Geert Wilders: Europe went wrong in its approach to handling Islam


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
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Geert Wilders in Denver, Colorado: Europe went wrong in its approach to handling Islam

by sheikyermami on July 2, 2012

”Europe made a fatal mistake”​

“During the last three decades, Europe made a fatal mistake,” Wilders said. “It allowed millions of people from Islamic countries to immigrate to our continent.” He added that the influx of unassimilated Muslim immigrants have in many cases resulted in “a city inside a city”, with Muslims creating parallel religious-based legal systems and institutions.

A few hours ago, Geert Wilders spoke at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver, Colorado. What follows is the complete transcript of his speech.

Speech: Geert Wilders in Denver, Colorado: Europe went wrong in its approach to handling Islam

Witch-Hunt Against Wilders

March 26, 2014 by H. Numan


On March 19, 2014, local elections were held in the Netherlands. On the eve of the election, party leaders celebrated their victories (or losses, as it were, for most parties). During the festivities Dutch politician Geert Wilders appeared in the Hague, one of the two cities in which Wilders’ party, the PVV (Party for Freedom), participated in this election. In a rousing speech before enthusiastic party supporters, Wilders asked the audience if they wanted a bit less local taxation and fewer Moroccans. The audience shouted, “Less! Less! Less!” This created a storm of protest from just about everyone in the country. Wilders’ remark was taken out of context and is being used to vilify him once more.

The political climate in the Netherlands surrounding Wilders now resembles the demonization of Pym Fortuyn in the months leading up to his assassination almost twelve years ago.

Last Sunday the IKON and EO TV stations broadcast a special interreligious Dutch Reformed service denouncing Wilders. The theme was based on Kennedy’s famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech. The Sunday service theme was a copycat variation: “We are all Moroccans.” Dutch people present literally embraced Moroccans to show their support for this poor, vilified minority. People wore T-shirts with the text “Wij zijn Marokkanen!” (“We are Moroccans!”).

The message of the fanfare was: We abhor the outright racist remarks of Geert Wilders last Wednesday. We strive towards an all-inclusive society, in which people of all races, cultures, religions and sexual preferences live together in peace. We believe that God/Allah wants it to be that way.

All political parties left, right and center denounced Wilders and demanded his apology. Wilders, nonetheless, is standing by his words.


Wilders always looks for long-term solutions; he doesn’t go for short-term victories as all other politicians do. This is the second local election he basically ignored. The party doesn’t have enough qualified members to be able to govern effectively, so they prefer not to govern. The pragmatic maneuvering has seemed to have paid off politically. But now Wilders is finding, once again, that with a rising political star comes retribution.

Witch-Hunt Against Wilders | FrontPage Magazine

Geert Wilders in Denver, Colorado: Europe went wrong in its approach to handling Islam

by sheikyermami on July 2, 2012

”Europe made a fatal mistake”​

“During the last three decades, Europe made a fatal mistake,” Wilders said. “It allowed millions of people from Islamic countries to immigrate to our continent.” He added that the influx of unassimilated Muslim immigrants have in many cases resulted in “a city inside a city”, with Muslims creating parallel religious-based legal systems and institutions.

A few hours ago, Geert Wilders spoke at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver, Colorado. What follows is the complete transcript of his speech.

Speech: Geert Wilders in Denver, Colorado: Europe went wrong in its approach to handling Islam


What a courageous guy!

He should be praised by every non-Islamist in America.
Geert Wilders: "Truth and Liberty are Stronger Than You. And So Am I"
December 9, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

What Muslim terrorists could not do to Geert Wilders, a Dutch court has tried to do with its false conviction of the heroic champion of freedom. Wilders has remained typically defiant, contemptuously dismissing the worthless verdict. Here, via Gatestone, is his response.


The Netherlands have become a sick country. And I have a message for the judges who convicted me: You have restricted the freedom of speech of millions of Dutch and hence convicted everyone. No one trusts you anymore. But fortunately, truth and liberty are stronger than you. And so am I.

I will never be silent. You will not be able to stop me..."


Wilders then delivered a vigorous defense of freedom of speech in the face of political correctness.


Millions of Dutch are sick and tired of political correctness. Sick and tired of the elite which only cares about itself and ignores the ordinary Dutchman. And sells out our country. People no longer feel represented by all these disconnected politicians, judges and journalists, who have been harming our people for so long, and make our country weaker instead of stronger.

A wind of change is blowing across the West. It's the breath of freedom.

Geert Wilders: "Truth and Liberty are Stronger Than You. And So Am I"
The Communists convicted him? I haven't kept up with Euro news and that kangaroo 'court' some freak filed charges on him in. Ridiculous. They only further discredit themselves and their offices with these fake 'crimes' and attempts at censoring speech and increase anarchy, most especially censoring accurate and truthful speech. See the American Fake News Media for how that works. Nobody can take them seriously as a Fourth Estate any more.
It's tough to be Moroccan in the Netherlands. Just ask the BBC.
March 10, 2017

Bruce Bawer

From the moment it became clear that the ongoing Islamization of the Western world was a potential disaster of historic proportions, the mainstream media – in their perverse effort to defend the indefensible and keep the cart careening downhill – have been making use of shameless sentiment to overcome the plain facts. One of the first examples of this practice that I can recall was way back in 2003, when the big, bad Norwegian government put resident terrorist Mullah Krekar through the first of what would turn out to be many deportation scares. Since Krekar, back in his homeland of Iraq, had been responsible for the violent deaths of innumerable innocents – children included – it wasn't an easy proposition to try to whip up sympathy for him (although, heaven knows, some media tried).


So who interviewed this courageous gentleman, this former Muslim who's knowledgeable – and refreshingly forthright – about both Islam and the Dutch? The New York Times? The Guardian? CNN? Guess again: his interview appeared in a local newspaper in Barneveld, a town of 30,000 in the largely rural province of Gelderland. Laurent Obertone made the point about his own country, France, in his 2013 book La France Orange Mécanique, and it holds true for many other countries as well, the Netherlands included: when you want to know the facts about the dread impact of Islam on the West, don't bother looking in major national media; go to the regional press, where obscure, underpaid reporters who don't belong to the politically correct elite will give you glimpses of the truth that their big-time, big-city colleagues – people like the BBC's Anna Holligan – do their best to keep out of the public eye.

Warping the truth about Wilders
Dutch freedom fighter speaks at the Freedom Center's evening honoring Dr. Robert Shillman.
August 10, 2017

Geert Wilders from DHFC on Vimeo.

Dear Dr. Bob, unfortunately you are not Dutch, but I can tell you this: It is an honor to stand in the great battle for the survival of our civilization side by side with you.

You have never let us down. I will never let you down.

All of us together in this room: We will never let each other down. We are a band of brothers.

And we intend to win this great battle. And save Western civilization.

Thank you.

Video: Geert Wilders on Europe's Suicide in the Face of Islam

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