From David's Medienkritik


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Awesome interview with Richard Perle in "Welt":
There's more:

A: We don’t want to emulate the Europeans. The
Europeans employ soft power day and night. They
cannot get enough of it. That isn’t our role. Our
role is not to pretend – as the Europeans pretend –
that soft power can change North Korea’s Kim Jong Il
or the mullahs. ...

Q: A primary European criticism of the America
concerns its behavior with respect to international law.
Europeans regret that the US deliberately undermines
the world order created by Roosevelt and its
institutions, such as the UN.

A: What world order? The UN passed 17 resolutions

against Saddam Hussein and did nothing to enforce
them. It was weak and ineffective.

Q: The Europeans especially deplore the doctrine of
preventive war. Can any country now justify a
war-like attack with the claim that it pre-empted a

A: The Europeans have learned nothing from their own
history. Would a preventive war against Nazi Germany
have been a mistake?

Q: It would not have been a pre-emptive war if
Europeans had attacked after Hitler’s march into the
Rhineland in 1936. They would have been punishing a
violation of the Treaty of Versailles.
The Iraq war is, as Kofi Annan and most Europeans see
it, a violation of international law.

A: Nonsense. Claiming that there was a world order, in
accordance with international law, upon which we could
rely, is nonsense. There was no such order. Who is
Kofi Annan to say what is legal and what is illegal?
Every country has the right to defend itself. This
right is not granted by the UN Charter, but is
mentioned in Article 51. This right existed long
before there was a UN Charter. At the time the
Charter was written, there was no terrorism that could
pose a danger such as that which we now face. The
concern was tank divisions advancing across borders.
Today’s concern is people who conduct terrorist
attacks. Do we have to wait until the attacks have
been carried out before we move against the

Q: In Europe people resent that the US has moved away
from multilateralism.

A: We will not allow our fate to be determined by a
majority vote in the UN when there are dictatorships
casting a vote. The world in which we live is not a
world that we can trust with our fate. We cannot
depend on Zimbabwe’s vote to assure our safety. We
will not subject ourselves to this sort of
The EU had big plans to use the UN and now their world influence is going down the Kofi Annan toilet--no wonder they're depressed.
Great article, Kathianne. Thank you for bringing it to the attention of the board. I tried to give you points for it, but now I'm getting the message that I must spread the rep around before giving it to anyone else. I think there is a computer glitch either on my end or on the board's end. I will have to ask them to check this out. Like I said, I can't give you points or anyone else.
Adam's Apple said:
Great article, Kathianne. Thank you for bringing it to the attention of the board. I tried to give you points for it, but now I'm getting the message that I must spread the rep around before giving it to anyone else. I think there is a computer glitch either on my end or on the board's end. I will have to ask them to check this out. Like I said, I can't give you points or anyone else.

Are you sure about anyone else? I get that message when I try to give rep to the same person too quickly but am usually able to give points to other people....


I repped her for ya Apple. :)
Thanks, I appreciate that. All this week when I have tried to give people rep points, I get that message that I have to spread it around, and I haven't even tried to give these board members any rep points on their particular posts.
Adam's Apple said:
Thanks, I appreciate that. All this week when I have tried to give people rep points, I get that message that I have to spread it around, and I haven't even tried to give these board members any rep points on their particular posts.
LOL it's programed to keep me rep down. Joker must be doing the programing! :dev3:

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