Gallup: American Optimism Hits Lowest Point Since Carter Administration


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
and yet he won, no longer and forever more the liberals can never, ever complain about how a campaign is run. Obama set the standard very, very low with his low information nasty campaign. Hats off to the the propaganda ministry of the Obama campaign, the MSM.

Gallup: American Optimism Hits Lowest Point Since Carter Administration « CBS DC

WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – Fewer than four-in-10 Americans (39 percent) rate the US in a positive manner – the most negative feedback the country has produced since 1979.

A new Gallup poll finds that Americans are as negative about the country’s prospects as they have been in more than three decades. Americans are more upbeat in their predictions of where the U.S. will be in five years (48 percent positive), but this is the lowest rating since an August 1979 Gallup poll was conducted.
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and yet he won, no longer and forever more the liberals can never, ever complain about how a campaign is run. Obama set the standard very, very low with his low information nasty campaign. Hats off the the propaganda ministry of the Obama campaign, the MSM.

Gallup: American Optimism Hits Lowest Point Since Carter Administration « CBS DC

WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – Fewer than four-in-10 Americans (39 percent) rate the US in a positive manner – the most negative feedback the country has produced since 1979.

A new Gallup poll finds that Americans are as negative about the country’s prospects as they have been in more than three decades. Americans are more upbeat in their predictions of where the U.S. will be in five years (48 percent positive), but this is the lowest rating since an August 1979 Gallup poll was conducted.

What do we have to be Optimistic about? We have a President who thinks he is the 2nd coming, a Senate who refuses to do their job, and a house dominated by an Opposition party who would rather stand up for Social Issues, than do anything about the real Financial Issues we face.

This country is fucked, down hill is all we have left, thanks to Both Parties.
In U.S., Fewer Watch Obama's Second Inauguration Than His First

Thirty-seven percent more hopeful about next four years, down from 62% in 2009

by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- Thirty-eight percent of Americans interviewed Monday night said they watched or listened to the inauguration ceremonies as they happened; another 27% saw, read, or heard news coverage of the events. That is down considerably from 2009, when a combined 80% watched the ceremonies live (60%) or saw news coverage of them (20%). Reported viewership of Monday's ceremonies is similar to what Gallup measured for George W. Bush's second inauguration eight years ago.

I seriously think that the number who watched or listened is greatly exaggerated.
and yet he won, no longer and forever more the liberals can never, ever complain about how a campaign is run. Obama set the standard very, very low with his low information nasty campaign. Hats off the the propaganda ministry of the Obama campaign, the MSM.

Gallup: American Optimism Hits Lowest Point Since Carter Administration « CBS DC

WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – Fewer than four-in-10 Americans (39 percent) rate the US in a positive manner – the most negative feedback the country has produced since 1979.

A new Gallup poll finds that Americans are as negative about the country’s prospects as they have been in more than three decades. Americans are more upbeat in their predictions of where the U.S. will be in five years (48 percent positive), but this is the lowest rating since an August 1979 Gallup poll was conducted.

What do we have to be Optimistic about? We have a President who thinks he is the 2nd coming, a Senate who refuses to do their job, and a house dominated by an Opposition party who would rather stand up for Social Issues, than do anything about the real Financial Issues we face.

This country is fucked, down hill is all we have left, thanks to Both Parties.

It has always taken a leader, like Reagan, to bring the two parties together. What we are seeing is the results of a no experienced narcissist.
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Is that the same Gallup that had Romney winning the election?

THAT Gallup?

Do you ever get your facts right dude? Gallup only had Romney up a couple of times, and did not have him up in the week before the election. Their final Poll before the election was almost exactly like the out come of the election.

wait why am I bother to argue with a fucking idiot. NM
Could it be that most Americans know politicians from both sides are dirty, rotten corrupt bastards, and the elite of the private corporate world are no better? And thus, our country is fucked no matter which party is in power?

Yeah, I'd say America's troubles are nowhere near solved also. But who would I trust to fix it? The guys who couldnt even beat OBAMA of all people?
Could it be that most Americans know politicians from both sides are dirty, rotten corrupt bastards, and the elite of the private corporate world are no better? And thus, our country is fucked no matter which party is in power?

Yeah, I'd say America's troubles are nowhere near solved also. But who would I trust to fix it? The guys who couldnt even beat OBAMA of all people?

Obama 2012: Mourning in America
Is that the same Gallup that had Romney winning the election?

THAT Gallup?

Do you ever get your facts right dude? Gallup only had Romney up a couple of times, and did not have him up in the week before the election. Their final Poll before the election was almost exactly like the out come of the election.

wait why am I bother to argue with a fucking idiot. NM

I don't see you arguing, there is no argument.
Could it be that most Americans know politicians from both sides are dirty, rotten corrupt bastards, and the elite of the private corporate world are no better? And thus, our country is fucked no matter which party is in power?

Yeah, I'd say America's troubles are nowhere near solved also. But who would I trust to fix it? The guys who couldnt even beat OBAMA of all people?

Obama and the MSM.
American Optimism Hits Lowest Point Since Carter Administration

Yeah, I saw this earlier today and thought about posting it but then I figured that these ObamaBots would just start claiming that Gallup didn't know or some such. I see that it didn't take long for that to start. Thanks for the post Freewill.
Proof that race played a huge (positive) factor in his election. Why else?
Owebama is pretty much a disgusting excuse for a POTUS, but people wanted in on the free stuff.

Otherwise, he is a shitstain on the fabric of America.
Proof that race played a huge (positive) factor in his election. Why else?

Haaaaaaaa. Why else? The black unemployment rate for one. 6 trillionin debt to buy an 8 percent unemployment rate. Milions and millions added to the welfare rolls. over 3 dollars a gallon for gasoline. There is more but those are just facts.

What is sad is your comment. Nothing in this mentioned Obama, only you playing the race card. I think black men can stand for themselves and fall for themselves. I root for the black quarter back that wins but the ones that stink, well they stink not because they are black they just stink.

You on the other hand wish to play the race card at every level, for every excuse. YOU think you need to protect the black man because they are not smart enough or strong enough to make it without their white masters protecting them. The racism from liberals that make statements such as yours, even in threads where it isn't close to being appropriate, stinks. Of course racism always stunk and was always a trait of the left wing.
Is that the same Gallup that had Romney winning the election?

THAT Gallup?

Do you ever get your facts right dude? Gallup only had Romney up a couple of times, and did not have him up in the week before the election. Their final Poll before the election was almost exactly like the out come of the election.

wait why am I bother to argue with a fucking idiot. NM

I don't see you arguing, there is no argument.

WTF are you talking about. The jack ass claims Gallup had Romney winning the Election, when that simply is not true.

That is an argument.
Owebama is pretty much a disgusting excuse for a POTUS, but people wanted in on the free stuff.

Otherwise, he is a shitstain on the fabric of America.

Sniper, this ain't about Obama, it is about democrats. For 6 years we have been suffering with them in control. Obama is just one man Congress are many. I just don't think America with all the takers is ever going to be what it once was. Too many parasites and too few teats.

Glad you found it so funny, but let's dissect your comments:

1. Blacks voted for him in record numbers DESPITE high black unemployment.

2. How else can a President be reelected when a majority of voters think the country is headed in the wrong direction?

3. The "race card" is played to deflect otherwise legitimate criticism. Do you think I am protecting him?

4. You either misunderstood my post or you are insane.
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