Franklin Graham: Obama is a Muslim!


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Rev. Billy Graham's son, Franklin was on John King last night spewing his bullshit. According to Mr. Graham, Obama is a Muslim because Obama's father was a Muslim.

Interestingly enough...........Obama's father rejected Islam before Obama was born.

Check out the article: Franklin Graham Says President Obama was 'Born a Muslim.' As Pew Poll Shows, More Americans Confused About President's Religion. - ABC News

You know, I used to have a great deal of respect for Mr. Billy Graham. Apparently his son has gone full blown nutbag.
ABS...unfortunately, if Franklin Graham says it, then it is the matter how much you wish it wasn't. Everyone knows this.

BTW, who is Franklin Graham again?
Billy Graham was, in my opinion, a great American and a good man. His son is an idiot.
Rev Wright will swear that Obama is a "genuine Christian Motherfucker"

Rev Wright? Are you talking about that Ex Marine and Valedictorian from the Navy Medical Academy at Great Lakes? The guy who earned THREE White House commendations and served honorably after volunteering for the Military during Vietnam for SIX years? That Rev Wright?
Rev Wright will swear that Obama is a "genuine Christian Motherfucker"

Rev Wright? Are you talking about that Ex Marine and Valedictorian from the Navy Medical Academy at Great Lakes? The guy who earned THREE White House commendations and served honorably after volunteering for the Military during Vietnam for SIX years? That Rev Wright?

Was that before or after he God Damned America?
Rev. Billy Graham's son, Franklin was on John King last night spewing his bullshit. According to Mr. Graham, Obama is a Muslim because Obama's father was a Muslim.

Interestingly enough...........Obama's father rejected Islam before Obama was born.

Check out the article: Franklin Graham Says President Obama was 'Born a Muslim.' As Pew Poll Shows, More Americans Confused About President's Religion. - ABC News

You know, I used to have a great deal of respect for Mr. Billy Graham. Apparently his son has gone full blown nutbag.

I thought being Muslim was a good thing to you all. Now, when someone calls Obama a Muslim you get all cranky.

After all, Obama went to a Muslim only school and even admitted that he was a Muslim. In his own words, "my Muslim faith." ;)
Rev Wright will swear that Obama is a "genuine Christian Motherfucker"

Rev Wright? Are you talking about that Ex Marine and Valedictorian from the Navy Medical Academy at Great Lakes? The guy who earned THREE White House commendations and served honorably after volunteering for the Military during Vietnam for SIX years? That Rev Wright?

Was that before or after he God Damned America?

I hope you have listened to that sermon in context before you condemn him.

I listened to it. The context Fox News put it in, was not the context it was presented in. I can't remember exactly the context that the Rev. Wright had put it in well enough to recite it here without going back and listening to it again, but he was not saying, "God Damn America" as in cursing America, that much I remember.

The Reverend was saying that God should curse America for its racism, etc. I disagree, but he certainly had the right to say it. That is no more ugly than the idiot Graham's Muslim remark. What a goony.
Rev Wright? Are you talking about that Ex Marine and Valedictorian from the Navy Medical Academy at Great Lakes? The guy who earned THREE White House commendations and served honorably after volunteering for the Military during Vietnam for SIX years? That Rev Wright?

Was that before or after he God Damned America?

I hope you have listened to that sermon in context before you condemn him.

I listened to it. The context Fox News put it in, was not the context it was presented in. I can't remember exactly the context that the Rev. Wright had put it in well enough to recite it here without going back and listening to it again, but he was not saying, "God Damn America" as in cursing America, that much I remember.


"Not God Bless America, But God Damn America"
Pretty hard to spin that statement.
Was that before or after he God Damned America?

I hope you have listened to that sermon in context before you condemn him.

I listened to it. The context Fox News put it in, was not the context it was presented in. I can't remember exactly the context that the Rev. Wright had put it in well enough to recite it here without going back and listening to it again, but he was not saying, "God Damn America" as in cursing America, that much I remember.


"Not God Bless America, But God Damn America"
Pretty hard to spin that statement.

No it wasn't, Fox did a damned fine job of it.

It was taken out of context.

It's astounding that so many Americans believe the falsehood that the President is a Muslim. A third of Republicans believe this lie.
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I hope you have listened to that sermon in context before you condemn him.

I listened to it. The context Fox News put it in, was not the context it was presented in. I can't remember exactly the context that the Rev. Wright had put it in well enough to recite it here without going back and listening to it again, but he was not saying, "God Damn America" as in cursing America, that much I remember.


"Not God Bless America, But God Damn America"
Pretty hard to spin that statement.

No it wasn't, Fox did a damned fine job of it.

It was taken out of context.


What was it suppose to mean?
Rev Wright? Are you talking about that Ex Marine and Valedictorian from the Navy Medical Academy at Great Lakes? The guy who earned THREE White House commendations and served honorably after volunteering for the Military during Vietnam for SIX years? That Rev Wright?

Was that before or after he God Damned America?

I hope you have listened to that sermon in context before you condemn him.

I listened to it. The context Fox News put it in, was not the context it was presented in. I can't remember exactly the context that the Rev. Wright had put it in well enough to recite it here without going back and listening to it again, but he was not saying, "God Damn America" as in cursing America, that much I remember.


I see, that makes all the difference...:rolleyes:
Was that before or after he God Damned America?

I hope you have listened to that sermon in context before you condemn him.

I listened to it. The context Fox News put it in, was not the context it was presented in. I can't remember exactly the context that the Rev. Wright had put it in well enough to recite it here without going back and listening to it again, but he was not saying, "God Damn America" as in cursing America, that much I remember.


"Not God Bless America, But God Damn America"
Pretty hard to spin that statement.

Not really. Depends on what was happening when he said it. I remember, in 1972 when the Tuskegee Experiment became public, I had a friend who moved to Canada. He said he couldn't raise his kids in a country that would let that happen to innocent women and children.

I remember the anger and riots after Rodney King.

My parents, who were openly racist were shocked at children and old ladies being fire hosed in the 60s, the same decade Wright joined the Marines. He wasn't even drafted.

In fact, I've only met a handful of soldiers who have done as much for this country as Wright. I suspect you may not be one of them. And yet, you probably feel you are a better person because you never said, "God Damn America".

For me, soldiers can be forgiven "a lot". They served. They put it all out there.

But the ONLY reason the right is stuck on Wright is because he was a pastor at Obama's church. They can't stand a "black" man is in the "WHITE" House.
I hope you have listened to that sermon in context before you condemn him.

I listened to it. The context Fox News put it in, was not the context it was presented in. I can't remember exactly the context that the Rev. Wright had put it in well enough to recite it here without going back and listening to it again, but he was not saying, "God Damn America" as in cursing America, that much I remember.


"Not God Bless America, But God Damn America"
Pretty hard to spin that statement.

Not really. Depends on what was happening when he said it. I remember, in 1972 when the Tuskegee Experiment became public, I had a friend who moved to Canada. He said he couldn't raise his kids in a country that would let that happen to innocent women and children.

I remember the anger and riots after Rodney King.

My parents, who were openly racist were shocked at children and old ladies being fire hosed in the 60s, the same decade Wright joined the Marines. He wasn't even drafted.

In fact, I've only met a handful of soldiers who have done as much for this country as Wright. I suspect you may not be one of them. And yet, you probably feel you are a better person because you never said, "God Damn America".

For me, soldiers can be forgiven "a lot". They served. They put it all out there.

But the ONLY reason the right is stuck on Wright is because he was a pastor at Obama's church. They can't stand a "black" man is in the "WHITE" House.

Once again asswipe, the color of the person fucking things up in the White House is not the issue.
And you have no clue what I accomplished in the service. No idea what I did or did not do for my country, and no idea what I continue to do to serve this country. I am certainly not God Damning it. As far as being better than anyone else....I would never make that claim. There are scumbags out there that are no comparison though, you might even be one of them.
Rev Wright will swear that Obama is a "genuine Christian Motherfucker"

Rev Wright? Are you talking about that Ex Marine and Valedictorian from the Navy Medical Academy at Great Lakes? The guy who earned THREE White House commendations and served honorably after volunteering for the Military during Vietnam for SIX years? That Rev Wright?

Yeah....that racist motherfucker.
I had a great deal of respect for Graham Sr before I heard some of the Nixon tapes. These men seem relics of a past in which color, religion, or ethnicity determined how others viewed you. And comparing Rev. Wright and Rev. Graham is bit hypocritical considering the racism of America's past and even present.

Billy Graham and the Rise of the Republican South | Acton Institute

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