The Constitution Falls To Environmentalists


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Perhaps some know that before it became “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence, John Locke wrote that man has a right to “life, liberty, and property.” Property Rights Have Personal Parallels - Forbes

a. Under United States law the principal limitations on whether and the extent to which the State may interfere with property rights are set by the Constitution. The "Takings" clause requires that the government (whether state or federal—for the 14th Amendment's due process clause imposes the 5th Amendment's takings clause on state governments) may take private property only for a public purpose, after exercising due process of law, and upon making "just compensation." Property - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. That said, the ‘Eco-Fascists’ have managed the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the continent!

3. A fundamental principle of our society is property rights. In nations were property rights have not been formally established, the costs of legally validating ownership of a home, a farm, or a business may be prohibitively expensive relative to the average income level, a crippling handicap for those seeking to rise from poverty to prosperity. Without property rights, one with entrepreneurial talents loses the access to other people’s money: homes or other assets not recognized by a legal system cannot be used as collateral.
Sowell, “Economic Facts & Fallacies,” chapter seven.

a. There is no faster way to create a nation of serfs than to remove property rights.

4. The most august foundations of American capitalism, the Pew, Rockefeller, Heinz, Hewlett, and Moore foundations, along with the incubator, the myseriousTides Foundation, the Nature Conservancy, and scores of others (there are 26,450 environmental advocacy organizations operating in the US) , spend more than $9 billion a year coordinating efforts to turn people off their lands and curtail the lives of city and suburban dwellers.
Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” p. 4.

a. That’s $9 billion selling fear. For purposes of comparison, Microsoft spent $400 million introducing the biggest rollout in the last 10 years, Windows 7. The environmental movement spends that each month!

5. Bad science based on guesses and desktop models, produce bad results. Professor Holly Fretwell actually went out and studied the result of the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. She found forests conserved in service of the spotted owl are dead or dying; closed forests were overstocked and pest ridden; 500 weak and spindly trees grow where 60-80 healthy ones used to flourish. Do We Get What We Pay For? | PERC

a. Range scientist Allan Savory has written about millions of acres, formerly grasslands, have become deserts because wildlife has been shut out. “Only livestock now, and to a lesser extent remaining remnants of former wild herbivores in the presence of pack-hunting predators, combined with fire suppression can permanently reverse desertification…”

Savory Institute - Turning Deserts Into Grasslands - Desertification Explained Simply by Allan*Savory

6. “Sustainable” is the catchword for every activist, bureaucrat, NGO…but try to get a definition. For a hint, the following are considered ‘unsustainable’ by the true believers: single family homes; paved roads; ski runs; golf courses; dams; fences; pastures; plowing of lands; sewers; drain systems; pipelines; fertilizer; wall and floor tile. These and many other elements of life today are on the list for eventual elimination.
Nickson, Op. Cit., p.9.

7. The picture is far more clear if one realizes that the target is the right of every free man and woman to apply labor to property and create wealth.
The way the UN controls these places is to first designate them a "World Heritage Site". That fools the people into thinking that it'll will be "protected" but in fact, it's just a way to start keeping people out!


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The way the UN controls these places is to first designate them a "World Heritage Site". That fools the people into thinking that it'll will be "protected" but in fact, it's just a way to start keeping people out!

Even without the UN, the $9 billion a year that these Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations spend allows them to functions surreptitiously....

...I'm gonna write about that, too.

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