Gay youtuber pressures straight boys into homo sex

That's a reoccurring nightmare of me that a gay rapes me even if he only seeks eye contact or smiles to flirt I'm freaked out already I accept gays but anything gay related to myself is highly disturbing I could not watch gay porn or shemale porn with out getting scars on my soul either
That's a reoccurring nightmare of me that a gay rapes me even if he only seeks eye contact or smiles to flirt I'm freaked out already I accept gays but anything gay related to myself is highly disturbing I could not watch gay porn or shemale porn with out getting scars on my soul either

I think you're probably safe Mortie.
Mortimer, Mortimer...she sure is cute. I think you have a crush on her.



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That's a reoccurring nightmare of me that a gay rapes me even if he only seeks eye contact or smiles to flirt I'm freaked out already I accept gays but anything gay related to myself is highly disturbing I could not watch gay porn or shemale porn with out getting scars on my soul either
I notice that you have been changing your pic a lot recently. It suggests that you are unsettled and perhaps searching for something. Just an observation.

The drop in subscribers was due to some personal fan war between 2 youtubers.

James Charles seemingly betrayed or insulted his Mentor by advertising
for a competing product line, after this Mentor had invested both personally and professionally
in helping James become successful in youtube/online promotions and marketing value.

This led to online statements back and forth (including the TOPIC in the SUBJECT LINE
which wasn't the main reason). Fans are very loyal and follow a certain protocol or cultural traditions that can't be violated without losing that audience.

Once you lose favor, then all manner of DRAMA is made from each and every comment turned scandalous for ratings and following. Fans basically "voted" for the Mentor by dropping or switching subscriptions. Basic high school clique culture "you can't be friends with him and be my friend" but translated into online hype and popularity contests. The content of the personal comments back and forth were secondary to the real issue, which was advertising for competing lines.
That's a reoccurring nightmare of me that a gay rapes me

Judging from the time I wasted reading the article linked in the OP, trying to find how this guy tries to encourage the behavior that the OP claims and not finding it w/o listening to a half hour vid, which I do not intend to. . .

My guess is you harbor a secret fantasy.

Judging from your behavior on this forum? And the fact that it is usually a feminine or gay personality that spams selfies? I am probably not too far off the mark guessing this is not so much a nightmare as it is a fantasy of yours.

So seriously, next time you post a thread like this, quote for us the topical portion, tell us where in the video the guy is pressuring boys into said behavior, otherwise. . . most of us just aren't interested in YouTuber drama. . . .

. . . your secret fantasies being revealed? That's a bit more interesting. :auiqs.jpg:
That's a reoccurring nightmare of me that a gay rapes me even if he only seeks eye contact or smiles to flirt I'm freaked out already I accept gays but anything gay related to myself is highly disturbing I could not watch gay porn or shemale porn with out getting scars on my soul either
I notice that you have been changing your pic a lot recently. It suggests that you are unsettled and perhaps searching for something. Just an observation.
. . . or he is obsessed with taking selfies and loves his own image.

He sure must love him some boyz. :71: I wonder if his girl knows? :eusa_think:
These homosexuals are always trying to get at straight men. Its a fetish that they go after straight men.The homo agenda is always directed towards the heterosexual majority into converting as many straight people as possible.
These homosexuals are always trying to get at straight men. Its a fetish that they go after straight men.The homo agenda is always directed towards the heterosexual majority into converting as many straight people as possible.

If being hit on by gay men is a problem for you, you should probably quit going to gay bars.
mort didnt you say you were bi
yeah ya did

what happened ?
were you just pressured :04:

No Im definitely not gay not even a little bit bi.

you said you were bi on another one of your threads
I really dont wanna know how you found out for sure
especially after posting pictures of yourself in a public mens room

You put words in my mouth. I never said Im bi. You said Im bi after seeing me in the public restroom. I was alone in the public restroom and took a pic of me in the mirror. You thought Im bi but I never said that.
That's a reoccurring nightmare of me that a gay rapes me even if he only seeks eye contact or smiles to flirt I'm freaked out already I accept gays but anything gay related to myself is highly disturbing I could not watch gay porn or shemale porn with out getting scars on my soul either
'Bring out the gimp!'
mort didnt you say you were bi
yeah ya did

what happened ?
were you just pressured :04:

No Im definitely not gay not even a little bit bi.

you said you were bi on another one of your threads
I really dont wanna know how you found out for sure
especially after posting pictures of yourself in a public mens room

You put words in my mouth. I never said Im bi. You said Im bi after seeing me in the public restroom. I was alone in the public restroom and took a pic of me in the mirror. You thought Im bi but I never said that.

maybe i was dreaming
you did a thread where you were asking about dating women ....and men

im not that old and burnt out from the grass yet
well maybe just a lil toasty

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