Franklin Graham: Trump Cabinet Members Meeting Weekly For Prayer


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Wow! Lefts see the Leftists and Progs go wacko over this!

Members of President Donald Trump's cabinet are gathering for prayer weekly.

Vice President Mike Pence and eight cabinet secretaries sponsor the sessions, which occur weekly in Washington.

It's led by the founder of Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger, who started working on arranging the Bible study during the Trump team's transition to the White House.

I’m personally not one for getting down on my knees to pray but have been known to utter one or two under my breath now and then. If anything, seeking guidance from a Higher Power seems to me to show humility and a lack of egotism – accepting that one is fallible and can use guidance from other sources. It’s good to know our nation’s leaders are like this.

More @ TOP STORY: Trump Cabinet Members Praying, Studying the Bible Together and Franklin Graham Just Noticed 1 Thing About Trump's WH That Christians Will Love...
Well now, given the competence that the orange clown has thus far demonstrated, I suggest that all Americans meet weekly for prayers to what ever deity they prefer for the safety of this nation.
Yes, all 'Conservatives' should play Russian Roulette with a 1911 .45. LOL That is the IQ level demonstrated here by those poor retards.

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