whats for dinner?....Coconut soup?.....I'm guessing there is not a great menu on that Island....

You think I care what the sheep think?
I think you are a sheep....
Just a few minutes ago you were trying to attack me for not going along with what everyone else is saying.

Now I'm a sheep, by definition someone that just goes along with what everyone else says.

Try to be consistent. You just look foolish.
Argue the are side sweeping out there with taz me....
He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign.
Who told you that? That’s not close to true.

It was definitely a lie. If he can’t remember talking about sanctions with Kislyak, again, he’s the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
Then you had better call every one of our news agencies...because they all have finally come to accept that the FBI set up Flynn...even the talking heads on you are alone on an island my friend....

So much for your love of “thinking for yourself“.

There’s a lot of opinions but very few people know the details of this case, and that includes you.

So what was the trick? How was the DIA “tricked” into lying?
All alone one still thinks Flynn did anything wrong...even democrats are calling for the judge to vacate his admission of guilt....and adjourn the entire need to turn on the news...guess what...Uncle Joe penetrated a women with his finger by case you missed that too....

I think for myself. I don't watch cable news so if you're telling the truth or just making stuff up again, it's irrelevant to me.

Go ahead you independent thinker you, tell me how Flynn was tricked. Do you know or are you just repeating what you've been told?
I'm just letting you know...that's all....whats for dinner?....Coconut soup?.....I'm guessing there is not a great menu on that Island....

You think I care what the sheep think?
I think you are a sheep....
Just a few minutes ago you were trying to attack me for not going along with what everyone else is saying.

Now I'm a sheep, by definition someone that just goes along with what everyone else says.

Try to be consistent. You just look foolish.
Argue the are side sweeping out there with taz me....

Im trying but it feels like I’m the only one making an argument around here. You claimed he was tricked, but there isn’t anything more to it. He wasn’t tricked. The FBI asked him for an interview. He knew exactly why. He agreed to an interview. He was asked the question that everyone else was asking. He told the same lie he was telling everyone else.

It wasn’t a trick.
WTF is taking Barr and Durham so long? The indictments should have been issued by now for the obvious crimes.
The defense attorneys can delay and delay so that the deep state criminals escape justice.
As Trey Gowdy said yesterday, there will be no indictments.
Its because senate intelligence confirmed: Russia helped Trump.

What a stupid thing to say.....

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
No country is monolithic, except for perhaps North Korea due to mind control.
Although Putin's approval in Russia is high (69 percent), there are still nearly a third of the country doesnt like him.
Just like not everybody here likes Trump or Obama.
The most famous Putin critic in Russia is Garry Kasparov chess player.

Audit of FBI found that they knew Russia was injecting disinformation into Steele's dossier.
Steele's sources in russia were russian dissidents, some of them living outside of Russia.
And russia poisoned them, ie: Sergi Skripal.

The Steele dossier came to be, because of efforts of opponents in the 2016 election: hired british agent Steele to work on it.
Read up: why Putin hates Hillary.

Steele, a communist conduit, hated Trump.

So did Putin.....and you.

The existence of the dossier, from the Russians, proves who they wanted as President: the one they had a history of bribing- Hillary Clinton.

See if you can lie your way out of the dossier's existence.
Can you provide references to your assertions?

In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates. In April 2016, an attorney for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, while The Free Beacon stopped its backing in May 2016.[4] In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier.

Putin himself said he wanted Trump, the opposite is just your imagination.

"In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates."

Watch me shred your latest lie.

  • The dossier was supposedly started by a Republican (Paul Singer) during the primaries as he hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Here is the lie there – whatever was paid for by Singer was his work product not part of the Steele dossier. Once Trump won the nomination and the Democrats in their devious way (through a couple of layers to hide who was the actual customer) engaged Fusion GPS, it would have been highly unethical for the company to turn over the work product of one customer to another. That would have been Singer’s to do. This dossier started all over and that is why they engaged Steele to gin up this Russian story.” What They Will Not Tell You About 'The Memo'
My "lie" is from the wikipedia page on the steele dossier.
Youre still not showing the dossier was from Russia.

"Youre still not showing the dossier was from Russia."

You're disputing it was from Russia????

I'll let you pass this once.....but don't say anything this absurd again.

1. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele was a “confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions." The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

2.. Christopher Steele, Hillary's employee, got the 'dossier' via
Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report.

Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

3. Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

4. If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.
1) DailyMail is a questionable source, you can get the real story from the Fusion GPS people themselves.

2) Daily Caller also has a poor reputation on factual reporting

Reviewing the tangled story of the Russia investigation, Deripaska now takes the same line as Trump and his defenders in Congress: It’s all the work of a “deep state” conspiracy, centered on Fusion GPS, the company that hired Steele to compile his dossier on behalf of the Clinton campaign. The making of the Steele dossier Deripaska wrote in a March 2018 op-ed in the Daily Caller about “unholy alliances” between Fusion GPS and the Justice Department. Deripaska added that an associate of Fusion GPS had told Waldman in March 2017 that the organization was partly funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, another bogeyman for Trump supporters and Russia. Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson declined to comment for this article. Soros’s spokesman, Michael Vachon, told me that Soros hadn’t funded Fusion GPS directly but had made a grant to the Democracy Integrity Project, which used Fusion GPS as a contractor.

3) Russia still has internet. Garry Kasparov operates freely as an opponent to Putin, and 30% of russia doesnt approve a Putin. Putin has 30% approval in Russia.
Putin attempts to kill those who speak the truth, but sometimes fail.
Then there are new putin critics like this.
BOMBSHELL: New documents released show that President Obama and the White House may have been behind the Russian Collusion scam.

This is HUGE!

It's a fact, and it's not new.

"Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe
There are new texts allegedly showing that the Obama White House, the CIA, the FBI, and top Democrats colluded at the outset of the Russia probe.

...coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process."

Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe


"Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation"
Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation
WTF is taking Barr and Durham so long? The indictments should have been issued by now for the obvious crimes.
The defense attorneys can delay and delay so that the deep state criminals escape justice.
As Trey Gowdy said yesterday, there will be no indictments.
Its because senate intelligence confirmed: Russia helped Trump.

What a stupid thing to say.....

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
No country is monolithic, except for perhaps North Korea due to mind control.
Although Putin's approval in Russia is high (69 percent), there are still nearly a third of the country doesnt like him.
Just like not everybody here likes Trump or Obama.
The most famous Putin critic in Russia is Garry Kasparov chess player.

Audit of FBI found that they knew Russia was injecting disinformation into Steele's dossier.
Steele's sources in russia were russian dissidents, some of them living outside of Russia.
And russia poisoned them, ie: Sergi Skripal.

The Steele dossier came to be, because of efforts of opponents in the 2016 election: hired british agent Steele to work on it.
Read up: why Putin hates Hillary.

Steele, a communist conduit, hated Trump.

So did Putin.....and you.

The existence of the dossier, from the Russians, proves who they wanted as President: the one they had a history of bribing- Hillary Clinton.

See if you can lie your way out of the dossier's existence.
Can you provide references to your assertions?

In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates. In April 2016, an attorney for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, while The Free Beacon stopped its backing in May 2016.[4] In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier.

Putin himself said he wanted Trump, the opposite is just your imagination.

"In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates."

Watch me shred your latest lie.

  • The dossier was supposedly started by a Republican (Paul Singer) during the primaries as he hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump. Here is the lie there – whatever was paid for by Singer was his work product not part of the Steele dossier. Once Trump won the nomination and the Democrats in their devious way (through a couple of layers to hide who was the actual customer) engaged Fusion GPS, it would have been highly unethical for the company to turn over the work product of one customer to another. That would have been Singer’s to do. This dossier started all over and that is why they engaged Steele to gin up this Russian story.” What They Will Not Tell You About 'The Memo'
My "lie" is from the wikipedia page on the steele dossier.
Youre still not showing the dossier was from Russia.

"Youre still not showing the dossier was from Russia."

You're disputing it was from Russia????

I'll let you pass this once.....but don't say anything this absurd again.

1. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele was a “confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions." The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

2.. Christopher Steele, Hillary's employee, got the 'dossier' via
Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report.

Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

3. Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

4. If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.
1) DailyMail is a questionable source, you can get the real story from the Fusion GPS people themselves.

2) Daily Caller also has a poor reputation on factual reporting

Reviewing the tangled story of the Russia investigation, Deripaska now takes the same line as Trump and his defenders in Congress: It’s all the work of a “deep state” conspiracy, centered on Fusion GPS, the company that hired Steele to compile his dossier on behalf of the Clinton campaign. The making of the Steele dossier Deripaska wrote in a March 2018 op-ed in the Daily Caller about “unholy alliances” between Fusion GPS and the Justice Department. Deripaska added that an associate of Fusion GPS had told Waldman in March 2017 that the organization was partly funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, another bogeyman for Trump supporters and Russia. Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson declined to comment for this article. Soros’s spokesman, Michael Vachon, told me that Soros hadn’t funded Fusion GPS directly but had made a grant to the Democracy Integrity Project, which used Fusion GPS as a contractor.

3) Russia still has internet. Garry Kasparov operates freely as an opponent to Putin, and 30% of russia doesnt approve a Putin. Putin has 30% approval in Russia.
Putin attempts to kill those who speak the truth, but sometimes fail.
Then there are new putin critics like this.

Get lost.
1.As a child, and I don’t believe that I was alone in this, I believed in people being honest. And ‘honest,’ meaning telling the truth even when it weighed against their own interests.

You start a thread with that...and go on to defend a creep who admitted lying to the FBI...AND VP Pence.(for which he was fired)
They threatened his son if he didn't cop.

Did Pence threaten his son too?
12. “On March 15, 2017, Comey had a briefing as FBI director with Grassley and Judiciary’s top Democrat, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California.

Comey told the senators that he saw no evidence Flynn had lied to investigators, according to Grassley.

Comey repeated that assertion to the House Intelligence Committee while still serving as FBI director. Trump fired him on May 9, 2017.

Grassley cited press reports that Flynn told the White House counsel and chief of staff that the FBI twice told him he wouldn’t be charged, “which is consistent with what Director Comey told me and my staff.”

“Peter Strzok blocked FBI from closing Flynn investigation after it found no 'derogatory information'

Emails from later that month show Strzok, along with then-FBI lawyer Lisa Page and several others, sought out ways to continue investigating Flynn, including an email from Strzok admitting that he wanted to use a defensive debriefing of Flynn as a “pretext" after the bureau moved to shut down the case.

For government school grads:

Pretext: a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason.

The real reason:
"A text message sent by former FBI agent Peter Strzok to Lisa Page, a former FBI lawyer with whom Strzok was having an affair, in August 2016 that mentioned an "insurance policy" has long been a subject of concern among Republican investigators who believe there could have been a plot to undermine then-candidate Donald Trump."
13. These Leftists/Democrats are truly evil people.

Even the slightest bar to their desires results in one’s life being destroyed….e.g., Trevor Fitzgibbon….even if one has always been a loyal Democrat.

And this:

"The revelations of corruption by the FBI to intentionally frame Gen. Flynn for crimes the FBI manufactured piles on with each new production of documents," said Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor who took over Flynn’s defense last summer. “Unequivocally, the documents prove the egregious extent to which those involved violated the constitutional rights of the national security adviser of the United States of America and a military hero, who put his life on the line for over three decades to preserve those very rights for every American citizen."

[Even though the] FBI document repeatedly stated that the bureau turned up “no derogatory information” on Flynn since the inquiry began in the summer of 2016.
But the same day that the FBI was closing the Flynn case, texts from Strzok reveal he intervened to keep it open.

The disclosures are among the trove of redacted FBI documents, emails, and text messages released on Thursday that have been touted by Flynn's lawyers as exculpatory evidence heretofore concealed from the defense team.” Peter Strzok blocked FBI from closing Flynn investigation after it found no 'derogatory information'
Lead attorney for Gen. Flynn Sidney Powell argues the government intentionally hid documents in order to protect their prosecution of him.

“…a guilty plea is supposed to be knowing and voluntary….we have evidence that it was coerced….”

Flynn’s previous lawyers “had a secret side deal with the prosecutor….”

“…they hid all the evidence we’ve uncovered that shows he is completely innocent….”

The original law firm, with Eric Holder as a partner, had a deal with the government to make sure he pled guilty.

The FBI needed the prosecution of Flynn in order to keep the obstruction hoax against Trump, going. “Comey knew that they had no evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump Campaign.”

“…we have messages that the 7th floor was in on this…and that’s Comey and McCabe.”
"Enter Judge Sullivan, who will have to decide if these underhanded tactics now merit throwing out the case. The evidence also raises questions about former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s decision to prosecute Mr. Flynn. Beyond dispute is that prosecutors and the FBI failed in their obligation to hand over the information as they sought to coerce Mr. Flynn into accepting a plea deal or face financial ruin.

In Brady v. Maryland (1963), the Supreme Court required prosecutors to turn over all information that might exonerate a defendant. But the only reason these potentially exculpatory documents are now with Mr. Flynn is because Attorney General Bill Barr this year appointed the U.S. Attorney in St. Louis, Jeffrey Jensen, to review the Flynn case. Mr. Jensen decided to turn over the documents.

The Jensen team clearly views the documents as relevant to the Flynn defense—it would have no basis otherwise for turning them over. So what’s DOJ’s excuse for failing to provide them until now? Who decided they weren’t relevant to the defense?

All of this throws into doubt the Flynn prosecution and plea, and Judge Sullivan has an obligation to examine the prosecutorial record. Prosecutors wield extraordinary power, and Brady abuses are all too common. If judges aren’t willing to police misbehavior, Americans can have no faith in our system of justice."
"Rosenstein Scope Memo For Mueller Peddled Steele Dossier, Logan Act Conspiracy Theories
A newly declassified memorandum from Rod Rosenstein shows that the former deputy attorney general used bogus claims from discredited Clinton campaign operative Christopher Steele to justify Robert Mueller's investigation of the Trump campaign.
MAY 6, 2020 By Sean Davis

Rosenstein’s memo also peddled discredited legal theories about the Logan Act, a 1799 law criminalizing political speech by American citizens that has never been successfully prosecuted, to justify investigations of former White House National Security Adviser (NSA) Michael Flynn.

The Mueller probe, after nearly two years and tens of millions of dollars, unearthed no evidence of collusion by any Trump campaign officials. However, a sprawling investigation by the DOJ Office of Inspector General found that Rosenstein’s DOJ fabricated evidence and falsified documents to justify an illegal federal spy warrant against Page.

Flynn is currently in the process of trying to withdraw his guilty plea, citing government abuse and corruption. The judge in the case has not yet ruled in Flynn’s motion to withdraw his plea or his motion to dismiss charges."
Nope. Flynn didn't lie......the FBI did.
He confessed to lying. The pile of horseshit you are standing on is getting deeper.

Flynn’s lawyers said special counsel Robert Mueller’s team committed “malfeasance” for deciding to prosecute Flynn despite being aware of these documents. The defense alleges that the feds “deliberately suppressed this evidence from the inception of this prosecution—knowing there was no crime by Mr. Flynn.”

But nothing in the documents released this week were exculpatory, former prosecutors told TPM, meaning that they do not exonerate Flynn of allegations — which he previously admitted under oath — that he lied to the FBI agents about his Russian contacts.

“If it’s not exculpatory, it doesn’t have to be turned over,” Sandick said.
again, are you saying anyone whoever pleaded and guilty and overturned due to coercion should all be back in prison?

There are no exculpatory facts.
they threaten his family. nothing more exculpatory than that.
How does that change any of the facts of the charges against him? He still lied.

What was the lie?

Flynn stated he did not discuss sanctions with the Russian ambassador when in reality he did.

How do you not know this?

Did you see this?

DOJ drops case against Michael Flynn, in wake of internal memo release
Nope. Flynn didn't lie......the FBI did.
He confessed to lying. The pile of horseshit you are standing on is getting deeper.

Flynn’s lawyers said special counsel Robert Mueller’s team committed “malfeasance” for deciding to prosecute Flynn despite being aware of these documents. The defense alleges that the feds “deliberately suppressed this evidence from the inception of this prosecution—knowing there was no crime by Mr. Flynn.”

But nothing in the documents released this week were exculpatory, former prosecutors told TPM, meaning that they do not exonerate Flynn of allegations — which he previously admitted under oath — that he lied to the FBI agents about his Russian contacts.

“If it’s not exculpatory, it doesn’t have to be turned over,” Sandick said.
again, are you saying anyone whoever pleaded and guilty and overturned due to coercion should all be back in prison?

There are no exculpatory facts.
they threaten his family. nothing more exculpatory than that.
How does that change any of the facts of the charges against him? He still lied.

What was the lie?

Flynn stated he did not discuss sanctions with the Russian ambassador when in reality he did.

How do you not know this?

You don't want to wait for adjudication????

Why is that?

We both know why.....don't we.

It's been adjudicated.
He lied. Are you denying that?
Did you see this?

DOJ drops case against Michael Flynn, in wake of internal memo release
The essence of this thread is that the Left/Democrats endeavor is to destroy anyone and anything that affronts them or stands in their way to power.

The example is the comparison between General Flynn and a relative unknown, Trevor Fitzgibbon.

9. “Smith: So often in these cases, I think what we're faced with is it's a “He Said, She Said” thing. There's not a lot of witnesses, if any, ever present. So to say that you're just always going to believe the woman really doesn't get us anywhere.

It may also open the possibility that accusations can be weaponized to smear a target for hidden motives. FitzGibbon began to suspect he was the target of a smear right after it was announced he wouldn’t be charged yet he was attacked in a national press release.

FitzGibbon: And that press release was a letter signed by 72 national organizations pledging to never hire me or work with me again.

Sharyl: What did you think of when you saw that?

FitzGibbon: It was one of the first times that I realized that something else is at play.

He’d sold his house, was split from his wife and children, including infant twins and was too discredited to find work.
FitzGibbon now thinks powerful people may have come after him because of his PR work for enemies of the mainstream Democratic party and the stateincluding WikiLeaks. In 2016, WikiLeaks published embarrassing insider emails of Hillary Clinton officials and the Democratic National Committee, and WikiLeaks was accused of working with Russia and being pro-Trump. There’s little doubt there are powerful efforts to smear WikiLeaks and its supporters. Government contractors circulated this dossier in 2010, a wide-ranging strategy to combat “The WikiLeaks Threat,” to “sabotage or discredit” WikiLeaks supporters using “social media exploitation” and “disinformation.” Shades of Grey: A disturbing follow up to our story on allegedly false sex charges | Sharyl Attkisson

The same modus operandi in so many cases.

Big problem here is the guy suffered these accusations in 2015, so how could these accusations be some kind of retribution fro Wikileaks publishing embarrassing emails in 2016?

The evidence to support this guy's accusation is completely absent.

Actually, you are completely wrong......again.
Clinton Email Is Released After Security Concern Is Dismissed ... › 2015/12/01 › politics › a-hillary-cl...

Dec 1, 2015 - A trove of messages made public by the State Department also touches on technology difficulties and a concussion.
You visited this page on 5/3/20.

FitzGibbon Media sexual assault claims: alleged victims ... › media › dec › fitzgibbon-medi...

Dec 19, 2015 - Two women who say the founder of progressive PR firm FitzGibbon Media sexually harassed them tell the Guardian they were afraid to report ...

Did you want to comment on this?

No lie, plot, ploy, scheme is too indecent for these savages. Ruin an American hero, bankrupt him, threaten his family…..all for the cause. But this sort of evil is not reserved for Flynn, or Trump. It is for anyone who opposes them or their interests. I bet few know of the same sort of attack on Trevor FitzGibbon.
The following cautionary tale is how certain Democrats destroyed Fitzgibbon, and who perpetrated it……and listen for the echo of what is happening to Biden.
My comment is the same as above. Where is the evidence connecting these two? You're story is extremely flimsy. You're now saying that he was attacked in 2015 for something Wikileaks published in 2011?

Besides, he already admitted to inappropriate behavior, and the accusations came from numerous women, not just the one who later recanted as part of a settlement.

This is really weaksauce. There's no facts here, just loose associations.

Both dates are evident: 2015

Actually, you are completely wrong......again.
Clinton Email Is Released After Security Concern Is Dismissed ... › 2015/12/01 › politics › a-hillary-cl...

Dec 1, 2015 - A trove of messages made public by the State Department also touches on technology difficulties and a concussion.
You visited this page on 5/3/20.

FitzGibbon Media sexual assault claims: alleged victims ... › media › dec › fitzgibbon-medi...

Dec 19, 2015 - Two women who say the founder of progressive PR firm FitzGibbon Media sexually harassed them tell the Guardian they were afraid to report ...

Like I said, loose associations. No facts.
Did you see this?

DOJ drops case against Michael Flynn, in wake of internal memo release
The essence of this thread is that the Left/Democrats endeavor is to destroy anyone and anything that affronts them or stands in their way to power.

The example is the comparison between General Flynn and a relative unknown, Trevor Fitzgibbon.

9. “Smith: So often in these cases, I think what we're faced with is it's a “He Said, She Said” thing. There's not a lot of witnesses, if any, ever present. So to say that you're just always going to believe the woman really doesn't get us anywhere.

It may also open the possibility that accusations can be weaponized to smear a target for hidden motives. FitzGibbon began to suspect he was the target of a smear right after it was announced he wouldn’t be charged yet he was attacked in a national press release.

FitzGibbon: And that press release was a letter signed by 72 national organizations pledging to never hire me or work with me again.

Sharyl: What did you think of when you saw that?

FitzGibbon: It was one of the first times that I realized that something else is at play.

He’d sold his house, was split from his wife and children, including infant twins and was too discredited to find work.
FitzGibbon now thinks powerful people may have come after him because of his PR work for enemies of the mainstream Democratic party and the stateincluding WikiLeaks. In 2016, WikiLeaks published embarrassing insider emails of Hillary Clinton officials and the Democratic National Committee, and WikiLeaks was accused of working with Russia and being pro-Trump. There’s little doubt there are powerful efforts to smear WikiLeaks and its supporters. Government contractors circulated this dossier in 2010, a wide-ranging strategy to combat “The WikiLeaks Threat,” to “sabotage or discredit” WikiLeaks supporters using “social media exploitation” and “disinformation.” Shades of Grey: A disturbing follow up to our story on allegedly false sex charges | Sharyl Attkisson

The same modus operandi in so many cases.

Big problem here is the guy suffered these accusations in 2015, so how could these accusations be some kind of retribution fro Wikileaks publishing embarrassing emails in 2016?

The evidence to support this guy's accusation is completely absent.

Actually, you are completely wrong......again.
Clinton Email Is Released After Security Concern Is Dismissed ... › 2015/12/01 › politics › a-hillary-cl...

Dec 1, 2015 - A trove of messages made public by the State Department also touches on technology difficulties and a concussion.
You visited this page on 5/3/20.

FitzGibbon Media sexual assault claims: alleged victims ... › media › dec › fitzgibbon-medi...

Dec 19, 2015 - Two women who say the founder of progressive PR firm FitzGibbon Media sexually harassed them tell the Guardian they were afraid to report ...

Did you want to comment on this?

No lie, plot, ploy, scheme is too indecent for these savages. Ruin an American hero, bankrupt him, threaten his family…..all for the cause. But this sort of evil is not reserved for Flynn, or Trump. It is for anyone who opposes them or their interests. I bet few know of the same sort of attack on Trevor FitzGibbon.
The following cautionary tale is how certain Democrats destroyed Fitzgibbon, and who perpetrated it……and listen for the echo of what is happening to Biden.
My comment is the same as above. Where is the evidence connecting these two? You're story is extremely flimsy. You're now saying that he was attacked in 2015 for something Wikileaks published in 2011?

Besides, he already admitted to inappropriate behavior, and the accusations came from numerous women, not just the one who later recanted as part of a settlement.

This is really weaksauce. There's no facts here, just loose associations.

Both dates are evident: 2015

Actually, you are completely wrong......again.
Clinton Email Is Released After Security Concern Is Dismissed ... › 2015/12/01 › politics › a-hillary-cl...

Dec 1, 2015 - A trove of messages made public by the State Department also touches on technology difficulties and a concussion.
You visited this page on 5/3/20.

FitzGibbon Media sexual assault claims: alleged victims ... › media › dec › fitzgibbon-medi...

Dec 19, 2015 - Two women who say the founder of progressive PR firm FitzGibbon Media sexually harassed them tell the Guardian they were afraid to report ...

Like I said, loose associations. No facts.

"As I said," not 'like I said.'

So you problem isn't limited to is a second one.

Get lost.

Are you going to ever address the complete lack of substance to this allegation?
Did you see this?

DOJ drops case against Michael Flynn, in wake of internal memo release
I thought I'd add some more color to how Flynn got himself in trouble.................knowing full well the sight of Sally Yates name will launch Trumpleheads in to a crazed rant full of lies and false accusations borne from right wing media deceit. It's always the same with you duped rubes.

Did you see this?

DOJ drops case against Michael Flynn, in wake of internal memo release
He lied?...or he was mistaken? was a 30 second brief encounter during a campaign.
Who told you that? That’s not close to true.

It was definitely a lie. If he can’t remember talking about sanctions with Kislyak, again, he’s the dumbest SOB ever to be DIA.
Then you had better call every one of our news agencies...because they all have finally come to accept that the FBI set up Flynn...even the talking heads on you are alone on an island my friend....

So much for your love of “thinking for yourself“.

There’s a lot of opinions but very few people know the details of this case, and that includes you.

So what was the trick? How was the DIA “tricked” into lying?
All alone one still thinks Flynn did anything wrong...even democrats are calling for the judge to vacate his admission of guilt....and adjourn the entire need to turn on the news...guess what...Uncle Joe penetrated a women with his finger by case you missed that too....

I think for myself. I don't watch cable news so if you're telling the truth or just making stuff up again, it's irrelevant to me.

Go ahead you independent thinker you, tell me how Flynn was tricked. Do you know or are you just repeating what you've been told?
I'm just letting you know...that's all....whats for dinner?....Coconut soup?.....I'm guessing there is not a great menu on that Island....

You think I care what the sheep think?
I think you are a sheep....
Just a few minutes ago you were trying to attack me for not going along with what everyone else is saying.

Now I'm a sheep, by definition someone that just goes along with what everyone else says.

Try to be consistent. You just look foolish.
Argue the are side sweeping out there with taz me....

Im trying but it feels like I’m the only one making an argument around here. You claimed he was tricked, but there isn’t anything more to it. He wasn’t tricked. The FBI asked him for an interview. He knew exactly why. He agreed to an interview. He was asked the question that everyone else was asking. He told the same lie he was telling everyone else.

It wasn’t a trick.
Did you see this?

DOJ drops case against Michael Flynn, in wake of internal memo release

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