Gaza Blocks aid shipment


Jul 14, 2009
Hamas refuses to allow aid supplies into Gaza
Goods brought by flotilla pile up in army warehouses because Hamas rejects their entrance by land

Despite international criticism against Israel following a calamitous IDF raid on an aid flotilla to Gaza, it appeared Monday that Hamas was the one preventing the goods brought by the flotilla from entering the Strip.

The army announced Monday that the humanitarian aid brought by the ships had been mostly unloaded, and estimated that the task would be completed in the next few days.


However Hamas continues to insist that the shipment not be brought in through the land crossings, and in the meantime the goods continue to pile up in the army's warehouses.

It never was about the aid ,it was always about inciting .
The imam behind a proposed mosque near Ground Zero is a prominent member of a group that helped sponsor the pro-Palestinian activists who clashed violently with Israeli commandos at sea this week.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is a key figure in Malaysian-based Perdana Global Peace Organization, according to its Website.
Perdana is the single biggest donor ($366,000) so far to the Free Gaza Movement, a key organizer of the six-ship flotilla that tried to break Israel's blockade of the Hamas-run Gaza Strip Monday.
Nine passengers aboard the largest ship died in clashes with Israeli commandos, and a new confrontation loomed today, when another Free Gaza Movement ship was due to reach Gaza waters in defiance of Israel.

SHIP-HEAD: Using convincing props yesterday, West Bank protesters restage Israel's attack of relief ships bound for the Gaza Strip.

Efforts to reach Imam Abdul Rauf yesterday for comment were unsuccessful.

Read more: Ground Zero imam tied to anti-Israel Gaza blockade runners -
Headline News
Monday, June 07, 2010 Israel Today Staff

Palestinians admit Gaza not starving, Hamas steals aid
In the wake of the Gaza flotilla incident, anti-Israel activists around the world have worked to boost their message that the Gaza Strip is the most destitute place on earth, where famine and plague rule.

But remarks by Palestinians living in Gaza to international media outlets covering the aid flotilla story paint a very different picture.

"There is no starvation in Gaza. No one has died of hunger," Khalil Hamada, a senior official at Gaza's Ministry of Justice, told London's Daily Telegraph. Sticking to the Hamas party line, he then went on to criticize Israel's embargo as "inhumane" and "brutal."

Since much of the international media ignores Palestinians when they admit Israel isn't so bad, Israel itself tried to counter the misinformation regarding the Gaza embargo by publishing figures showing how much aid enters the territory.

According to figures released by Israel's Foreign Ministry, in the first quarter of 2010 (January-March), 94,500 tons of supplies passed through Israel's border crossings with Gaza. That aid included 40,000 tons of wheat (equal to 53 million loaves of bread), 2,760 tones of rice (or 69 million servings), 1,987 tons of clothes (the equivalent of 3.6 million pairs of jeans), and 553 tons of milk powder and baby food.

And it's not just essential goods Israel provides. During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan late last year, Israel brought 11,000 head of cattle into Gaza, enough for 8.8 million meals of beef.

The problem is that most of these goods never reach average average Gazans. It is a long-time policy of the Palestinian and wider Arab leadership to maintain a victim or "refugee" status among average Palestinians.

Gaza resident Zaed Khadar acknowledged as much in an interview with Germany's Der Spiegel:

"People who are not in with Hamas don't see any of the relief goods or the gifts of money. Hamas supporters get prefabricated housing, furnishings and paid work. We get nothing."

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