From Anderson Cooper's eye roll to Chuck Todd's 'Wow':


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Progressive libtart moron's, no respect, if fox did that to valerie jarrett the libtart world would stop...

From Anderson Cooper's eye roll to Chuck Todd's 'Wow': The media react to Comey firing


Lorraine Ali Contact ReporterTelevision Critic




The television news media used words normally associated with romance novels or QVC sales pitches in reacting to news that President Trump had abruptly fired FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday.


The generally stoic Anderson Cooper rolled his eyes when Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway skirted a question about the president’s sudden change of opinion on Comey and instead reminded Cooper how she’d predicted in 2016 that Trump would win Michigan. Judging by social media memes, it was the eye roll seen ’round the world.


From Anderson Cooper's eye roll to Chuck Todd's 'Wow': The media react to Comey firing
Though fully appropriate when you're dealing with Kelly Ann Conjob and the way she tortures facts, truth, logic, and common sense; it's unprofessional to express yourself that way.
Though fully appropriate when you're dealing with Kelly Ann Conjob and the way she tortures facts, truth, logic, and common sense; it's unprofessional to express yourself that way.

I doubt they could help it, reflex.
Though fully appropriate when you're dealing with Kelly Ann Conjob and the way she tortures facts, truth, logic, and common sense; it's unprofessional to express yourself that way.

I doubt they could help it, reflex.

I'm surprised someone hasn't asked her if she was dropped on her head at birth.
CandyAss, like you and pene-lope ha ha another 2 4 1...
The media is just out and out lying now. It's at the point that when ever you hear unnamed sources you must just ignore what ever comes after that.

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