Gays and lesbians.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The constitution supersedes the bible? This is one of those times when you “obey GOD rather than man.” Act 5;29.

All men are not created equal and all men are not equal or treated equal because they made themselves unequal.

GOD did not create gays and lesbians, Satan and his demons. Cain was a murdered but he was not created a murderer. GOD do not create birth defects either. They are cause by imperfections of the sperm or egg. Or something the mother ingested at conception.

GOD created one man and one woman and they were perfect in his image and out of these came all the evil in the world. After they had sinned, they reproduced and they were not all perfect.

Gays and lesbians made themselves gays and lesbians and they are cable of changing if they want to. “That is what some of you were” 1 Cor 6;11, Rom 1; 24-27.

Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? California ruling was a ruling against GOD and there are dire consequences.

The founding fathers were not perfect men so how could they write a constitution without flaws? If they really believed all men were created equal there would not be a need for the 14th amendment for black men. They entered this country along with white men.

The constitution supersedes the bible? This is one of those times when you “obey GOD rather than man.” Act 5;29.

All men are not created equal and all men are not equal or treated equal because they made themselves unequal.

GOD did not create gays and lesbians, Satan and his demons. Cain was a murdered but he was not created a murderer. GOD do not create birth defects either. They are cause by imperfections of the sperm or egg. Or something the mother ingested at conception.

GOD created one man and one woman and they were perfect in his image and out of these came all the evil in the world. After they had sinned, they reproduced and they were not all perfect.

Gays and lesbians made themselves gays and lesbians and they are cable of changing if they want to. “That is what some of you were” 1 Cor 6;11, Rom 1; 24-27.

Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? California ruling was a ruling against GOD and there are dire consequences.

The founding fathers were not perfect men so how could they write a constitution without flaws? If they really believed all men were created equal there would not be a need for the 14th amendment for black men. They entered this country along with white men.

I know my (white) ancestors didn't come here chained to the floor of sailing ship, did yours?

The US is also called "Land of the Free", and there ain't nothing free in the US. Go figure.
California ruling was a ruling against GOD and there are dire consequences.

The kullyfornia ruling was one homo, activist judge, striking down and negating the voice of 7,000,000 people.

Yes I can assure you, this continual decline of morality, the continued attack on holy matrimony, and this continued push for total acceptance of a disgusting perversion, is NOT making God happy. But, God will deal with these perverts when they die. Rest assured.
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California ruling was a ruling against GOD and there are dire consequences.

The kullyfornia ruling was one homo, activist judge, striking down and negating the voice of 7,000,000 people.

Yes I can assure you, this continual decline of morality, the continued attack on holy matrimony, and this continued push for total acceptance of a disgusting perversion, is NOT making God happy. But, God will deal with these perverts when they die. Rest assured.

Fine. HE can take care of it in the hereafter. As far as the givernment is concerned, however, we still have free will and it's not the government's place to get into who we love.
I like to think that a document written by real people should always supercede a book of myths and legends.

The constitution supersedes the bible? This is one of those times when you “obey GOD rather than man.” Act 5;29.

All men are not created equal and all men are not equal or treated equal because they made themselves unequal.

GOD did not create gays and lesbians, Satan and his demons. Cain was a murdered but he was not created a murderer. GOD do not create birth defects either. They are cause by imperfections of the sperm or egg. Or something the mother ingested at conception.

GOD created one man and one woman and they were perfect in his image and out of these came all the evil in the world. After they had sinned, they reproduced and they were not all perfect.

Gays and lesbians made themselves gays and lesbians and they are cable of changing if they want to. “That is what some of you were” 1 Cor 6;11, Rom 1; 24-27.

Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? California ruling was a ruling against GOD and there are dire consequences.

The founding fathers were not perfect men so how could they write a constitution without flaws? If they really believed all men were created equal there would not be a need for the 14th amendment for black men. They entered this country along with white men.

God created everything. Satan was one of Gods angels.
California ruling was a ruling against GOD and there are dire consequences.

The kullyfornia ruling was one homo, activist judge, striking down and negating the voice of 7,000,000 people.

Yes I can assure you, this continual decline of morality, the continued attack on holy matrimony, and this continued push for total acceptance of a disgusting perversion, is NOT making God happy. But, God will deal with these perverts when they die. Rest assured.

Someone who treats people the way you do, really has no room to talk. And I also think it hilarious you are alright with a group of people being able to decide what someone is allowed to do.:cuckoo:
California ruling was a ruling against GOD and there are dire consequences.

The kullyfornia ruling was one homo, activist judge, striking down and negating the voice of 7,000,000 people.

Yes I can assure you, this continual decline of morality, the continued attack on holy matrimony, and this continued push for total acceptance of a disgusting perversion, is NOT making God happy. But, God will deal with these perverts when they die. Rest assured.

When you post something like this, one should not call someone else a bigot. :lol:

And you\'re a disgusting bigot.
Pale, I do love your neg reps!
California ruling was a ruling against GOD and there are dire consequences.

The kullyfornia ruling was one homo, activist judge, striking down and negating the voice of 7,000,000 people.

Yes I can assure you, this continual decline of morality, the continued attack on holy matrimony, and this continued push for total acceptance of a disgusting perversion, is NOT making God happy. But, God will deal with these perverts when they die. Rest assured.

Someone who treats people the way you do, really has no room to talk. And I also think it hilarious you are alright with a group of people being able to decide what someone is allowed to do.:cuckoo:

You have no clue how I treat people.

And last I knew, referendum votes were a legal process of law here in America.

I voiced my opinion, you don't like it, you neg rep me complete with an insult for it, which makes you a flaming bigot and a trouble maker.
The kullyfornia ruling was one homo, activist judge, striking down and negating the voice of 7,000,000 people.

Yes I can assure you, this continual decline of morality, the continued attack on holy matrimony, and this continued push for total acceptance of a disgusting perversion, is NOT making God happy. But, God will deal with these perverts when they die. Rest assured.

Someone who treats people the way you do, really has no room to talk. And I also think it hilarious you are alright with a group of people being able to decide what someone is allowed to do.:cuckoo:

You have no clue how I treat people.

And last I knew, referendum votes were a legal process of law here in America.

I voiced my opinion, you don't like it, you neg rep me complete with an insult for it, which makes you a flaming bigot and a trouble maker.

YOu called a group of people disgusting and perverted, you deserve a neg rep.
And how am I trouble maker? Because I am sticking up for a group of people? If you didn't want a neg rep, you should have left the hateful words out of your post.
And referendum votes are legal, as long as they don't infringe on the rights of people.
California ruling was a ruling against GOD and there are dire consequences.

The kullyfornia ruling was one homo, activist judge, striking down and negating the voice of 7,000,000 people.

Yes I can assure you, this continual decline of morality, the continued attack on holy matrimony, and this continued push for total acceptance of a disgusting perversion, is NOT making God happy. But, God will deal with these perverts when they die. Rest assured.

When you post something like this, one should not call someone else a bigot. :lol:

And you\'re a disgusting bigot.
Pale, I do love your neg reps!

Strawman. I voiced my opinion, nothing more. And I'm quite right about it as well. You disagree, but in a bigoted manner. You are the bigot.

And it's really pathetic for you to whine about me negging you, when you negged me first...

Someone who treats people the way you do, really has no room to talk. And I also think it hilarious you are alright with a group of people being able to decide what someone is allowed to do.:cuckoo:

You have no clue how I treat people.

And last I knew, referendum votes were a legal process of law here in America.

I voiced my opinion, you don't like it, you neg rep me complete with an insult for it, which makes you a flaming bigot and a trouble maker.

YOu called a group of people disgusting and perverted, you deserve a neg rep.
And how am I trouble maker? Because I am sticking up for a group of people? If you didn't want a neg rep, you should have left the hateful words out of your post.
And referendum votes are legal, as long as they don't infringe on the rights of people.

Sorry, homosexuality is disgusting and perverted. Just because you are a homo enabler and lover does not mean the rest of the world is, and your little rant and neg repping isn't going to change that. Sorry hun... get a life.

No ones "rights" were infringed on, and referendum votes are legal all the time. Just because you don't like their outcome is irrelevant.
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You have no clue how I treat people.

And last I knew, referendum votes were a legal process of law here in America.

I voiced my opinion, you don't like it, you neg rep me complete with an insult for it, which makes you a flaming bigot and a trouble maker.

YOu called a group of people disgusting and perverted, you deserve a neg rep.
And how am I trouble maker? Because I am sticking up for a group of people? If you didn't want a neg rep, you should have left the hateful words out of your post.
And referendum votes are legal, as long as they don't infringe on the rights of people.

Sorry, homosexuality is disgusting and perverted. Just because you are a homo enabler and lover does not mean the rest of the world is, and your little rant and neg repping isn't going to change that. Sorry hun... get a life.

No ones "rights" were infringed on, and referendum votes are legal all the time. Just because you don't like their outcome is irrelevant.

:lol::lol::lol: Someone who is obsessed about where our President was born, shouldn't be telling others to get a life.
And I have noticed, the people who speak out against homosexuality the most, usually are hiding something.
The kullyfornia ruling was one homo, activist judge, striking down and negating the voice of 7,000,000 people.

Yes I can assure you, this continual decline of morality, the continued attack on holy matrimony, and this continued push for total acceptance of a disgusting perversion, is NOT making God happy. But, God will deal with these perverts when they die. Rest assured.

When you post something like this, one should not call someone else a bigot. :lol:

And you\'re a disgusting bigot.
Pale, I do love your neg reps!

Strawman. I voiced my opinion, nothing more. And I'm quite right about it as well. You disagree, but in a bigoted manner. You are the bigot.

And it's really pathetic for you to whine about me negging you, when you negged me first...


I wasn't whining, moron! :lol:
And do you really want to play that game? Because history shows, you are ten times the whiner I am.:eusa_eh:
Another thing, if I am a bigot for thinking you are disgusting, wouldn't that also make you a bigot? Hypocrite much!
Someone who is obsessed about where our President was born, shouldn't be telling others to get a life.
Really? Where was he born?

And I have noticed, the people who speak out against homosexuality the most, usually are hiding something.
So... let me get this straight... first you love homosexuality, but now, you want to throw out some kind of lame ass insinuation that I'm homo as some sort of insult? I don't get it... now you think being a homo is BAD then? Because if I'm a homo, then you'd love me, right? No wait, you don't like me, so, what do mean there little girl? Do you have your priorities screwed up?
I wasn't whining, moron!
And do you really want to play that game? Because history shows, you are ten times the whiner I am.:eusa_eh:
Another thing, if I am a bigot for thinking you are disgusting, wouldn't that also make you a bigot? Hypocrite much!

Yeah, you were whining, and still are, dumbass.

History shows you're a trouble making little bitch here on this board.

Yes, you are a bigot. One of the biggest bigots here, because no else got their undies snagged clear up their ass like you did about my comments and neg repped me. Just you. You own this one idiot. Your bigotry is on display here for everyone to see, and I don't have to do a thing to prove it. You did. You do it every time someone voices an opinion that isn't in love with homosexuality. You come along and think you're going to badger them into submitting to your point of view with neg reps and insults. Well, sorry little girl, that just ain't gonna happen. You can go fuck your bigoted self.
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The constitution supersedes the bible? This is one of those times when you “obey GOD rather than man.” Act 5;29.

All men are not created equal and all men are not equal or treated equal because they made themselves unequal.

GOD did not create gays and lesbians, Satan and his demons. Cain was a murdered but he was not created a murderer. GOD do not create birth defects either. They are cause by imperfections of the sperm or egg. Or something the mother ingested at conception.

GOD created one man and one woman and they were perfect in his image and out of these came all the evil in the world. After they had sinned, they reproduced and they were not all perfect.

Gays and lesbians made themselves gays and lesbians and they are cable of changing if they want to. “That is what some of you were” 1 Cor 6;11, Rom 1; 24-27.

Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? California ruling was a ruling against GOD and there are dire consequences.

The founding fathers were not perfect men so how could they write a constitution without flaws? If they really believed all men were created equal there would not be a need for the 14th amendment for black men. They entered this country along with white men.

Allllllrightie then....:eusa_whistle:
California ruling was a ruling against GOD and there are dire consequences.

The kullyfornia ruling was one homo, activist judge, striking down and negating the voice of 7,000,000 people.

Yes I can assure you, this continual decline of morality, the continued attack on holy matrimony, and this continued push for total acceptance of a disgusting perversion, is NOT making God happy. But, God will deal with these perverts when they die. Rest assured.


A George W. Bush appointed activist DARE he invoke that silly 14th amendment....I bet you hate that amendment, don't you, PR?

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