
I'd say they are more than just "tolerated" now. The west has been pretty good to gay people in the last decade or two, which is a good thing.

The thought of having gay sex turns my stomach, but that doesnt mean people shouldn't be allowed to do it.
Gays are tolerated in the West, they are not in Middle East and Muslim countries.

But just because the conservatives and Christians don't endorse "gay marriage", progressives think they are worse than Muslims that actually jail and/or execute gays.
Not worse than Muslims. But as Conservatives and alleged "Christians" have seen liberty and freedom for themselves, this particular Progressive wonders why they cannot extend liberty and freedom to their fellow American citizens.
Gays are tolerated in the West, they are not in Middle East and Muslim countries.

But just because the conservatives and Christians don't endorse "gay marriage", progressives think they are worse than Muslims that actually jail and/or execute gays.
Not worse than Muslims. But as Conservatives and alleged "Christians" have seen liberty and freedom for themselves, this particular Progressive wonders why they cannot extend liberty and freedom to their fellow American citizens.

They already have the same freedoms as everyone else. They can be with whoever they want, nothing is stopping them. They can perform whatever religious ceremonies they want, nothing is stopping them. What people cannot do is force their religious beliefs on others. You cannot force me to believe two queers can be "married".
Gays are tolerated in the West, they are not in Middle East and Muslim countries.

But just because the conservatives and Christians don't endorse "gay marriage", progressives think they are worse than Muslims that actually jail and/or execute gays.
Not worse than Muslims. But as Conservatives and alleged "Christians" have seen liberty and freedom for themselves, this particular Progressive wonders why they cannot extend liberty and freedom to their fellow American citizens.

They already have the same freedoms as everyone else. They can be with whoever they want, nothing is stopping them. They can perform whatever religious ceremonies they want, nothing is stopping them. What people cannot do is force their religious beliefs on others. You cannot force me to believe two queers can be "married".
Would you believe it if you read it in the paper?


They even adopted kids...
My problem with homosexuals is that they hijacked a perfectly good old word that used to be synonmous with "happy", to call themselves, obviously in an effort to decive the world that their miserable lives are happy.
Gays are tolerated in the West, they are not in Middle East and Muslim countries.

But just because the conservatives and Christians don't endorse "gay marriage", progressives think they are worse than Muslims that actually jail and/or execute gays.
Not worse than Muslims. But as Conservatives and alleged "Christians" have seen liberty and freedom for themselves, this particular Progressive wonders why they cannot extend liberty and freedom to their fellow American citizens.

They already have the same freedoms as everyone else. They can be with whoever they want, nothing is stopping them. They can perform whatever religious ceremonies they want, nothing is stopping them. What people cannot do is force their religious beliefs on others. You cannot force me to believe two queers can be "married".
Would you believe it if you read it in the paper?


They even adopted kids...
That would be kidnapped.
Are gays getting the death penalty because of the kind of sex they have or because they are obnoxious assholes.
Believe it or not, I used to be fully pro-gay-rights.....until I noticed that even after Orlando queers STILL idiotically defend the most gay-public-executing, gay torturing, utter gay slaughterhouse on the planet, Islam. Which makes gays the only minority I consider even stupider than the black crybabies. As far as Orlando goes, gays wanted Islam in this country and by god, they got it, didn't they? Interestingly, both of these dumb cretins have a similar high rate of one of the world's most easily preventable diseases, HIV. Further evidence of gay stupidity.
Gays are tolerated in the West, they are not in Middle East and Muslim countries.

But just because the conservatives and Christians don't endorse "gay marriage", progressives think they are worse than Muslims that actually jail and/or execute gays.
Not worse than Muslims. But as Conservatives and alleged "Christians" have seen liberty and freedom for themselves, this particular Progressive wonders why they cannot extend liberty and freedom to their fellow American citizens.

They already have the same freedoms as everyone else. They can be with whoever they want, nothing is stopping them. They can perform whatever religious ceremonies they want, nothing is stopping them. What people cannot do is force their religious beliefs on others. You cannot force me to believe two queers can be "married".
Would you believe it if you read it in the paper?


They even adopted kids...

They shouldn't be allowed to adopt children or have a surrogate Mother have a child for them, these children are being brought up in a not natural environment and exposed to the LGBT Agenda at a very early age.
Gays are tolerated in the West, they are not in Middle East and Muslim countries.

But just because the conservatives and Christians don't endorse "gay marriage", progressives think they are worse than Muslims that actually jail and/or execute gays.
Not worse than Muslims. But as Conservatives and alleged "Christians" have seen liberty and freedom for themselves, this particular Progressive wonders why they cannot extend liberty and freedom to their fellow American citizens.

They already have the same freedoms as everyone else. They can be with whoever they want, nothing is stopping them. They can perform whatever religious ceremonies they want, nothing is stopping them. What people cannot do is force their religious beliefs on others. You cannot force me to believe two queers can be "married".
Would you believe it if you read it in the paper?


They even adopted kids...




Fuck off.

On a lighter note, are you American Indian?
Gays are tolerated in the West, they are not in Middle East and Muslim countries.

But just because the conservatives and Christians don't endorse "gay marriage", progressives think they are worse than Muslims that actually jail and/or execute gays.
Not worse than Muslims. But as Conservatives and alleged "Christians" have seen liberty and freedom for themselves, this particular Progressive wonders why they cannot extend liberty and freedom to their fellow American citizens.

They already have the same freedoms as everyone else. They can be with whoever they want, nothing is stopping them. They can perform whatever religious ceremonies they want, nothing is stopping them. What people cannot do is force their religious beliefs on others. You cannot force me to believe two queers can be "married".
Would you believe it if you read it in the paper?


They even adopted kids...

They shouldn't be allowed to adopt children or have a surrogate Mother have a child for them, these children are being brought up in a not natural environment and exposed to the LGBT Agenda at a very early age.
You are an idiot.

Your silly meme is a lie.

Fact-checking donations to the Clinton Foundation

Now will you condemn Trump for taking Saudi money? Will you condemn him for investing in Saudi Arabia, creating thousands of jobs? Will you condemn Trump for supporting other Muslim nations intent on killing gays?

Will you condemn Trump for attending and speaking to a conference of extremist fundamentalist Christian ministers in Orlando Florida the other day (on the second month anniversary of the Pulse shootings) who teach hatred and death against gays?

Donald Trump benefits from countries with anti-gay laws -
Gays are tolerated in the West, they are not in Middle East and Muslim countries.

But just because the conservatives and Christians don't endorse "gay marriage", progressives think they are worse than Muslims that actually jail and/or execute gays.
Not worse than Muslims. But as Conservatives and alleged "Christians" have seen liberty and freedom for themselves, this particular Progressive wonders why they cannot extend liberty and freedom to their fellow American citizens.

They already have the same freedoms as everyone else. They can be with whoever they want, nothing is stopping them. They can perform whatever religious ceremonies they want, nothing is stopping them. What people cannot do is force their religious beliefs on others. You cannot force me to believe two queers can be "married".
Would you believe it if you read it in the paper?


They even adopted kids...

They shouldn't be allowed to adopt children or have a surrogate Mother have a child for them, these children are being brought up in a not natural environment and exposed to the LGBT Agenda at a very early age.
You are an idiot.

Of course I'm not, but you are, 99.9% of your comments say that you are.

There's no intelligent content at all, you've just perfectly illustrated this again, now run along sugar pants back to Class Retarded.
Gays are tolerated in the West, they are not in Middle East and Muslim countries.

But just because the conservatives and Christians don't endorse "gay marriage", progressives think they are worse than Muslims that actually jail and/or execute gays.
Not worse than Muslims. But as Conservatives and alleged "Christians" have seen liberty and freedom for themselves, this particular Progressive wonders why they cannot extend liberty and freedom to their fellow American citizens.

They already have the same freedoms as everyone else. They can be with whoever they want, nothing is stopping them. They can perform whatever religious ceremonies they want, nothing is stopping them. What people cannot do is force their religious beliefs on others. You cannot force me to believe two queers can be "married".
Would you believe it if you read it in the paper?


They even adopted kids...

They shouldn't be allowed to adopt children or have a surrogate Mother have a child for them, these children are being brought up in a not natural environment and exposed to the LGBT Agenda at a very early age.

So we just let the hundreds of thousands of kids rotting away in state homes go without a loving family because you don't like gays?

Fucking ****.
Gays are tolerated in the West, they are not in Middle East and Muslim countries.

But just because the conservatives and Christians don't endorse "gay marriage", progressives think they are worse than Muslims that actually jail and/or execute gays.
Not worse than Muslims. But as Conservatives and alleged "Christians" have seen liberty and freedom for themselves, this particular Progressive wonders why they cannot extend liberty and freedom to their fellow American citizens.

They already have the same freedoms as everyone else. They can be with whoever they want, nothing is stopping them. They can perform whatever religious ceremonies they want, nothing is stopping them. What people cannot do is force their religious beliefs on others. You cannot force me to believe two queers can be "married".
Would you believe it if you read it in the paper?


They even adopted kids...

They shouldn't be allowed to adopt children or have a surrogate Mother have a child for them, these children are being brought up in a not natural environment and exposed to the LGBT Agenda at a very early age.

So we just let the hundreds of thousands of kids rotting away in state homes go without a loving family because you don't like gays?

Fucking ****.

There are normal people, you know a female Mother and a male Father who given the opportunity would adopt some children I bet, but that's not "fashionable" enough is it?

It's your crowd that have the problem, with your fanatical cheerleading for children to be exposed to the twisted LGBT Agenda, your ilk are the ones screaming about how men with penises dressed in drag should be allowed to enter female bathrooms, all in the name of "tolerance" and "equality"

Do Leftists care about children "rotting away in state homes"? Or is it that you just want those children placed in LGBT households?

Leftists don't care about supporting the destruction of the most innocent of innocent as they slumber in the womb, neither do you care about Planned Parenthood selling dead baby body parts for profit.
Islam does bad things to various groups. Got it. We learned that on 9/11. But, hey, there are GOOD muslims! That changes...nothing. Like there were good Nazis, too. Wow, don't want to piss off the GOOD nazis/muslims because a few bad actors are Nazi/muslims. Really? Since WHEN did snarky millennial agnostic flame zoners become so hypersensitive and defensive to a superstitious dogmatic hate roup of ANY sort? How quaint.
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Between 90% of the useful idiot leftists defending Islamism here and 90% of the idiot righties going on and on about "faggots" and "perversion", it seems that few defend gay people at all.

It's pretty much the same way with Jewish people in that the hard core left hates them and the old-fashioned hard-core right does too.

I can't even imagine the hatred a gay Jew must face by these idiots.

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