Funny How You Have Certain Individuals Squaking To Wait For All The Facts


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Before any "judgement" or even "opinions" are made, because we don't have all the facts.

These same folks don't have all the facts that say, the President has on any given situation, yet they are quick to form an Iron-Clad opinion and judgement based on whatever information, opinion or facts, real or imagined that they've managed to get their claws on.

Why do you think that is?
Jesus. What a crappy thread.

Theres a whole lot of difference between accusing someone of manslaughter or murder and not agreeing with a crappy POTUS.

Your a joke.
Yeah it's arguing from ignorance. They dont know, so they ask questions until they wear out the other person. Then claim victory.
Jesus. What a crappy thread.

Theres a whole lot of difference between accusing someone of manslaughter or murder and not agreeing with a crappy POTUS.

Your a joke.

Generally speaking, I agree.

However, more than once, we've had one side or the other screaming about the opposite side for opposing a bill. Often we hear the 'the left hates the military because they voted against xxx' or 'the right hate the military because they voted against xxx'... however, when one looks at the detail of said bill, or what bills were piggybacking on the bill itself... there is a logical explanation for the vote.

We get played by our politicians, and our media. And that is why I often caution people not to be too quick to decide.
Jesus. What a crappy thread.

Theres a whole lot of difference between accusing someone of manslaughter or murder and not agreeing with a crappy POTUS.

Your a joke.

Generally speaking, I agree.

However, more than once, we've had one side or the other screaming about the opposite side for opposing a bill. Often we hear the 'the left hates the military because they voted against xxx' or 'the right hate the military because they voted against xxx'... however, when one looks at the detail of said bill, or what bills were piggybacking on the bill itself... there is a logical explanation for the vote.

We get played by our politicians, and our media. And that is why I often caution people not to be too quick to decide.

So what you're saying is that CONZ always have an EXCUSE ?
Before any "judgement" or even "opinions" are made, because we don't have all the facts.

These same folks don't have all the facts that say, the President has on any given situation, yet they are quick to form an Iron-Clad opinion and judgement based on whatever information, opinion or facts, real or imagined that they've managed to get their claws on.

Why do you think that is?


You don't see the night and day difference?
Jesus. What a crappy thread.

Theres a whole lot of difference between accusing someone of manslaughter or murder and not agreeing with a crappy POTUS.

Your a joke.

Generally speaking, I agree.

However, more than once, we've had one side or the other screaming about the opposite side for opposing a bill. Often we hear the 'the left hates the military because they voted against xxx' or 'the right hate the military because they voted against xxx'... however, when one looks at the detail of said bill, or what bills were piggybacking on the bill itself... there is a logical explanation for the vote.

We get played by our politicians, and our media. And that is why I often caution people not to be too quick to decide.

So what you're saying is that CONZ always have an EXCUSE ?
Before any "judgement" or even "opinions" are made, because we don't have all the facts.

These same folks don't have all the facts that say, the President has on any given situation, yet they are quick to form an Iron-Clad opinion and judgement based on whatever information, opinion or facts, real or imagined that they've managed to get their claws on.

Why do you think that is?


You don't see the night and day difference?
Break it down for me if you will.
And please spare me the "if you can't see the difference, then I can't help you" schpiel.
What is this thread about again?

Sorry, such generalities is hard for me to commit on. A little specifics, please.
Before any "judgement" or even "opinions" are made, because we don't have all the facts.

These same folks don't have all the facts that say, the President has on any given situation, yet they are quick to form an Iron-Clad opinion and judgement based on whatever information, opinion or facts, real or imagined that they've managed to get their claws on.

Why do you think that is?

One major contributing factor to a "rush to judgement" by either side of the aisle is a 24/7 media that is desperate to get a screaming inflammatory headline out there first.

This is a bipartisan smack down of the media here. And equally as inappropriate is "speculation" in an article instead of just the facts as they are known at a specific time.

Hell's bells, whatever happened to just good old fashioned news reporting? The facts ma'am, just the facts.

And then to add insult to injury you have a media for example reporting about a story like the Duke rape issue and instead of sticking to the facts and the charges, the media goes about interviewing 10 quizzillion pundits and activists who know NO MORE about the freaking issue than we do.

It's wrong. And it's sickening.

We no longer have any journalistic integrity out there. RIP journalism.

Instead we have 24/7 TMZ on every issue be it political, environmental, criminal <fill in the blank subject>.
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This is something that everyone does. Both sides of the fence.

It's called confirmation bias. People are more likely to immediately believe things that fit there worldview, and question things that don't.

See my sigline.

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