Freedom follows Christianity...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Interesting article. In countries where freedom is diminishing, so is Christianity. In countries where freedom and liberty are increasing, Christianity is increasing.

Coincidence? No, since the basic tenet of Christianity is equality.

" The Christian population has shifted dramatically over the last century away from Europe to Africa, Asia and the Americas, yet Christians overall remain the largest religious group in the world, according to a new analysis released Monday."

News from The Associated Press
Interesting article. In countries where freedom is diminishing, so is Christianity. In countries where freedom and liberty are increasing, Christianity is increasing.

Coincidence? No, since the basic tenet of Christianity is equality.

" The Christian population has shifted dramatically over the last century away from Europe to Africa, Asia and the Americas, yet Christians overall remain the largest religious group in the world, according to a new analysis released Monday."

News from The Associated Press

the cited article does not support your wild-ass statements.
Interesting article. In countries where freedom is diminishing, so is Christianity. In countries where freedom and liberty are increasing, Christianity is increasing.

Coincidence? No, since the basic tenet of Christianity is equality.

" The Christian population has shifted dramatically over the last century away from Europe to Africa, Asia and the Americas, yet Christians overall remain the largest religious group in the world, according to a new analysis released Monday."

News from The Associated Press

the cited article does not support your wild-ass statements.

Interesting article. In countries where freedom is diminishing, so is Christianity. In countries where freedom and liberty are increasing, Christianity is increasing.

Coincidence? No, since the basic tenet of Christianity is equality.

" The Christian population has shifted dramatically over the last century away from Europe to Africa, Asia and the Americas, yet Christians overall remain the largest religious group in the world, according to a new analysis released Monday."

News from The Associated Press

the cited article does not support your wild-ass statements.


indeed. there surely is a nutty blog out there somewhere, which could "support" her statements.

maybe it can be found on

or on

or on
Interesting article. In countries where freedom is diminishing, so is Christianity. In countries where freedom and liberty are increasing, Christianity is increasing.

Wow. Epic logic fail. The European countries, particularly the Scandinavian ones, tend to be both less religious and more free than we are.
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You guys really don't care much for people in general, do you? You hate them so much that you will not acknowledge those things that help them.

Freedom and equality are Christian tenets. In countries where Christianity blooms, so do they. In countries where Christianity, specifically, is demonized and oppressed, so is freedom and equality.

England and Europe have gone downhill since their migration away from Christianity. The article does support that, and anyone who denies that is just a lying anti-Christian propagandist.

You guys really don't care much for people in general, do you? You hate them so much that you will not acknowledge those things that help them.

Freedom and equality are Christian tenets. In countries where Christianity blooms, so do they. In countries where Christianity, specifically, is demonized and oppressed, so is freedom and equality.

England and Europe have gone downhill since their migration away from Christianity. The article does support that, and anyone who denies that is just a lying anti-Christian propagandist.


is it the migration away from chirstianity....or the influx of islam that is the problem with freedom?
Though the connection I have made is that where Christianity makes inroads, it appears to me that increased liberty follows.
Though the connection I have made is that where Christianity makes inroads, it appears to me that increased liberty follows.

It depends on what you mean by liberty. I am pretty sure the indigenous peoples of many countries did not think or feel that christianity was liberating.
I mean liberty to vote, to go without a veil, to go to school. Basic liberty. Liberty to live.

I'm not talking about Cortez, Columbus, and the Catholic Church plundering the New World. That's a different class and a different time.
I mean liberty to vote, to go without a veil, to go to school. Basic liberty. Liberty to live.

I'm not talking about Cortez, Columbus, and the Catholic Church plundering the New World. That's a different class and a different time.

Then what you are talking about is islam. It has nothing to do with christianity bring freedom.
There's a correlation between the establishment of Christianity and freedom, though. I'll have to research it some more. I couldn't just put up another thread that says "Islam is oppressive". It's true, but it's not the point I'm making.
Though the connection I have made is that where Christianity makes inroads, it appears to me that increased liberty follows.

This is called confirmation bias. You want a particular outcome, so you've sought out evidence which you can spin to support it. Please stop pretending that you are a critical thinker or some kind of scholar. You're a small-minded petty little woman seeking to reinforce her own prejudices.
Actually no, I made the connection, but I want to conduct further research to back it up.

It's pretty obvious from the article that where Christianity departs, chaos reigns, and where it steps in, freedom gets a foothold.

But one piece of evidence is never enough.

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