From WaPo: Just Who Does Jon Stewart Think He Is?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Good lord, this is the weirdest midterm elections I've seen:

...Jon Stewart's Saturday afternoon "Rally to Restore Sanity" (merged with partner-in-satire Stephen Colbert's concurrent "March to Keep Fear Alive") may become the largest "nonpartisan" event ed. the Post used the quotation marks, not hit the national Mall since . . . well, since a couple of months ago, when another basic-cable TV star, Glenn Beck, hosted his "Restoring Honor" rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Beck claimed his event was nonpartisan, too.

With less than a week to go, it's still not exactly clear how Stewart will be using this new platform. No guests or musical acts have been announced, Stewart has done only a couple media interviews, and he's offered few details about the rally on his nightly program.

Nevertheless, the similarities to Beck's rally are just the sort of thing Stewart himself would satirize on his show if, of course, it weren't his rally and his TV show in the first place. In his few pre-rally comments, Stewart has reached for some of the broad values and high-minded themes that Beck's did -- civility, decency, making America better -- though admittedly with fewer religious allusions and more comic panache. And whereas Beck undercut his claim of non-political intent by inviting Sarah Palin to be his co-star, Stewart may have undercut his by allying with a couple of noted liberals, Arianna Huffington and Oprah Winfrey. He'll also get a nice plug this week, while here at the Shakespeare Theatre Company's Sidney Harman Hall to tape "The Daily Show," from President Obama, scheduled to appear on the show on Wednesday...
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are both comedians, Annie. As best I can tell, Stewart is supposed to be a liberal and Colbert a conservative....but they both make fun of the absurd. My guess is, the rally will just be a feel-good thingie without a boatload of political content.

But I do agree, this is one weird ass election cycle.
Good lord, this is the weirdest midterm elections I've seen:

...Jon Stewart's Saturday afternoon "Rally to Restore Sanity" (merged with partner-in-satire Stephen Colbert's concurrent "March to Keep Fear Alive") may become the largest "nonpartisan" event ed. the Post used the quotation marks, not hit the national Mall since . . . well, since a couple of months ago, when another basic-cable TV star, Glenn Beck, hosted his "Restoring Honor" rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Beck claimed his event was nonpartisan, too.

With less than a week to go, it's still not exactly clear how Stewart will be using this new platform. No guests or musical acts have been announced, Stewart has done only a couple media interviews, and he's offered few details about the rally on his nightly program.

Nevertheless, the similarities to Beck's rally are just the sort of thing Stewart himself would satirize on his show if, of course, it weren't his rally and his TV show in the first place. In his few pre-rally comments, Stewart has reached for some of the broad values and high-minded themes that Beck's did -- civility, decency, making America better -- though admittedly with fewer religious allusions and more comic panache. And whereas Beck undercut his claim of non-political intent by inviting Sarah Palin to be his co-star, Stewart may have undercut his by allying with a couple of noted liberals, Arianna Huffington and Oprah Winfrey. He'll also get a nice plug this week, while here at the Shakespeare Theatre Company's Sidney Harman Hall to tape "The Daily Show," from President Obama, scheduled to appear on the show on Wednesday...

A washed up Neverwas?
Good lord, this is the weirdest midterm elections I've seen:

...Jon Stewart's Saturday afternoon "Rally to Restore Sanity" (merged with partner-in-satire Stephen Colbert's concurrent "March to Keep Fear Alive") may become the largest "nonpartisan" event ed. the Post used the quotation marks, not hit the national Mall since . . . well, since a couple of months ago, when another basic-cable TV star, Glenn Beck, hosted his "Restoring Honor" rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Beck claimed his event was nonpartisan, too.

With less than a week to go, it's still not exactly clear how Stewart will be using this new platform. No guests or musical acts have been announced, Stewart has done only a couple media interviews, and he's offered few details about the rally on his nightly program.

Nevertheless, the similarities to Beck's rally are just the sort of thing Stewart himself would satirize on his show if, of course, it weren't his rally and his TV show in the first place. In his few pre-rally comments, Stewart has reached for some of the broad values and high-minded themes that Beck's did -- civility, decency, making America better -- though admittedly with fewer religious allusions and more comic panache. And whereas Beck undercut his claim of non-political intent by inviting Sarah Palin to be his co-star, Stewart may have undercut his by allying with a couple of noted liberals, Arianna Huffington and Oprah Winfrey. He'll also get a nice plug this week, while here at the Shakespeare Theatre Company's Sidney Harman Hall to tape "The Daily Show," from President Obama, scheduled to appear on the show on Wednesday...

i think this reporter is on to something. great work.
Nevertheless, the similarities to Beck's rally are just the sort of thing Stewart himself would satirize on his show if, of course, it weren't his rally and his TV show in the first place.

Er, it's a parody of Beck's rally. Does the name not give it away?
Nevertheless, the similarities to Beck's rally are just the sort of thing Stewart himself would satirize on his show if, of course, it weren't his rally and his TV show in the first place.

Er, it's a parody of Beck's rally. Does the name not give it away?

It's a parody coming from a bunch of washed up arrogant comedians that should choose another line of work.
Nevertheless, the similarities to Beck's rally are just the sort of thing Stewart himself would satirize on his show if, of course, it weren't his rally and his TV show in the first place.

Er, it's a parody of Beck's rally. Does the name not give it away?

Sorry Greenbeard, but the right wing has thrown out anyone that disagrees with them on ANYTHING that they have become a party of inbred ideas.

They don't get satire (which is what Jon Stewart does for a living).

Go figure, Greedy Old People (the GOP) don't get humor.
There is nothing satirical about copying an idea. What will be ironic is if after all the paid trips, that's all that shows up. Now that would be amusing.

BTW, if the GOP is somewhat heavy with greedy individuals, then many on the left are trapped in group think.

"Oh! We are so good, kind, generous, it's our duty to give everyone's tax money to the unfortunate, ill-informed, uneducated so that they don't die of neglect. They are just too miserable to make it on their own. We'll take care of them! Yes, we can! We'll give them jobs at the census. We'll tell them what they may buy and what they may eat, what they may feed their children. We'll give them substandard housing and they'll like it, once they know it and live it. All we ask is they remember who fought for them and punish their enemies."

The condescension of so many on the left is really impossible to satirize and is led by the leadership, as so well illuminated this election cycle.
There is nothing satirical about copying an idea. What will be ironic is if after all the paid trips, that's all that shows up. Now that would be amusing.

BTW, if the GOP is somewhat heavy with greedy individuals, then many on the left are trapped in group think.

"Oh! We are so good, kind, generous, it's our duty to give everyone's tax money to the unfortunate, ill-informed, uneducated so that they don't die of neglect. They are just too miserable to make it on their own. We'll take care of them! Yes, we can! We'll give them jobs at the census. We'll tell them what they may buy and what they may eat, what they may feed their children. We'll give them substandard housing and they'll like it, once they know it and live it. All we ask is they remember who fought for them and punish their enemies."

The condescension of so many on the left is really impossible to satirize and is led by the leadership, as so well illuminated this election cycle.

The left is showing their true colours. And the people aren't buying it. The left is being rejected in droves. And the left has nowhere else to go but to Neverland in their rhetoric.

Good place for them.
There is nothing satirical about copying an idea. What will be ironic is if after all the paid trips, that's all that shows up. Now that would be amusing.

BTW, if the GOP is somewhat heavy with greedy individuals, then many on the left are trapped in group think.

"Oh! We are so good, kind, generous, it's our duty to give everyone's tax money to the unfortunate, ill-informed, uneducated so that they don't die of neglect. They are just too miserable to make it on their own. We'll take care of them! Yes, we can! We'll give them jobs at the census. We'll tell them what they may buy and what they may eat, what they may feed their children. We'll give them substandard housing and they'll like it, once they know it and live it. All we ask is they remember who fought for them and punish their enemies."

The condescension of so many on the left is really impossible to satirize and is led by the leadership, as so well illuminated this election cycle.

The left is showing their true colours. And the people aren't buying it. The left is being rejected in droves. And the left has nowhere else to go but to Neverland in their rhetoric.

Good place for them.

Indeed. Just glancing at the 'new posts' and it's full meltdown time. How many on Rand Paul? LOL! O'Donnell has I don't know how many threads, innumerable posts. Why? Dante is in full spam mode on the 'beat down.' I deplore violence, but after seeing the most recent video, seems she assaulted Paul, then was assaulted. She certainly was not in her car, much less pulled from it. Nor just trying to get a photo of him with the sign.

One would think the left had better issues to cope with than 'weird tea party people.' I mean really, how important can they be? They'll be gone in two months, maybe less. :lol:
There is nothing satirical about copying an idea. What will be ironic is if after all the paid trips, that's all that shows up. Now that would be amusing.

BTW, if the GOP is somewhat heavy with greedy individuals, then many on the left are trapped in group think.

"Oh! We are so good, kind, generous, it's our duty to give everyone's tax money to the unfortunate, ill-informed, uneducated so that they don't die of neglect. They are just too miserable to make it on their own. We'll take care of them! Yes, we can! We'll give them jobs at the census. We'll tell them what they may buy and what they may eat, what they may feed their children. We'll give them substandard housing and they'll like it, once they know it and live it. All we ask is they remember who fought for them and punish their enemies."

The condescension of so many on the left is really impossible to satirize and is led by the leadership, as so well illuminated this election cycle.

The left is showing their true colours. And the people aren't buying it. The left is being rejected in droves. And the left has nowhere else to go but to Neverland in their rhetoric.

Good place for them.

Indeed. Just glancing at the 'new posts' and it's full meltdown time. How many on Rand Paul? LOL! O'Donnell has I don't know how many threads, innumerable posts. Why? Dante is in full spam mode on the 'beat down.' I deplore violence, but after seeing the most recent video, seems she assaulted Paul, then was assaulted. She certainly was not in her car, much less pulled from it. Nor just trying to get a photo of him with the sign.

One would think the left had better issues to cope with than 'weird tea party people.' I mean really, how important can they be? They'll be gone in two months, maybe less. :lol:

As I just wrote in another thread?

It is clear to me that she should have known that security would be tight in such an event. Sorry she got hurt on a human level?

But on an intellectual one>? She didn't think which is the hallmark of leftists...Knee-jerk frought with consequences.

No winners here...but a lesson learned

As to my Neverland remark? It speaks for itself as to the left and their reaction to this incident.

I see the same in reaction in the defense of the person. My advice to the left?

*GROW UP* Yeah Peter Pan will hate you for becoming logical and ADULT...But from the reality standpoint? You'll be better off.
Good luck. Can't imagine a best time to get liberals to Washington then the weekend before the election so they can attend a rally rather than campaign for Democrats.

Course, i doubt he will get the numbers.
Annie! Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are both running shows on The COMEDY Channel. They are no different from Bill Maher (who I suppose you hate) and the ranting guy whose name I forget but who is also hilarious.

WTF should comedians avoid talking about politics? Especially NOW?
What's the difference between John Stewart and Glenn Beck?

At least Steward admits he's a comedian.

No, Stewart is a political hack who LIES about being a comedian in order to get his partisan views across without being responsible for proper sourcing, truth or validity.
Annie! Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are both running shows on The COMEDY Channel. They are no different from Bill Maher (who I suppose you hate) and the ranting guy whose name I forget but who is also hilarious.

WTF should comedians avoid talking about politics? Especially NOW?

Because they are siding with those that are dragging this Republic down...and making a mockery of what's going on...they can NEVER be taken seriously...only MOCKED, and shunned for their stupidity.

They are taking a very serious situation...and making it a joke.

*WE* aren't laughing...especially those out of work Maddie.

You need to get a clue.

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