Gay-Marriage Pitfall?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. There are almost a dozen of the "laboratories of democracy" that have opted to allow gay- or same-sex marriage.

2. Folks who love each other can promise 'til death do us part'....and may comport in that manner!

3. Just as heterosexual couples opt for children, so do large numbers of these folks. No doubt, it is assumed by the couples that this may be accomplished, perhaps by adoptions, or by surrogate mothers in the case of the male-male marriages.

4.And, of course, sperm donors in the case of Lesbian marriage. After all, how tough is it to find a male sperm donor?
Paws down.

But...not so quick....

5. "A Kansas man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple in 2009 is now being taken to court by the state to pay child support.

6. The bizarre case began in 2009 when William Marotta answered a Craigslist ad and donated sperm to Angela Bauer and Jennifer Schreiner.

a. Schreiner bore the child, and Marotta relinquished all parental rights.

7. ...the longtime couple split and Bauer, who had supported the family, could no longer work because of an illness. The former couple turned to the state to obtain health insurance....

8. ...the state subsequently demanded the sperm donor’s name to pursue him for the cost.

9. Kansas lawyers contend Marotta’s agreement with the couple is invalid—and therefore he can be held responsible—"
Kansas sperm donor: William Marotta sued by state after helping lesbians have baby.

10. "But because they didn't go through a doctor, the state argues, Marotta is the legal father and should be responsible for about $6,000 in public assistance Schreiner received to help care for the child. The state also wants him to pay child support, though neither woman is asking for money."
Kansas Sperm Donor Law On Child Support Payment Is Outdated: Attorney

So....who is the only beneficiary in this tale of woe?
Hint: second word in #9!

Wait....I take that back. Whoever winds up with a baby is a beneficiary, as well.
he should have gotten his ass covered in a contract with them.

Its just that simple
Marotta's parental rights may be severed, but not his responsibilities. The contract provision regarding child support is invalid. This has been going on in another thread for quite some time.

The gay marriage pitfall, the REAL gay marriage pitfall are the taxes married couples will have to pay. The tax spike is at $400,000 for a single person and $450,00 for a married couple. Two married high earners will be crippled. For an unmarried couple living together, the tax limit will be $800,000. I'd expect more heterosexual professional people will get divorced rather than high income gays get married.
he should have gotten his ass covered in a contract with them.

Its just that simple
How should it have been worded then?

See, when my wife and I have a child it's implicit that we are both responsible for it's care. We don't have to say to each other "You have to take care of this kid until he's 18 when we kick him out OK?" We already know that, we've been married for some time and the "contract" is similar.

But if I were to donate sperm or my wife to donate eggs, wouldn't it also be implict that we wouldn't care for them? Or even want to?

See, if my wife and I give a gift of 12 dinner plates to a neighbor we wouldn't be expected to go over to their house every night and and wash their f*ckin' dishes would we? Of course not!

And if they dropped one of the plates and shattered it we wouldn't have to replace that. If they cut their hands or fingers cleaning up the mess we wouldn't be liable either.

Sample Sperm Donor Contract:
Sample Known Sperm Donor Contract
After the recipient takes possession, the donor has no say whatsoever regarding how the samples are used. If the samples are used in a manner that results in pregnancy, the donor has no parental rights or responsibilities in relation to resulting children.
Gay-Marriage Pitfall?

The only one that comes to mind is: stupid fucking bigots will hate it when the society becomes more equal in its people's rights.

"....only one that comes to mind..." serious!!!

How can anything 'come to' a structure which, in your case, so eminently. and clearly, fails to exist?

Oh....I get it!
You're just playin' that you're an adult!
Kanass is an ass backwards GOP run state, so is Texass when it comes to parental or supposed parental support
he should have gotten his ass covered in a contract with them.

Its just that simple
How should it have been worded then?

See, when my wife and I have a child it's implicit that we are both responsible for it's care. We don't have to say to each other "You have to take care of this kid until he's 18 when we kick him out OK?" We already know that, we've been married for some time and the "contract" is similar.

But if I were to donate sperm or my wife to donate eggs, wouldn't it also be implict that we wouldn't care for them? Or even want to?

See, if my wife and I give a gift of 12 dinner plates to a neighbor we wouldn't be expected to go over to their house every night and and wash their f*ckin' dishes would we? Of course not!

And if they dropped one of the plates and shattered it we wouldn't have to replace that. If they cut their hands or fingers cleaning up the mess we wouldn't be liable either.

Sample Sperm Donor Contract:
Sample Known Sperm Donor Contract
After the recipient takes possession, the donor has no say whatsoever regarding how the samples are used. If the samples are used in a manner that results in pregnancy, the donor has no parental rights or responsibilities in relation to resulting children.

He should have used the "hit and run" method.
he should have gotten his ass covered in a contract with them.

Its just that simple

No you fucking dumbshit, it isn't. Kansas has a law that states that unless you go through a state licensed sperm bank, you cannot sign away you obligations/rights. That's how the state nabbed this guy.

Good grief you're fucking ignorant.
Gay-Marriage Pitfall?

The only one that comes to mind is: stupid fucking bigots will hate it when the society becomes more equal in its people's rights.

"....only one that comes to mind..." serious!!!

How can anything 'come to' a structure which, in your case, so eminently. and clearly, fails to exist?

Oh....I get it!
You're just playin' that you're an adult!

Thanks for proving my point, albeit, in truth, it's hardly a pitfall. I laugh my ass off when you little hating maggots get handed another defeat, as you did last November.



Marotta's parental rights may be severed, but not his responsibilities. The contract provision regarding child support is invalid. This has been going on in another thread for quite some time.

That's not quite true, it appears that under Kansas law if the sperm donation had been processed through a doctor instead of done without one - then the responsibility portion would also have been severed.

That's not a function of the contract, that's a function of Kansas law. Should the couple and the donor have done more research - absolutley.

So, if same-sex couples are to be treated the same as normal couples, why aren't they going after the other woman in this case? How is it she gets to enter into a relationship, be party to bringing a child into this world, then walk away from her obligations to support said child?

Just wonder'n...
he should have gotten his ass covered in a contract with them.

Its just that simple
How should it have been worded then?

See, when my wife and I have a child it's implicit that we are both responsible for it's care. We don't have to say to each other "You have to take care of this kid until he's 18 when we kick him out OK?" We already know that, we've been married for some time and the "contract" is similar.

But if I were to donate sperm or my wife to donate eggs, wouldn't it also be implict that we wouldn't care for them? Or even want to?

See, if my wife and I give a gift of 12 dinner plates to a neighbor we wouldn't be expected to go over to their house every night and and wash their f*ckin' dishes would we? Of course not!

And if they dropped one of the plates and shattered it we wouldn't have to replace that. If they cut their hands or fingers cleaning up the mess we wouldn't be liable either.

Sample Sperm Donor Contract:
Sample Known Sperm Donor Contract
After the recipient takes possession, the donor has no say whatsoever regarding how the samples are used. If the samples are used in a manner that results in pregnancy, the donor has no parental rights or responsibilities in relation to resulting children.

Dinner plates have no independent rights. Children do. The state does. Two parties cannot contract away the rights of a third party. It's that simple. You might not quite understand it because you might think that children are the same kind of property as dinner plates, but legally, they aren't. The state would never remove a place setting from a home based on plate neglect. See how fast the state steps in if you don't care for your child when the state decides to enforce the rights of the child.

Did you read that sample contract? It's pretty explict that it binds ONLY the donor and recipient. The state acting as Guardian Ad Litem for the child is still perfectly free to bring a successful suit for support.
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So, if same-sex couples are to be treated the same as normal couples, why aren't they going after the other woman in this case? How is it she gets to enter into a relationship, be party to bringing a child into this world, then walk away from her obligations to support said child?

Just wonder'n...

She didn't just walk away. The other adoptive parent was providing full child support and health insurance. However she got sick and was unable to work, therefore could not pay child support and with being unemployed had to insurance no provide coverage.

So since the first Mom could provide coverage and the second Mom couldn't provide coverage the State then went to another level and wanted the sperm donors name.

Same situation could also happen to a heterosexual couple. Mom at home taking care of multiple children and those children were born via sperm donation. Spouses split and male provides child support and health insurance. Male gets sick or dies. State finds out the children are based on sperm donation and demand the name of the biological father.

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